
A Sky Unbroken by Megan Crewe

raven168's review against another edition

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2.5 stars
Going into this, I was wondering if I must be some sort of book masochist because I didn't particularly care for the first two. But I guess I just couldn't help but request this last book to see how it all would end. And I was pleasantly surprised by it. For the most part at least.

Being the duel POV between Skylar and Win is probably what saved this book for me. Win's chapters were by far so much more entertaining to read than anything from Skylar.

There were some really engaging parts but also others that were kind of boring. We do get some people dieing and some hurt. We also find out a secret that has wide spread repercussions. Jule is back as well, and while he tries to make up for what he did it just never seems enough. I actually felt bad for him a few times with the way he was treated. And I was definitely liking how Win started to take charge and be more sure of himself.

After the destruction of Earth, things are not looking good for the Earthlings. Jule managed to save as many people as he could that he thought were important to Skylar, but they have all been placed into an unfinished exhibit. Skylar has also been medicated like the pets, but luckily she manages to figure that out and remove the implant. She has to maintain her facade but she also tries to make sure things go well with the people there to ensure their safety. It's hard for her to get the others to believe what she eventually tells them, but given little other choice and what they've seen, they believe enough to follow her.

Meanwhile, Win and the rest of the rebels have been released under the cover story of some quarantine and placed under strict surveillance. For a while Win goes along with it, hiding his true feelings about Earth and what happened. Then he realizes that he needs to be the one to reach out and do something about it.

So a few from the group get together and managed to do a lot in secret. But the council has their own tricks and it's not long until Skylar has her group threatened by them. Because of some of the information Win and the others released, the ship is in discord and that helps our rebels enact a crazy plan that actually works. Freeing most of the humans and saving as many pets as they can, along with taking over a few levels of the ship? Not bad at all. While trying to sway public opinion about the Earthlings a discovery is made about the Kemyates. And it's not a good one. But it does allow them to use that as a way to bridge the gap between the two groups. With time running out for the rebels, another crazy plan must be enacted as one last ditch effort to get the truth out to the entire Kemyate population and also get them to accept the Earthlings as equals. Surprisingly, it works out rather well.

Though not all Kemyates accept the Earthlings are not lesser, they do end up working together enough in the end toward the new planet that will be home for both groups.

I would have loved an epilogue to this story. To find out what it was like there some years in the future and to see how Win and Skylar are doing together would have been great.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Wow, this was a great end to the series, and I loved how it wrapped up!

marinazala's review

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** Books 14 - 2016 **

2,8 of 5 stars!

Endingnya udah begitu aja. Gak ada bikin greget2nya sama sekali

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

A Sky Unbroken
by Megan Crewe is the conclusion to the Earth & Sky Trilogy. I can honestly say I was quite pleased! **Please Note that if you haven’t read the previous series there are minor unavoidable spoilers ahead** I placed the recap of book two in spoiler tags for you, read at your own risk!
SpoilerAfter Earth was destroyed, Sky and the rebels are taken into custody. The rebels are interrogated and released on good faith while Sky receives an implant and is placed in a new Earth Studies exhibit.

Sky is one of those characters that I don’t really know how I feel about. Her transformation from the first book to the last is almost a complete 180. She started the series broken and she ends the series a strong, brave young woman. She fights for her friends and her family. She will not be something to throw away by the Kemyates but a force to be reckoned with.

And Win...I love that the author decided to write in his POV too. We didn’t get much of Win in The Clouded Sky but he is a central character during the last book. The chapters alternate POV between him and Sky. I liked Win from the first book and I still do. He’s kind, passionate, and quirky. These quirks of his are endearing and humanize him. Like Sky, his character has also gone through a major shift. He started the series as an explorer, trying to prove himself to the rebels. Now he takes a leader role, holds fast to his beliefs, and the passion he had he channels into action. I could just kiss him!

During the last book, the author set Sky up in a bit of a love triangle. Thankfully that is resolved during this book fairly early and I think you’ll be happy with the results. I know I was!

The plot focuses on a couple of things but to avoid spoilers I’ll be brief ;) The main plot (and series arc) has focused on the Kemyates view of Earthlings. Sky with Win and the rebels set out to change that view. Their goal is unity, I mean they are all humans so why not?! There’s a ton of actions, plotting, suspense and of course a few surprises. I really couldn’t sit the book down!

