
What's Not True by Valerie Taylor

cassies_books_reviews's review

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This book is a sequel the first book is What’s Not Said but this book I highly recommend reading the first book so you can know the characters .
Kassie’s court date is set so she can divorce her husband, during this time she’s considering restarting her career. Trying to forget her former lover Chris, she decides to meet up with her old friend Annie , so she flies to Paris. Fate has other plans and Chris and Kassie find each other during her trip to Paris . A meet up with a former colleague she finds herself In a dilemma. When she gets a phone call that informs her that her ex husband has had a heart attack she rushes back to Boston . There she meets her husbands fiancée who just wants the marriage and everything that once was Kassies. Kassie soon finds herself in a legal battle and herself questioning herself and everyone around her can she have it all? Four stars!

crolovr's review

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WHAT'S NOT TRUE is the sequel to WHAT'S NOT SAID and can be read as a stand alone. I highly recommend reading the first book because it is fabulous and you get the background on the characters.

Kassie decides she needs to get away from her divorce proceedings, her marketing career and failed relationship with the 10 years younger Chris. Kassie thinks she is meeting her best friend Annie in Venice. She realizes she was setup when Chris arrives in Venice for a second chance. They decide to fly to Paris to give their relationship another go. While in Paris her boss asks her to meet up with a colleague. Kassie receives two exciting proposals in the same day! But can she accept them?

When Chris gets a call that his father and Kassie's soon to be exhusband Mike (yes you read that right) had a heart attack, they fly back to Boston. Kassie meets Mike's fiancé Karen who is lying, conniving, and deceitful.
Karen wants everything that is Kassies and more. But will get what she wants?

I cheerrd for Kassie and Chris's relationship. Karen's character you will love to hate The descriptions of Paris, the restaurants and the Eiffel Tower had me wishing I was in Paris. Valerie please tell me there is a third book!

jessicareadsit's review

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"I’m having an affair with my husband's son"- Kassie O'Callaghan

What's Not True follows up immediately after its predecessor What's Not Said as its female protagonist Kassie O' Callaghan tries to answer the question, "Can I have love and a career?"

Valerie has done an amazing job of spinning an interwoven tale of forbidden love, marriage, infidelity, pregnancy, and family. I appreciated the many iterations of relationships from that of adoptive parents vs. biological parents, marriage vs. divorced, faithful vs. unfaithful.

Kassie is stereotypical- "I will put your needs above my own" type woman who has realized that at the age of fifty, maybe she should start living for herself? While her divorce from Mike, her husband of thirty years means signals the end of one chapter, two new opportunities on the horizon can seriously alter Kassie's future.

One of the things I enjoyed the most is that Kassie's love life is no fairy tale but rather a realistic and honest view of the insecurities that come from loving a younger man and the silent but constant pain of her impending divorce.

As if the soap opera of a love triangle between Kassie, Mike, and Chris(son of Mike) isn't enough, the story also follows the growing relationship between Mike and Karen (who happens to be Chris's biological mother) and Charlie and Sarah Gaines (Chris's adoptive parents) who just happen to be college friends of Mike and Karen.

I felt a sense of poetic justice within this book, if only because I felt like Mike got what he deserved. He enjoyed a loving faithful marriage to Kassie, a caring woman whom he cheated on, so it seems only right that he gets a Karen (haha) to use him for everything besides love.

All the relationships within this book are far from perfect, which adds to the realism that life isn't always black and white, but a nice grey in between.

What's Not True by Valerie Taylor was honest, raw, and powerful. I truly believe Valerie did an amazing job in portraying the hardships of marriage, infidelity, pregnancy, and family.

Thank you to the author Valerie Taylor and NetGalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for my review.

coffeedogsbooks's review

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What’s Not True (What’s Not #2)
Valerie Taylor

Happy Release Day!

[b:What's Not True|57172315|What's Not True (What's Not, #2)|Valerie Taylor||89475689] is book 2 following [b:What's Not Said|53240483|What's Not Said|Valerie Taylor||80642152]. While there is a great deal of recap throughout the book, I really would not consider this a stand along and recommend reading book 1 first (its a good book, go ahead read it).

