
Bonded by Laura Wright

lisa_me's review

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I couldn't put this book down. It was full of mystery, suspense, emotional ups and downs, likable characters, forgiveness, and a beautiful love story.

We finally find out who killed Cass and what happens to the Triple C and the 4 brothers. What more could fans ask for, except for another book?

This series is highly recommended.

Merged review:

I couldn't put this book down. It was full of mystery, suspense, emotional ups and downs, likable characters, forgiveness, and a beautiful love story.

We finally find out who killed Cass and what happens to the Triple C and the 4 brothers. What more could fans ask for, except for another book?

This series is highly recommended.

sillylittlefishey's review

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I couldn't put this book down and now I'm sad that the series appears to be over!!

trudyd's review

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Bonded is a wonderful conclusion to the Cavanagh Brothers. I got resolution. I got closure. I got satisfaction. I got lots of Happily Ever Afters. I have been looking forward to Blue's book. He has been digging himself deeper and deeper with each book in the series. The last pages of Brash left me hanging--What would Blue do? What would happen to Natalie?--were just a few of my questions. I didn't expect Blue to fall for someone, or to end of with his problem. I had hoped he would heal, but the way he did was beautiful.

romancejunkie1025's review

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a fitting ending. not as full of passion as i'd like from Laura but a lot of emotional turmoil being dealt with so its understandable. glad Blue finally got his stuff together.

labraden's review

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Blue Cavanaugh thought he'd found his soulmate online, but when he discovers that his "Cowgirl" is Natalie Palmer and that she's been manipulating him, he chalks it up to the fact that nobody can be trusted. When he finds Cass Cavanaugh's diary concealed in one of Natalie's cookbooks, he goes on a bender that leads to a one night stand with waitress, Emily Shiver that barely registers. His life hasn't been the same since the reading of Everett Cavanaugh's will when it was revealed that he is Everett's illegitimate son. Learning that Emily is pregnant with his child leaves Blue feeling more lost and confused than ever. As much as he wants to be there for Emily, she is determined to live her own life, but someone is out there is trying to make her miserable.

Bonded ends The Cavanaugh Brothers' series with Blue's story, providing opportunities for drama that are left unrealized. The romance between Blue and Cass is lukewarm at best. By the time the disappointing solution to the mystery of Cass's death is revealed, the killer has been foreshadowed multiple times, leaving the expectation for a twist unfulfilled. However, the series is successful in telling the story of several characters with very diverse backgrounds and intertwining their lives in a satisfying way. Overall, a decent series that could have been so much more.

emma71662837's review

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Bonded is the final book in the Cavanagh Brothers series. Blue the youngest brother is emotionally wrecked after finding out he was Everett Cavanagh's child. Emily Shiver has been a big fan of Blue's since high school and after a drunken night together finds out she's to have Blue's baby. I liked how she pushed Blue to get past his fears and help them to build a lasting relationship. This book also concludes the mystery of Cass and brings the brothers together as one family. I for one will certainly miss hearing about those Cavanagh brothers

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

Initially, I received Bonded to review but once I read the synopsis I realized I wouldn't be able to understand the key plot or truly enjoy Bonded without reading the first three books. With this series, I strongly advise to read the entire series in order.

Branded is the first book in this series about the eldest brother Deac. I won't say much about it but here is where what I believe is the key plot of the series begins- the death of their sister Cassie. A little something about her murder is revealed in each book and how it affect each of the brothers. Broken, I would say had the most interesting sibling, James. The one who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders and refuses to forgive himself. In this one, the Sheriff of the town in implicated in the death of their sister. Also a villain is introduced here who is strongly connected to the death of Cassie.

Brash, this one was about Cole and I liked this brother best. He's Cassie twin brother and the one literally fighting his demons. He's willing to go to any extent to find his sister's murderer. But when eh ends up falling for the Sheriff's daughter, he's stuck on the fence also looking for evidence to exonerate the sick man. Following the death of the villain in Broken, their number one suspect, Cassie's secret boyfriend comes to town for the funeral. I was sure Cole was going to rip this guy's head off without so much of an how do you do.

I enjoyed this book most because the heroine Grace, she wasn't so forceful in getting Cole to deal with the aftermath of Cassie's death. The heroines in the first two, even the last really rubbed me the wrong way. The wanted things done their way and at their time. I loved that Blue, the main character in Bonded pointed this fact out, about Mac in book one, "I'm done feeling the way you want me to feel".

