
Play by Kylie Scott

jennifermilanovic's review against another edition

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emotional lighthearted fast-paced


laurenjodi's review against another edition

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2 Stars

Unfortunately, this follow-up to Lick is very disappointing. Mal's character in book #1 was particularly appealing, and yet his own story is actually disastrous mainly due to his overblown manic personality as well as the heroine's doormat tendencies.

While the basic premise involving an arranged relationship between Stage Dive drummer, Mal Ericson, and Ev's former neighbor, Anne Rollins, has potential, Mal's obnoxious and stalkerish behavior is unacceptable. Anne is not much better. She allows every person in her life from her roommate, to her boss, to her younger sister, to Mal walk all over her. She has zero backbone and this does not improve as the story progresses.

Mal and Anne's romance is also lackluster. To begin with, Anne has a crush on her manwhore boss, who views her as nothing more than a back-up plan when his latest flame is unavailable. The fact that she envisions them marrying one day does not contribute to her relationship with Mal, and his jealousy is childish and irritating.

The real highlight of the book are Mal's parents and the intriguing hints at a love-hate romance between Jimmy and his babysitter, Lena.

Overall, not a good sequel, but Jimmy's book is next so I'm willing to give it a go.

anotherhel's review against another edition

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I wish we could have seen more about Reece, her best friend? His sudden interest came out of nowhere and that was a waste of a storyline/drama even though Anne never was serious about him. At least it didn't look serious.

What I like in this series is that it's so down to earth and real.

The beginning this time was a lot better, the ending was a bit rushed i think... But so was their relationship i guess.

At times it reminded me too much of the first book.

But I'm still not impressed? It's okay in general and I did read it all in one sitting. Awesome oral sex though. The sex in general is better than the first one.

geo_ix's review against another edition

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I liked the first book, but it didn't really excite me quite like this one did. In book one, I didn't like the female protagonist at all. And while Mal was a bit loopy and I struggled to figure out the way he spoke sometimes (was he angry, frantic, excited etc) I still really loved these two.

Plot wise, it's really just about their romance, quite like book one was. Theres family issues on both sides here and Mal hasn't had a girlfriend so he's a bit oblivious at times, but I never felt too many lines were crossed that sometimes is in romance books. I'm glad I kept reading these books, and thanking the stars I bought this book before I bought book one because I wouldn't have read it if I had only picked up the first book. In fact it took me forever to get the nerve to pick this up and I only did for a challenge and I'm super happy I did!

In the end, it's a super enjoyable book. It's an easy read, it's entertaining and full of emotion. All the things I look for in a 5 star read.

kittypow's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted fast-paced


marymisk's review

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Really like this series. This is my favorite book of the series. Mal is great. I laughed out loud quite a few times reading this and I love a good romance with humor.

planningwithgrammy's review

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Fun fun fun. Mel is so playful. great read.

leigh_g's review against another edition

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emotional funny medium-paced


rutatheythem's review against another edition

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Aşkın Ritmi Stage Dive serisinin ikinci kitabı. Stage Dive grubunun bateristi Malcolm "Mal" Erickson'ın hikayesini anlatıyor.

İlk kitapta olduğu gibi ikinci kitapta da en sevdiğim karakter Mal oldu. Malcolm sürekli manik durumda gezen, her şeyi umursadığını umursamazlık maskesinin altına gizleyen bir karakter.

Mal gibi bir karakteri barındırmasından beklenecek şekilde hikayenin büyük bir kısmı eğlenceli idi, ancak benim kitabın sonuna kadar ne olduğunu anlayamadığım olay nedeni ile dram da vardı kitapta.

Ben olan olayı hep bir kalp kırıklığı olarak beklemiştim ama yanıldım. İyi ki de yanılmışım. Bu, Mal'in düşündüğümden daha derin bir karakter olduğunu gösterdi ve bu durumdan memnunum.

Anne karakteri ile kitap boyunca bir bağlantı kuramadım, hikaye onun ağzından anlatılmasına rağmen. Anne tavuk olma içgüdüsünden sürekli bahsedilmişti ama bir türlü durumun tamamına inilemedi ve bu karakterin derinliğini oldukça etkilemişti. Belki de ben anlayamadım. Bunu hiçbir zaman bilemeyeceğim.

Hikaye kurgusu gerçekten iyiydi, ilk kitapta olduğu gibi pek çok şey aceleye getirilmemişti karakterler arasında. Ancak son bölümlerde Anne ve Mal arasında yaşanan yakınlaşma çok sahte ve gereksizdi. Özellikle de ilerleyen zamanda gerçekleşen olay göz önüne alındığında. Kimse öyle bir durumda, özellikle de Mal gibi bir karakter uçkurunun peşine düşmezdi.

Anne ve annesi arasında geçenler hiç detaylandırılmamıştı. Kitabın bir standalone olduğu göz önüne alındığında Anne'i bu derece etkileyen bir durumun bu kadar üstünkörü verilmesinin çok yetersiz olduğunu söyleyebilirim.

Son olarak bu kitap ve genel olarak seri ile ilgili en büyük sorunum müzik temasına hiç yer vermemesi yazarın. Özellikle de kitap tanıtımında Rock N Roll gibi şeyler yazmışken. Kitaptaki bazı karakterler fangirl/fanboy moduna girmese ve karakterler birkaç defa prova yapmasa rock yıldızı oldukları hiç belli olmayacak. Kitabı okumamın tek nedeninin rock yıldızlarını anlatması olduğunu göz önünde bulundurduğumda bu benim için büyük bir eksi. Yine de Mal gibi bir karakteri okuyabilme şansına eriştiğim için mutluyum.

hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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Damn this book was playful. Mal makes a seriously hot book boyfriend. I loved his playful side. At first I thought maybe he was on drugs but then realized that he was actually being serious. Anne was so brave even with her crazy eyes. So many parts of this book were amazing that I think I got highlight happy. Mals crazy conversation with Anne's vagina was EPIC! Five stars! Great book!