
Caged Sanctuary by Tempeste O'Riley

jamietherebelliousreader's review against another edition

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3 stars. I wanted to love this book. I really, really did but it just fell so completely flat for me unfortunately. The story line was lackluster and didn't live up to its expectation at all. All the elements were there for me to really enjoy this but I'm just 'blah' about it.

Besides this being M/M BDSM which, um hell yes! give me all of that fam! the main character is in a wheelchair. Hurray for disability rep!! Love it! That was what really pushed me into picking this up because from what I've seen from the M/M that I've read (which is a lot more than I have actually documented here on a lot more. A ridiculous amount really, but I digress) that's never the case. The characters will have issues but they are able so this was such a breath of fresh air.

I'm not in a wheelchair, I walk with the assistance of a cane but I still cannot speak for how well done the rep for people in wheelchairs was here but I thought it was tastefully done. For the most part anyways.

Bear with me I have a lot of feelings about this book.

The characters I liked. I enjoyed Kade and Deacon but their relationship was just kinda 'meh' to me. It was repetitive and boring. It went like this for the entire book:

Kade doesn't think he's good enough for Deacon because he's in a wheelchair. Deacon shows and tells him otherwise.

Kade thinks Deacon will get tired of him because he's in a wheelchair. Deacon shows and tells him otherwise.

Rinse and repeat 100000x until the end of the book. It got old really fast. I get it, I do, because those are honest concerns but Deacon never treated Kade as a burden. He never said or did anything harmful to Kade to make him think that way. It made me lose interest in the story. I did like them as characters though and I really liked their friends Jake and Sam. I wouldn't mind reading a story about those two.

Also, this skips out on the smut. Ummmm......excuse me? I came for the smut and I get maybe three freaking scenes?? What a rip off! It would set up for smut and then fade to black. I was not pleased nor amused. Plus, the writing isn't that good either. It's really basic and this needed to be edited.

Overall, I'd say skip this one. Three stars for the disability rep and bringing that to the forefront but other than that this was nothing special.

wickedwitchofthewords's review against another edition

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It was meh.
Not good, not really. Nope!

jennyreadsromance's review against another edition

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Great story. Loved the dynamic between the characters

scarlett_r_90's review against another edition

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Loved this! I've read some of Tempeste's books before and really enjoyed them, so when I saw this book and read the blurb, I immediately bought it! It is a bundle of tropes I enjoy, so getting it was a no-brainer and I was not disappointed! The relationship between the two men is very sweet and yet really hot, even though, at times, Kade's issues went on for a bit too long. I definitely recommend this!

bfdbookblog's review against another edition

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let me preface my review by saying that i really don't care for bdsm books. primarily because i don't understand the appeal of physical pain for pleasure. i don't like reading about the physical effects of what is essentially beating (IMO). there are other facets of the practice that i don't care for but i won't list them all. some of it doesn't bother me at i will typically read a bdsm book if the story is really good or it is recommended by a friend.

all that being said, i like this story...a lot. i have not read a ton of bdsm books but this one seemed to be on the heavy side of the lifestyle. again, some of it didn't bother me but i definitely did not like all of it. i know i am going to sound like i have a split personality here but i will say that during the bdsm scenes in the book that i didn't care for, there was an absolute beauty to these 2 men together. i normally would skim through the physical pieces of a bdsm book but i read every word of this one. the love story between these 2 was just that good.

kade is a truly impressive man. he has modified his dental practice to be able to perform surgery and other specialized dental procedures. he attempted to bounce back on the bdsm scene after his attack and it didn't go well. his 'vanilla' boyfriend was miserable to him. because of all that, his self esteem is extremely low. he feels broken, an incomplete man - especially for a sub. what he went through is extremely heartbreaking.

deacon is an unbelievably wonderful man. he is looking for a permanent relationship and doesn't do the club scene any more. he is smitten with kade immediately when they meet through mutual friends. he is absolutely perfect for kade and really helps bring him completely back to life. his love for kade is heartwarming.

the supporting cast was really great too (except the sh!theads) - sam, jake, katie and dane rounded out the cast of characters nicely.

i would definitely recommend this book to a friend - even one that doesn't care for bdsm books.

scarlett__r90's review against another edition

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Loved this! I've read some of Tempeste's books before and really enjoyed them, so when I saw this book and read the blurb, I immediately bought it! It is a bundle of tropes I enjoy, so getting it was a no-brainer and I was not disappointed! The relationship between the two men is very sweet and yet really hot, even though, at times, Kade's issues went on for a bit too long. I definitely recommend this!

anitalouise's review

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I struggled with this. Kade was whiny. I completely understood his issues given his disability but good gosh, I rolled my eyes constantly with his hesitance. Just because he's a sub doesn't mean he has to be a milquetoast. And Deacon - ugh - Mr Perfect Dom! But the thing that really bugged me was the speed with which these two are calling each other Sir and boy. They meet at Kade's friend's home and bingo, insta-trust. Now some books do that insta-love/insta-trust things well but I wasn't buying it in this book. And the sort of textbook approach to BDSM didn't work for me either. Might be okay for those new to this type of read but way too basic. Sadly, this was didn't work for me. Terribly upsetting as I had high hopes when I read the description and loved the cover.

jamietherebelliousreader's review

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3 stars. I wanted to love this book. I really, really did but it just fell so completely flat for me unfortunately. The story line was lackluster and didn't live up to its expectation at all. All the elements were there for me to really enjoy this but I'm just 'blah' about it.

Besides this being M/M BDSM which, um hell yes! give me all of that fam! the main character is in a wheelchair. Hurray for disability rep!! Love it! That was what really pushed me into picking this up because from what I've seen from the M/M that I've read (which is a lot more than I have actually documented here on a lot more. A ridiculous amount really, but I digress) that's never the case. The characters will have issues but they are able so this was such a breath of fresh air.

I'm not in a wheelchair, I walk with the assistance of a cane but I still cannot speak for how well done the rep for people in wheelchairs was here but I thought it was tastefully done. For the most part anyways.

Bear with me I have a lot of feelings about this book.

The characters I liked. I enjoyed Kade and Deacon but their relationship was just kinda 'meh' to me. It was repetitive and boring. It went like this for the entire book:

Kade doesn't think he's good enough for Deacon because he's in a wheelchair. Deacon shows and tells him otherwise.

Kade thinks Deacon will get tired of him because he's in a wheelchair. Deacon shows and tells him otherwise.

Rinse and repeat 100000x until the end of the book. It got old really fast. I get it, I do, because those are honest concerns but Deacon never treated Kade as a burden. He never said or did anything harmful to Kade to make him think that way. It made me lose interest in the story. I did like them as characters though and I really liked their friends Jake and Sam. I wouldn't mind reading a story about those two.

Also, this skips out on the smut. Ummmm......excuse me? I came for the smut and I get maybe three freaking scenes?? What a rip off! It would set up for smut and then fade to black. I was not pleased nor amused. Plus, the writing isn't that good either. It's really basic and this needed to be edited.

Overall, I'd say skip this one. Three stars for the disability rep and bringing that to the forefront but other than that this was nothing special.