Bonded, the final Cavanaugh brother. He finds out that his boss was actually his biological father and he'd been living a lie all his life. It doesn't help that his brothers treat him like a bastard. Blue has some serious issues and the fact that everyone around him that he loved lie and manipulate him for their own gain doesn't help much. Even worse when the girl he thought he loved becomes the center focus of the murder of the sister he never knew. Blue has some serious anger and resentment and knocking a girl up ends up being the one thing he needed to bring his life back in focus.

In Bonded, we finally learn who killed Cassie and why. It was difficult for me to old off jumping straight to this book. I wanted to follow the story, see each clue about the murder unfold and reveal something more. I must say the murder mystery embroiled in each book, and the suspense created in the ending with new revelations was what I liked best about this series. The romance stories were okay but they felt a little rushed, brash and not very intimate. I felt no emotional connections between the characters and it also did not resonate with me. Cole's was the only romance that I was interested in. A little more effort was required in the romance side of the stories.

Reviewer information can be found under the Tags section of the post on our site.

owlshelle's review

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I loved this whole series and I was very happy with the way it ended. More review to come later

laurenjodi's review

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3 Stars

The focus in this final book of the Cavanaugh Brothers saga is on the illegitimate half-brother, Blue Perez, as he struggles to come to terms with the truth about his birth, and the fact that his one-night stand with local waitress, Emily Shiver, has had an unforeseen complication. There is also a resolution to the ongoing mystery surrounding the death of Cass Cavanaugh.

Unfortunately, Blue and Emily's book completely misses the mark mainly due to the huge chip on Blue's shoulder. It is virtually impossible for him to move past his anger at what he perceives as his mother's betrayal, which results in his treating the woman, who has loved and cared for him his entire life, in a truly reprehensible manner. This makes it difficult for the reader to sympathize with him.

Emily is much more likable, but she too has issues, primarily a desire for independence, that lead her to push Blue away.

In terms of the murder mystery, the identity and motivation of the killer has been obvious since the second book, and all that remains is the rather lackluster revelation. That said, the final showdown is intense and exciting.

Overall, this series has excellent potential and Wright does manage to keep the reader's interest throughout despite some problematic characters and tropes.

chroniclesofabookreader's review against another edition

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**4.5 Stars**

One night stands that result in pregnancies are one of my faaaavorite kind of books. Especially when they’re ones that pull on your heart because of the emotional/sexual struggle that the heroine and hero have. Most especially when it’s Blue Perez Cavanaugh who has emotionally walled himself away. Oh I love watching them break…

Emily Shiver is a good person brought up in a great family. She’s well cared for, able to stand on her own two feet, and think for herself. And what she wants more than anything in this world is to own that building down on Main Street to open her flower shop and live above it. Waitressing at the Bull’s Eye is a stepping stone to that dream, and it’s there that she has her fated encounter with the mysterious Blue. I loved Emily’s caring nature, how she was sort of vulnerable in that respect, but far more than willing to handle things on her own, and sometimes preferred it that way. She had no problem with taking charge, pushing or pulling Blue to where she knew he needed to be, and simply being someone he could finally rely on.

Blue Perez Cavanaugh had the rug slipped out from underneath him not too long ago in many aspects. Betrayed by his mother, shunned by his new family, neglected by his father, and utterly played with by his supposed girlfriend. His wall is as tall as it is wide…and that sucker might as well be the Wall of China. It’s understandable that he doesn’t trust a soul, and it’s believable when he falls into the arms of Emily for one drunken night to forget it all. He may have been a ‘bastard’ but he’ll be damned if his own kid is one so he’ll work on that wall, slowly taking each brick away, for her. For their baby. And it was beautiful to see it happen.

Blue and Em’s love affair was wildly sexy. Each time they were around each other I was chanting, “Touch her. Kiss her. Hold her.” Their story tugged on my heartstrings many times for the missed opportunities, and hurt feelings along the way. Blue was lost and he just needed to be found. And it just so happened that a beautiful, caring woman became his beacon and that unplanned baby kept that light burning. The suspense, with the main story arc that’s carried throughout the series, was amazing to see come to a conclusion. To see everyone have their peace, the best they could find, after something so awful. I read (or I should say consumed) this story in mere hours because it was that good. It was emotionally raw and sexually vibrant…I loved it.

*I have only read books three and four, and was able to follow the story fine as each book is about a different brother. You will get a bigger picture of the main arc if you read all of them.

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**