
Nine by Jane Blythe

alwaysreadingreview's review

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Another awesome book in this series! I was at 70% and I had to finish it. This book had me on the edge of my seat. So much intrigue, suspense, and murder. Loved the whole meaning behind Nine. I can’t wait to read Ten, but I am sad that there is only one more book in this series.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Recommend this book? Yes! Author? Yes!
Read more from this author? Yes!

Happy Reading!

becsa's review

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This is another great book in the series and I have loved watching all of these characters grow over the series

I liked in this book that there was so much from the younger characters who we had gotten to know in previous books but this centered around the family drama between Ryan, Sofia and Sophie as well as Paige, Elias, and Hayley due to Hayley and Sophie being best friends. I liked that part of it stemmed from Sophie learning about her biological parents and how she reacted to the news.

The killer was definitely a smart one and had everything meticulously planned out and was so smart about every detail. He was cold and calculated and I felt so sorry for the girls as they knew what was coming. The twist surprised me for sure and then it made me wonder and I had a few guesses!

I thought I had some guesses but then an event happened and I changed my mind.

It was interesting seeing Dom’s reaction to Ryan and how he wanted Dom away from Sophie. I understood why he didn’t want her dating him but Dom seemed to truly love her. Although I was very grateful that Hayley was trying to talk some common sense into Sophie!

My heart started breaking part way through the book and the pinkie fingers made me so sad!! I completely understood why Ryan and Paige did what they did and I was so shocked that nobody got hurt in that exchange.

I was somewhat sad at the end when we learn about the killer as I was disappointed for personal reasons but the fish part was terrifying!! I was proud of a certain character though for his actions!

Looking forward to the last book!

jennadb's review

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Holy moly, Nine is the ninth book in the Count to Ten series by Jane Blythe is another fantastic to the story. It is thrilling and suspenseful, haunting and chilling and will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish and your heart will be beating double time. The action and mystery, mayhem and murder is addicting and the storyline and the characters will hold you captive. The twists and turns are plenty and you don’t see them coming. The characters are well developed and I fell in love with each and every one of them who star throughout the other books in the series. Jane is a great author who writes books that have it all danger and drama, murder and mystery, secrets and lies and evil murderers who love the thrill of those they hold captive and their pain. Jane Blythe is a master at weaving her stories and is not afraid to show the pain and horror, suffering and mayhem that invoke so may feelings and intense emotions.

If you love a good murder thriller, then Jane is your girl and this book is one you will not want to walk away from. I can't wait for the next book. This page turner will keep you rooted to your seat and I found myself finishing it in one sitting. This is one series and one author to keep on speed dial.