
Paths and Choices by Zoe Adams

kkecreads's review

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Published: December 18, 2020
Kindle Edition
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Zoe Adams writes easy to read, sexy books that deal with the complexities of love. Love isn’t easy, it isn’t neat, and it is always sweet. Zoe takes the layers of love and weaves them to expose what matters underneath.

“You’ve got to go with your heart.”

Tasha is struggling after her miscarriage, and things with Damian are still tense. After he admits he slept with someone else, and she is now pregnant with his child, Tasha isn’t sure how to proceed. Then a blast from her past waltz’s back into her life- Jacob. As Tasha struggles to find her confidence, she also struggles with forgiveness and finding herself once again.

This book is much more plot-driven than previous books. We see a lot of really significant growth with Tasha as she continues her acting career. At the beginning of the book, she is struggling with her confidence and coming fully to terms with her loss.

Jacob Allan makes a comeback in this book, and he is remorseful for his behavior previously. As he comes back into Tasha’s life, she is confused by her reaction to him. She loves Damian, but Jacob awakens her soul in a way she doesn’t understand.

As Jacob helps Tasha find her confidence again, Tasha's career takes off in a big way. She is about to be an international star. The biggest question now is, will Damian realize he should be with Tasha, or will Jacob swoop back in and claim Tasha as his muse?

I appreciated the focus on the context of this book. We are getting to see a much more vulnerable part of Tasha, and we are getting to know her in a new way. This book explores the theme of loss, forgiveness, and love without the complexity of the physical side of a relationship. We see more of WHO Tasha is, and she is figuring out what she wants.

I love how into her own Tasha is becoming. She is finally getting to a place where she can be unapologetically herself. The depth and the growth Tasha shows are lovely. This book shows a whole new side to Zoe Adams's talent, and I am here for it. Ready for the next one!!