
Different, Not Damaged by Andy Peloquin

juliterario's review

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Admito que leí este libro por razones absurdas. 1) Linda portada; 2) título interesante; 3) sinopsis intrigante: 4) FANTASÍA AL 100% Y TENGO MUCHAS GANAS DE LEER FANTASÍA. La verdad es que no tenía ni idea de lo que este libro era en realidad. ¿Y qué es? Es un conjunto de historias cortas de Andy Peloquin CON FANTASÍA que cuentan historias de personas con autismo o con algún tipo de discapacidad. WOW. ¿Acaso no es una manera genial de contar estas historias? ¡ME ENCANTA!

Parece que también se hace referencia a otros de los libros del autor en esta novela (los cuales yo ni sabía que existían), pero podés leer Different, Not Damaged sin haber leído nada de Peloquin. Fue una de esas lecturas que agarrás así al azar y, boom, te sacude de arriba a abajo.

Este libro es muy cortito y realmente me gustó. Fue una lectura sencilla pero disfruté mucho llegar a conocer estas historias y, por primera vez, leer un libro sobre este tema. PRECIOSO. Le di 3 estrellas porque, no sé, no siento que merezca más que eso, pero sin duda lo voy a ir recomendando por ahí porque estas historias son hermosas y sumamente IMPORTANTES. ¡Se los recomiendo! Si, algunas historias no son tan buenas y, es más, hay una que la dejé porque la estaba odiando, pero cada una tiene su pequeño granito de arena y afsygeufhjerklkrñ STORIES MATTER, PEOPLE !!!!

kitvaria_sarene's review

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Let me show you a little bit from the foreword, that pretty much sums up why I enjoyed this book:

I refuse to give in to both the social and perceived self stigma of living with a mental disorder. I believe that my Asperger syndrome is an important part of what makes me who I am. I'm going to focus on the good and live with the bad.

That's the purpose of this collection of stories: to showcase physical, emotional, mental, and neurological disorders through a fantasy lens and bring them to light. By reading these short stories, you can understand more about what it means to live with these disabilities. Everything in this book is real. Sure, the stories are fantastical (it's fantasy, after all!), but the emotions, the feelings, the im- pairments and limitations are all based on the experiences of real life people. They've allowed me to use their stories to showcase what it means to live with disorders: our bodies, minds, or psyches may not be the same as you, but that only makes us different, not damaged.

Seeing different perspectives and trying on other people's shoes has always been a main hook for me, and a reason I love fantasy so much.

I adore books that let me experience other points of view, as well as those that represent my own wonky brain. Having anxiety and being on the spectrum myself, I don't just enjoy seeing people who are like me, but also learning about how the word looks, feels and seems to others.
"Different, not Damaged" delivered very well on that, and I loved the divers range of disorders handled in here. While there's some hope, it's dark fantasy, so don't expect it to be happy go lucky, though the cover might have suggested that already!

bibliophilelair96's review

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love the audio book

Merged review:

i love the ebook and the audio of this book i love them both, its five stars

alwroteabook's review

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"Some call them disabilities, but for others they are gifts"

Set in his world of Voramis, the author has created an anthology which delves into the lives of people with a range of disabilities. Rather than take the easy route, they are portrayed as tragic heroes, who must deal with the cruel world (and Voramis is a cruel world) and well as the rough hand life has thrown them. There are no happy endings here (well, not in the traditional sense), so don't read for a feelgood experience. However, if you like you fantasy pitch-dark, with no punches pulled, then check out "Different, Not Damaged."