Overall A Sky Unbroken is a fantastic conclusion to the series AND the ending is left open so maybe we’ll hear more from these characters(?). One can only hope! If you enjoy young adult, fantasy, and science fiction, than this book is for you…just make sure you read the whole series!

urlphantomhive's review against another edition

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2.5 Stars

Full review to come!

joants's review against another edition

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It took me 2 years to finish this one.... Review below:

kyouen's review

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First posted on [a cup of tea and an armful of books]. Check out the site for more reviews and interviews.

This is the final review for the Earth&Sky series. Book one is here and book two is here. There are spoilers for the first two books contained below.
(top hidden just in case; other spoilers of the first two books are not hidden)
At the end of The Clouded Sky the Earth has been destroyed. There’s nothing left except an empty, scorched planet, a near match to Kemya. The scant survivors–people who were literally in the right place at the right time when Kemyate time-travelers beamed down to grab the few they could–have to band together to overcome the worst odds yet. After the destruction of Earth, the Earthlings have been placed in a hastily prepared exhibit in a “zoo” where Kemyates can learn about different times and cultures of Earth.
With the only Earthling who knows what’s going on drugged to keep her from instigating any problems, Skylar must somehow find a way to connect the Earthlings and the Kemyates before they decide they’re a liability. Meanwhile, in the bowels of the Kemyate station, Win is doing his best to pretend that he doesn’t care. After their plan succeeded and then was followed by a failure no one except the perpetrators saw coming, he must act as though he has put it behind him. Every day he goes to work. Every day he eats meekly with his family. Every day he must pretend that he doesn’t feel a stab of guilt when others confess they are troubled with the fate of the Earth and the remaining Earthlings. This is a situation that can’t last. A different sort of rebel faction rises. A Sky Unbroken is about two peoples realizing they’re not so different after all. Can they come together and overcome the odds they’re up against?

A Sky Unbroken is a story of atonement, acceptance, and overcoming the odds as they’re presented to the characters. The aftereffects of The Clouded Sky still resonate deeply within the characters in this final installment. I loved that much of the book was about coming to terms with the events that occurred in the second novel. Things are tense in the Kemyate station and I could feel that while reading. There’s always been pressure on Win and Skylar, but this time there’s more layers of it than ever. A Sky Unbroken is written in the perspectives of Sky and Win, the first novel in the Earth&Sky series to do so. Usually, something like this would bother me; instead, it allowed us to see how they coped with their grief and stress separately before coming together. The backdrop of atoning and accepting is a nice contrast to the excitement of what basically amounts to an espionage, breaking-and-entering thriller. A Sky Unbroken builds off of the momentum of the second novel and really doesn’t slow down. I had to remind myself that I needed to sleep for work or else I would have stayed up even later than I did. When I sleep with my Kindle right by my bed it means that I’m enjoying what the author is doing.

There is one character whose perspective I wish had been added to the novel. Jule is one of the characters that I found more fascinating than some of the others. It was really too bad that he spent a lot of time on the sidelines in this novel compared to the amount of time that had focused on him in the last one. The only time he was really in A Sky Unbroken was when other characters mentioned him or he briefly appeared for a conversation. I would have loved if we could have seen his perspective and how he was atoning for what he did. I found that he was one of the more interesting characters because everything he did had a reason and Megan Crewe was able to show me why that reason made so much sense. You couldn’t dislike him because he only wanted to protect his family’s name in honor of his grandfather, but ultimately his actions sullied it more than his father’s gambling did. After he realized the consequences of his actions he tried for an immediate fix. Unfortunately, betrayal is something that you can’t fix with a quick bandage. His character growth, although limited, was something that was really enjoyable.

Skylar and Win had character growth as well. Realizing that she can’t promise anything, their budding romance is not the focus of the novel. I’ve read plenty of dystopian (I feel like I can call it that now, because they’re basically stuck in space at the moment) novels where suddenly romance is the only focus of the novel. Yes, I know that love will likely still exist in a post-world setting, but come on: I think the destruction of the Earth is a bigger thing to worry about. I’m glad that the focus was not shifted. It stayed rooted in the initial problem that was presented in Earth&Sky : correcting mistakes that had been made (and were still being made) regarding the Earth and Kemya connection. They had to learn how to work with people that they weren’t familiar with because the problems they wanted to solve were bigger than they could solve on their own. That was difficult for Win and Skylar to deal with at first, but eventually they realized that they’d be able to get so much more done if they worked with others.

