
The White Aura by Felicia Tatum

nvmsmd's review

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This is a really under rate(ed) book. I loved it. It had a great plot, awesome story, good characters, and so much more. I won't say this was original. Like seriously guys?! Original is damn rare these days. Stay happy with a nice book of you find one.
And can we just take a minute to appericiate the gorgeous cover.

sharonsm_28's review against another edition

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This was an enjoyable read. The story was great and the last few chapters had me on the edge of my seat. Also, the characters were awesome. I really liked Scott and Olivia. The romance aspect was also very sweet, and I loved it more because it was paranormal, fantasy romance. I thought the end was great and made me want to read the sequel. I can’t wait to read it. Overall, a great read.

mlcreads's review against another edition

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The story of Scott and Olivia. Scott is a sorcerer who is cursed so that if he meets his true love before she is 17 and 6months old she will die on her eighteen birthday. Unfortunately, Olivia is only 16 when Scott sees her and knows she is his heart mate. So he stays away and visits her in her dreams. She is in danger and he has to step in to save her so what does he do now? Looking forward to the second book to see how their story progresses.

lyndajdickson's review against another edition

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Olivia Whitehead is a 17-year-old high school student who has dreamed about the same guy (Mr Sexy) for the last year and one month, since her sixteenth birthday.

Scott Tabor is a fifth-generation sorcerer with many powers, including the powers to heal, to dream walk, and to eavesdrop from a great distance. Olivia is his heart mate, the person he's supposed to spend the rest of his life with. Once he meets his heart mate, it becomes physically painful for him to be apart from her. However, because of an ancient curse, he can't meet Olivia until six months after her seventeenth birthday, otherwise she will die on her eighteenth birthday.

When Aiden Cavalier, the school jock, shows a sudden interest in Olivia, Scott realizes he now has some competition. And he doesn't like it. He needs to find a way to break the family curse, but the only way he can do so is by killing Devlin Hart, the descendant of the sorcerer who cast the curse.

Enter the mysterious Red Calamitous. What does this evil sorcerer have planned for Olivia? Events escalate, culminating in a fight between the forces of good and evil. Who will be left standing?

"The White Aura" is told in alternating chapters from Olivia's and Scott's points-of-view, a technique which is used very effectively. The story itself has an interesting premise, and Scott's powers come in very handy throughout the book. There were a number of editing errors and too much description for my liking, especially of the characters' appearance and clothing.

Be warned, the book ends on a cliffhanger in anticipation of the "The Vessel", the second book in this series.

I received this book for the purposes of providing an honest review.

fmmiller88's review against another edition

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I received this book in return for an honest review (Lovers of Paranormal)

The book overall was good. I enjoyed the ideas presented in the book although I think that they could be developed a little clearer. I think it would have been better if there was more detail. The dance scene seemed really suspicious so I'm not sure if it had good flow in that circumstance. If Aiden was this powerful sorcerer, I feel like it would have been more believable if he cast like an illusion spell or something to make the characters walk into the dance but instead they just walked into a sketchy situation. There were also parts that seemed to bounce around, one minute Liv and Juniper were in Junipers room and the next, Scott is espying on Livvie in Livvie's room but the next day Livvie wakes up back in Juniper's room. The curse was not even mentioned again until the very end. I thought that upon her revealing that she was in love with him she would instantly die and then when that did not happen I felt like her being supernatural exempted her from the curse. However the last page reveals that they just forgot about it which I also struggled with because something that serious shouldn't slip your mind even to make way for love. I really enjoyed the book otherwise. It was such an intriguing story that for the most part I was able to overlook the structural missteps. I am excited to read the second book considering I was upset that the book ended so abruptly. I did feel like the end was rushed but now it makes sense since there is another book.

loribelle3's review

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So this book just didn't do it for me. Nope.

beasleymomtwo's review against another edition

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I loved loved the character, the story and even though it was a short story (109 pages) I didn't feel short or like anything was left out. There was only one thing that I didn't like and that was her calling her love Mr. Sexy before she knew his name, it was weird.

gettinglostinagoodbook's review against another edition

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I really liked the idea of this book. Some parts were executed really well. I enjoyed the characters, and likes their connections for the most part. I feel like a lot was left out - even for book one in a series. Some background was missing which had me stopping every once in a while to ask "what's going on here?"
There were a few spots in which there was so much more potential. The build up to the dance for instance could have been so much more gripping. And the dance, really? Even knowing everything that was going on they still walked into an empty barn. Why? They knew they were being set up, but...
The fight at the dance. I was looking forward to discovering so much more about the powers each character possessed. Instead it was quick, dull and lacking intrigue. What a lost opportunity.
How, how, how could everyone forget about the curse? That was extremely unrealistic to me!

angelastl's review against another edition

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This was a quick read. It wasn't bad. Just all so matter of fact. I was just left wanting more. More angst, more drama, more chemistry. I like the idea behind the story, I just want more.

readertasha's review against another edition

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it was a cute romance book but I could have done it without annoying name calling they have for each other. "Mr. Sexy" , "My Dream Guy" or "My Livvie". I got annoying after a while but the story behind it was good. I found the curse very interesting & some of the characters. Her parents were basically useless, who does that? Honestly don't know what their issue was. whats so hard about telling your daughter whats happening to her? but I know that there are 4 more books to this story so yea. I might read them just to see how everything ends. Ohkay Book. 2.5 Stars