
Uno splendido sbaglio by Jamie McGuire

sarahrusty's review against another edition

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I love love loved Trenton!!!! Dare I say I liked Trentons' story better than Travis's! Trenton is the guy every woman wants the childhood sweetheart that you never knew was in love with you. Beautiful Oblivion kept me guessing on who T.J. was and I was speechless when the book was over. I hope she writes a book about Brazil because after this book I am so interested in his story. I know he isn't a brother but I have a soft spot in my heart for him after reading about him through the series so far. I loved every minute of this book and cannot wait to read the rest of the boys stories. So romantic and moving this is a book for everyone who loves romance!

alexasolis98's review against another edition

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I love Trent and Cami. Honestly I didn't know what the big secret was until I finished the book. I loved the other characters like Jorie, Olive, Hank, Hazel, Kody and Reagan. I wish we had more of Trent and Cami after the accident. But they still can't beat Travis and Abby's story.

hhudgens's review against another edition

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**spoilers**. Great twist at the end! Admittedly, I was a little confused the whole time about TJ's job. I was getting frustrated that it wasn't dropping any hints and at the end I had to google it to figure it out. I haven't read Walking Disaster so that's probably where I messed up (I don't like reading the same story from the other point of view.)Throughout most of this book I was missing Beautiful Disaster. Trenton was a lot more stable than Travis so it threw me off when he spoke rationally and only occasionally hit things. I guess I was expecting a lot of the angst and bat-shit craziness of Beautiful Disaster and didn't get it. I kept wistfully wanting the story to follow Travis and Abby out the door when they were mentioned but of course I was stuck with Cami and Trent. They were fairly G-rated (ok PG-13 at most) and kind of a bore in comparison. If it hadn't been for the twist, this book would have only gotten two stars from me. That was a total face-palm moment for me. I sooo should have caught onto something! Cami was a boring main character. She didn't really do anything but yell, work, smoke, and overreact. I couldn't really picture her. Brown hair, blue eyes, and thin with big boobs. Okay?.... That doesn't exactly tell me why Trenton thinks she's the most gorgeous thing around or why he's suddenly pursuing her after knowing her forever. Her family was all shitty. I was really hoping there would be another scene with all the Maddoxes at their house with Cami to see how she was received compared to Abby. That was one of my favorite parts in the first book, but instead we get the family lunch with all the red headed assholes talking shit to our suddenly meager main character. Reagan was an America recycle. Wash, rinse, repeat. Hi Shep!... I mean Kody. Trenton was the most disappointing for me. I know I made a lot of comparisons (obviously!) to the first book. I can't help it. I wanted Trenton to be Travis 2.0. Just as cool, just as sexy, just as bat-shit crazy! I will say I'm glad he wasn't quite as controlling over Cami and that was nice. Other than that though, I really couldn't get dreamy over Trenton. The author kept describing him as identical to Travis but for whatever reason I just couldn't picture him. When I did, I saw a short white guy with thuggish clothes on and way too many tattoos. I didn't see the sex-dripping, super cool tattoo artist with a complex about killing his girl a few years back (which really wasn't expanded on other than his inability to trust female drivers *eyeroll*). He was way too calm about some things for a Maddox boy. Travis flipped out and tore up his apartment when Abby went across town. Cami goes to another state across the country to be with Trent's competition and all he does is cry, declare his love, and walk away? Oh, yeah and sleep with a bunch of girls when she gets back (there's my Maddox!). Don't get me wrong thinking I want my hero in every book to be a complete sociopath. Travis' behavior was disgusting in BD but that's exactly what I expect from a Maddox! It's kind of their rep. Just sayin. Also, where was the steamy sex scenes? Ok there was that one...that really was kind of eh. I wanted passion and maybe some hate sex (yes, I have problems). There was nothing to get me excited there.
Spoiler I found it hard to believe that all of the supporting characters who saw TJ somehow didn't thinking, "Hey, that's Thomas Maddox." I mean, really? Surely, one of them would have said something to Trent about dating his brother's leftovers.
I could go on about the supporting characters. I didn't really love any of them. I could talk about the barely there plot. Instead I'm going to just say this: read this book with low expectations and don't expect it to be anything like Beautiful Disaster. Maybe read Walking Disaster first. Apparently I missed some stuff that will help make this make more sense.