The romance in this series is really refreshing. I don’t mean Sky and Win or any other established relationships. Just romance in general. I really, really love the ideas that Kemyates have regarding attraction. They believe that regardless of gender, if there is someone you like, pursue them and see where it ends up. We find out that a lot of our characters have pursued same-sex relationships. Some of them were surprising. Whoever you like, it’s not a problem. It is just pure love / attraction for the person they are. It’s so simple and it’s accepted. There’s no negative connotations, other than the negatives you get when any relationship breaks apart. It was a nice way of showing how the Kemyates were advanced, yet they had other non-related issues that they were inefficient at.

Overall, this was a very satisfying conclusion to a compulsively read series. I wouldn’t mind reading some Jule novellas or short continuations of where the story was heading at the end of the novel.

4 stars.

My copy of A Sky Unbroken came from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. You’ll be able to get your hands on a copy on October 13th, 2015, only a few days away!

jamiebooksandladders's review against another edition

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See the full review on Queen of the Bookshelves

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

*sighs* I have been the number one advocate for this series ever since I read the first book and even more so when I read the second. But I am a little disappointed with the ending in this one.

I thought back in Earth & Sky that Win was SO BORING like zero personality and was not a good love interest for Skylar who had so much to offer. And when he said he was just kissing her as an experiment, I was glad because Skylar could move on and find someone who would actually care about her and her interests. Enter Jule in A Clouded Sky. He was everything Win wasn't and there was so much less Win in this one that I thought we were finally done with him being cast as more than a friend for Skylar. But you know YA, can't have a series without a love triangle. So in A Sky Unbroken, of course I am going to be disappointed that Jule was never endgame. Because I don't understand why build it up so much just to tear it all down.

I was okay with Skylar not forgiving Jule right away, even okay with her maybe not forgiving him in this book at all -- as long as it was hinted that she could do that and could move forward with him. But nope. That hope was dashed around 36% of the book and I was not okay with it.

I also thought that Win was almost out of character in this one because he never showed that he was capable of thinking and planning the operations -- only that he was able to go off script to get what he wanted. I wasn't a fan of him being in charge. I don't know, I just don't like Win. I didn't think he was developed enough in the last two novels to have his own pov AND take charge at the same time. I think it was asking too much of me as a reader to be okay with this.

Skylar was still great. I think she had a very central role but I'm not sure I'm okay with how she treated the other Earthlings throughout the novel. She wanted to show that Earth was strong and did the opposite. And I'm glad she owned up to it but I don't think she would have done that to begin with.

I was only okay with the conclusion of the overall arc and story. I thought the penultimate conclusion of what happened was kind of obvious from the beginning and I'm not sure I liked the path to get there. I think the twist (if you could call it that) was a little out there since here was nothing really leading to it that suggested it in the last two novels. It seemed like it relied heavily on the readers believing that these people would hide this fact from their own kind and that it could happen. I wasn't a fan.

It was good but not great. I wasn't too impressed with how some things turned out because it didn't seem like the rest of the novels were leading to what took place. It was more like this one did a 180 degree turn to face something else and I was a little disappointed.

colormeread's review against another edition

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It’s nice that we get to see both Win and Skylar's points of view in the final installment to this science fiction series. Again we pick up exactly where we left off in the cliff hanger sequel and having read this after sometime between this book and the last can really be difficult to climb back into the story without any clues as to where and why we are within the story. I didn’t care for the romance triangle or whatever bounce back. I’m very picky about the kind of romance I like and this didn’t do anything for me. There is more in the ways of politics now that Earth is gone and there are still remaining humans who many think deserve a home there. The ending does wrap things up which is nice while still leaving room for possibly more in the future.

marinazala's review against another edition

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** Books 14 - 2016 **

2,8 of 5 stars!

Endingnya udah begitu aja. Gak ada bikin greget2nya sama sekali