
The Cracked Amulet by R.B. Watkinson

kitvaria_sarene's review

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I really did enjoy this!
The first half felt a bit stronger to me than the second. As in the second there are a bit too many coincidences for my liking, and also some scenes that felt a bit longer than necessary.

Overall it was still a really good, engaging and entertaining story!
I liked the main characters - one strong female and a boy growing up to be a man.
The landscapes were described very well - and I could both feel the cool air of the forest, and the burning air of the dessert.
The plot was an interesting one - and I'm curious how the story will progress on from here! Though as said, in the second half I would have wished for a bit more varied things happening.
The prose was fluent - and while there were some typos, it was just a few.
I was happy with the pace of the story, and read it more or less in three long sessions.

Definitely a book worth a look!

grmatthews's review

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I've meaning to get to this book for a while, but writing and other things got in the way. I set some time aside this holiday to read it and I am glad I did.

The story concerns a brother and sister, an invasion and magic.

When the invaders take the lives of their parents the brother and sister are forced into hiding. They are split by forces beyond their control. Growing up apart they develop skills and go through trials and tribulations that mark them for life. Will they ever be reunited?

I enjoyed the world they inhabit, a desert kingdom of camels, towns and slavery. And behind it all are the invaders - a religion, a cult, who use blood magic and turn others to their cause.

There are some exciting scenes, battles and fights and the magic is interesting - there is more to it than at first you realise.

didemertens's review

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The world of The Cracked Amulet is so rich that I don’t know where to begin this review. The story follows Coryn and Katleya through their magical world, a world that sometimes feels very close to ours. Watkinson’s writing style summons up this world in the mind of the reader, giving precisely enough details to leave room for the reader to fill in the gaps. The characters develop throughout the story and certain unexpected twists make The Cracked Amulet a thrilling read. Lovers of fantasy will definitely like this book and it’s a great start for others, that is to say not yet lovers, as well.