Side note: I have no idea why in this book McGuire decided to say that the driving reason Travis and Abby decided to get married was to give him an alibi. I have read Walking Disaster now and it didn't mention that either.
Spoiler Also, reading WD really didn't give me any extra insight into BO except maybe I would have caught onto TJ living in California and would have known what his secret job was.

caramels's review against another edition

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What the hell just happened? I mean I loved BD and WD, rated both of them 5 stars and everything. So what went wrong? I’m the same person, it was the same author and it was the same book series, so.. what in the hell just happened? What the eff did I just read? I’m disappointed in so many ways I don’t even know where to start, but I guess it all comes back to the fact that BO just felt like a much staler, boring version of BD. There was practically no plot, the only thing I enjoyed were the sporadic appearances of Travis (the only reason this book is getting one star instead of, well, none). Trenton was like a knock off of Travis and nothing more, the female protagonist was whiny, petty, mean and a total drama queen. Oh, and should we talk about her father? The father that was supposed to be an awful abuser and was instead portrayed like some sort of Disney villain? No, let’s not talk about that. The whole thing was absolutely unbearable. I rolled my eyes so many times while reading at some point I was afraid they’d pop out, that’s how much this book was infuriating and ridiculous. I think this was one of those cases where the thing shouldn’t get published the author should stop mooching off a book just because it was successful and just MOVE THE HELL ON, and after reading some reviews I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who feels completely cheated (and pissed). And that’s not all, there’s more coming! I don’t know what to say. Also, what the HELL was that thing about Abby’s reason for wanting to marry Travis? So now not only are you publishing this awful BS, but you’re also trying to ruin your previous work? SMFH.

polpofemo's review against another edition

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Una porcheria, non ci sono altre parole.
Porcheria a livello di scrittura, di trama, dialoghi, personaggi, concetti, stereotipi e probabilmente anche traduzione.
Faticosissimo da portare a termine per esurimento nervoso, nonostante non sia lungo.
Ma non esistono punteggi negativi su Goodreads?
P.S.: Poi non capisco questa tendenza di scrivere in prima persona elencando ogni minima azione, cosa inutile e molto finta, a mio parere, come se una persona osservasse continuamente se stessa dall'esterno.


diannenah's review against another edition

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Yeah, as you can see..I can’t stop flipping the pages because of Trenton Maddox. I don’t know why there’s quite a lot of people who don’t like this book. I think it was okay. Alright, maybe the it was a bit same as the Beautiful Disaster but cmon, its the Maddox brothers. Dannng, Trenton Maddox is soo frigging sweet especially I swooned over how he never leave Cami’s side when she’s in oblivion. The ending tho, umm.. I don’t know what to comment. I mean, Trenton really don’t mind it was his brother all along? Wow, that is a strong love he had for Cami. *swooning*

sunnydee's review against another edition

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Im Deutschen gehört der Band ja zur Beautiful Reihe, aber man kann ihn sehr gut auch ohne das Vorwissen der anderen Beautiful Bände lesen. Zeitlich beginnt es etwas vor der Handlung von "Beautiful Disaster" und läuft dann parallel dazu.

Ich kann schon jetzt sagen, dass es mich wirklich umgehauen hat. Für mich ist es nicht nur der beste Band der Reihe sondern das beste New Adult Buch, das ich je gelesen habe.

Inhaltlich verfolgt man das Zusammentreffen und Zusammenkommen von Trenton und Cami. Trenton ist ja einer von Travis Brüdern und zwar der, der ihm am nächsten steht. Wer also die anderen "Beautiful" Bücher gelesen hat, kennt ihn bereits gut. Ich mochte ihn schon damals sehr und habe mich daher besonders auf diesen Band gefreut. Cami kam sicher auch schon mal kurz vor, aber nicht so, dass sie mir im Gedächtnis geblieben wäre. Neben der wunderbaren Liebesgeschichte machen vor allem die Arbeitsstellen der beiden Protas das Buch so lesenswert. Zum einen erleben wir viele Szenen in der Bar in der Cami arbeitet. Hier lernt man auch nette Nebencharaktere kennen, die das ganze noch interessanter machen. Zum anderen spielen viele Szenen in einem Tattoostudio. Auch hier trumpft die Autorin mit individuellen, interessanten Nebencharakteren auf. Neben diesen beiden Schauplätzen würzen vor allem die Familiengeschichten und die Freundschaften die Geschichte. Leider spielt Trentons Familie eher eine Nebenrolle. Man erfährt zwar immer mal wieder etwas von Travis, aber leider gibt es kein Familientreffen an sich. Das fand ich schade, da mir Trentons Vater in den Vorgängerbänden so sympathisch war. Da Trenton noch zu Hause wohnt, hätte ich da eigentlich mit gemeinsamen Szenen gerechnet. Camis Familie nimmt einen etwas größeren Stellenwert ein. Natürlich gibt es wieder jede Menge Drama und das gefiel mir richtig gut.

