
Sacrifice by Jessica Fortunato

cinta's review

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I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

After having read the first book in the series and having given it 5 stars because it really was an amazing book, I was quite looking forward to reading this second book. However, I cannot be more disappointed. Predictable plot, situations that have been written to death before, and lots of parallelisms with the Bible and a certain vampire book that must never be mentioned. An inmortal procreating a child with powers, and a powerful organization chasing them to destroy them? Come on... I know that Jessica Fortunato can do better.

It was a book that dragged forever and made me wish it would end soon. I really hope that the next one in the series is better than this one. Add to all of that editorial mistakes and totally wrong punctuation, as well as typos. It just drove me crazy. Quite a disappointing book.

miztrebor's review

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I read The Sin Collector last year, as well as Fortunato's companion novella Thomas. After reading each of these I was left craving more and needing the next book. Now that I've finished book 2, Sacrifice, I can confidently say "Bring on book 3!"

Throughout the time I read it, this book was hard to put down. Fortunato's writing has always grabbed me in, and she didn't fail me this time either. It was easy for me to jump back into the story even after so much time between book one and now. That's how much the story stuck with me. There's also a sophistication to her writing that I find some modern writers don't have. It's not an insult, only something that sets these books apart for me. The word choice of the characters is a nice mix of modern with more aged terms. This helps show the effects of a Collector's long life-span, as well.

As I said earlier, this story jumps right into things from where book one left off. The great characters I grew to love are back as well, yet this time, we get even more out of them. There's room for more development and more history to come out of the woodwork. This book was a little different in the sense that there was a bit less action, but more information and development of the trilogy as a whole. I can see that there was a lot of thought put into where this story is going, and I'm pleased with the direction it's taking.

There's so much I'd like to say about various characters, some events, etc but it'll be hard not to spoil it for readers, so I'll refrain. For fans of The Sin Collector, I don't think you'll be disappointed. For those new to the series, I hope you check out book 1 first, obviously, but you're in for a great story with some great paranormal (and "normal") characters. Also Lily, the main character, is still a badass!