
Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing by Miranda Fricker

joeri's review against another edition

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This book effectively shows the relation between epistemology and ethics. As such, it can be regarded as dealing with the issue of epistemic duties. What's original about the book, is that it revolves around the epistemic duties we have not concerning our own believes, or as holders or conveyers of knowledge, but as hearers. Miranda Fricker shows that when we wrongly attribute a low level of credibility to a speaker, due to social stereotypes, or for structural reasons like our social imaginary order, political structure and social, racial and sexist prejudices, we do an injustice to that speaker.

She calls us to behave in an epistemic more just manner, by correcting for these prejudices, but also hermeneutically, by stating that also interpreting justly is an ethical issue. She effectively shows that when we fail to do so, we harm others as possessors of knowledge, and thus dehumanize them, for to be a knower and be seen as such, is an important human value. And not only do we cause social harm then, but also epistemological harm: we might miss out on important knowledge by excluding people from contributing knowledge to our 'information/knowledge pool'.

As long as certain people are still not taken seriously just due to their social background, this book will remain important.

Neill DeGrasse Tyson once said: "To me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surpiresed how far that gets you."

Having read this book, I have come to realize that knowing more about the world helps lessen the suffering of others, and, vice versa, that taking others seriously, might contribute to getting to know more about the world.

elisefur's review against another edition

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Epistemic injustice is a thing.


關於Epistemic objectification





bearjake's review

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An unusually useful and accessible work of philosophy. I'd recommend anyone read at least the first & last chapters, or use a secondary source to learn the basic ideas.