Die Nebencharaktere sind einfach nur klasse. Vor allem Camis Freunde bzw. Arbeitskollegen sind sehr sympathisch und individuell. Lediglich Raegon, Camis beste Freundin und Mitbewohnerin, hat mich wegen einer ihrer Entscheidungen etwas genervt, da ich das gar nicht nachvollziehen konnte. Ansonsten wirkten aber die Emotionen und Reaktionen der Charaktere sehr echt auf mich. Es war mitreißend und emotional.

Der Schreibstil von Jamie McGuire gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut. Er ist locker leicht und vermittelt Emotionen unglaublich authentisch. Alles wird aus der Sicht von Cami geschildert und das passte sehr. Das Buch war ein richtiges Wohlfühlbuch für mich und es hat mich an keiner Stelle gelangweilt. Zum Schluss kam dann noch eine richtige Überraschung. Das war sehr geschickt von der Autorin.

Die Liebesgeschichte war einfach nur Zucker, ohne übertrieben zu sein. Die Charaktere wirkten auf mich erwachsener als noch Travis und Abby aus "Beautiful Disaster", was ich sehr begrüßte. Trenton war zwar jugendlich verschmitzt, aber auch zuverlässig und bodenständig. Ich mochte seine amüsante Art, wie er sich um Cami bemühte und sich um sie kümmerte. Für mich ist Trenton einer der besten männlichen Charaktere über die ich je gelesen haben. Die Beziehung zwischen ihm und Cami entwickelt sich sehr langsam. Cami hat noch eine ganze Weile eine Art Fernbeziehung und daher braucht es etwas bis sie Trenton eine echte Chance gibt. Für mich wirkte es nie als zweigleisig fahren. Trenton und Cami waren einfach sehr süß miteinander. Hier gab es kein aufgebauschtes Teenydrama. Auch erotische Szenen waren hier nicht übertrieben. Die emotionale Ebene stand eindeutig im Vordergrund Für mich passte einfach alles.

Grundidee 4,5/5
Schreibstil 5/5
Spannung 4,5/5
Emotionen 5+/5
Charaktere 5+/5
Liebesgeschichte 5+/5

5 von 5 Sternen
Dieses Buch ist das mit Abstand beste New Adult Buch, das ich je gelesen habe. Es war emotional packend, amüsant und unterhaltsam. Die Liebesgeschichte war unglaublich süß und beide Charaktere passten super zueinander. Ich kann das Buch voll und ganz empfehlen.

Beautiful Disaster
Walking Disaster
Beautiful Wedding
Beautiful Oblivion
Beautiful Redemption (im Deutschen noch nicht erschienen)
Beautiful Sacrifice (erscheint wohl im Sommer 2015 im Original)

amandanemer's review against another edition

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these boys really need to learn to control their anger and jealous huh

hyebitshines's review against another edition

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From burning buildings to abrupt car crashes, this book had some WTF drama propelling it to the end, and I say this after watching the most WTF of k-dramas. Usually I don't mind big, bad accidents and miscommunication hijinks because they make the emotional payoff that much more sweeter at the end. But yeah, not this time. Bonus points for a spin chair kiss?

thebookdance's review against another edition

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I was a bit distracted reading this so I don't know if that's the reason why I didn't enjoy it as much. It was nice stepping into this world again but it wasn't anything that really caught my attention. I think what surprised me the most was the ending probably because I didn't pay attention to some things