In What’s Not True, we pick up where things left off with Kassie, Mike, Chris and Karen. Taking place in both Paris and Boston, we see the continuing story of these very interconnected characters (holy family tree!). There’s drama to be had and decisions to be made, just as in book one, and while sometimes the characters and their actions get frustrating, its still a good read. I enjoyed What’s Not Said and jumped at the change to review What’s Not True, and I am glad I did.

I give this one a solid 3.75 of 5 stars and recommend both in theseries. Thank you to Suzy’s Approved Book Tours and [a:Valerie Taylor|20248997|Valerie Taylor|] for the review copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

bookish_heidi's review

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In this awesome continuation of the What's Not series, this book is all about Kassie's quest for happiness and the complications that come along with that. Just like the first book, What's Not Said, this book reads like it's own little soap opera. It's wildly entertaining! 

Kassie is still going through with the divorce and takes a trip to Paris to reconnect with an old flame. Reading through this made me feel like I was on the trip right along with them. Such a great sequel! I may have enjoyed this one even more than the first

chelz286's review

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I don’t think this novel could have been more aptly named. Although this novel is part of a series, it held its own as a standalone and I thoroughly enjoyed the novel without feeling I was missing background, or important information. Although this is a hot mess of what usually goes on with high school dating except these are grown adults with rings on their fingers.

Kassie’s impending divorce is soon approaching and she is already getting herself all tied up in another knot. But things are different this time and Chris seems changed. Maybe things will work out for the better and this time there does not have to be secrets kept from anyone- the truth can be shown and no one can say anything. They’re little stowaway vacation gets cut short when Kassie and Chris both gets calls- Mike is the in hospital.

Karen has finally gotten Mike to propose, not what she would have pictured but it has been done and once his and Kassie’s divorce is finalized they can be officially married. This is what she has been working at, getting Mike to commit- she did save his life after all and risked hers – what more could be expected.

Mike things maybe he’s made the wrong choice. He thought he was happy and doing what was right until he saw Karen suspicions were confirmed. Now what is he supposed to do? He isn’t so sure divorcing Kassie is the right thing anymore, although he did sink that boat but he knows that Karen is not wanting marriage for love- so what is the driving force of everything, greed.

With Mike having a heart attack and ending up the in the hospital it gave a scare for all. Karen needs to do all she can to help Mike recuperate and marry her, Kassie is really thinking through things- life with Chris, the impending divorce and now a DNA test has drawn out even more of a tangled mess and those who should have been surprised are seeming to have known along.

If you are looking for a fun, laid back, soap opera of a read novel- these are your books. They made me laugh, forget about life a little and made me realize how complicated adults can really make things- if we all just took the advise we teach our kids- and tell the truth- things wouldn’t get so tangled up! Thank you to the author for the free novel, and to Suzy Approved Book Tours for the invite.

pageturnersandsweettea's review

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Taylor is back and better than the first with this sequel to What's Not Said. I absolutely loved WNS and knew I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one. And, let me tell you, I flew through this one and loved every second of this page turner! 

Taylor brings Mike and Kassie back as they near the finalization of their divorce. I felt myself once again being drawn to the drama that is their life. There were ups, there were downs, there were new revelations, and secrets, revealed. Things just might not be what they thought. 

Following their story once again has me falling in love with these characters all over again. I felt every confused emotion, every loving emotion, every unsure moment that Kassie and Mike both felt. Taylor completely made me feel as if I was right there in the center, once again. 

This is most definitely a 5 star worthy novel. It's page turning, heart capturing, breath taking. While this could be considered a stand alone, I do not recommend reading it as such. I highly recommend reading this behind What's Not Said, to fully experience the beautiful, captivating writing style of Valerie Taylor, and these beautiful characters. 

* I received a complimentary copy of this book from Author/Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

danireads1225's review

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This is the second in the series and once again it was amazing!! I absolutely love the authors writing and how the story is so relatable. I felt as if I were saying hello to old friends, and loved seeing everything come together. This is one of my favorite series and I’d love to see it continued.