
Assassin's Heart by Monica Burns

laurenjodi's review

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Assassin's Heart
5 Stars

After being subjected to horrific torture, Lysander Condellarie is left with disfiguring scars and a terrible secret that results in the loss of the love of his life. Phaedra DeLuca has never understood Lysander's sudden rejection. Now the two must comply with their destinies and join forces in the search for an ancient artifact, which, if it falls into the hands of their enemies, could mean the destruction of their order.

An outstanding read! I would give it 6 Stars if my scale went up that high. It is even better than the first book in the series, which is saying a lot as Assassin’s Honor is an amazing read as well.

The plot builds on the foundations established in the first book with the continued search for the Tyet of Isis. The richness of detail concerning the conflict between the Sicari and Praetorian secret societies fills in the gaps that remained at the conclusion of Assassin’s Honor, and the author also provides tantalizing clues to the story in the next installment. I am really looking forward to finding out more about Alexander the Great’s potion.

The characterization is excellent. Lysander and Emma have a primal and fundamental connection that just leaps off the pages. Their pain and the love they feel for each other reaches out and grabs you. Lysander has an incredible strength and vitality even in the face of adversity, and while there were one or two moments where I could have smacked Phaedra upside the head, her emotions and reactions are, nevertheless, consistent with her nature. The secondary characters on not left out. The villains are suitably diabolical (I won’t tell you who they are so as not to ruin the interesting twists), and I enjoyed catching a glimpse at the history of the Sicari, both distant with Maximus and Cassiopeia, and more recent with Atia and Marcus, whose relationship is apparently going to be crucial to the next book. You’ll just have to read to see what I mean.

Burns’s writing has only gotten better, and she has managed to overcome the repetitiveness of thought and emotion that marred the first book. The flashback scenes are intricately woven into the primary story and the transitions between past and present are smooth and do not detract from the overall plot.

Overall, I highly recommend this series, which should be read in order because the plotlines are intertwined, and I cannot wait for the release of the next book, Inferno’s Kiss.

mtaylor414's review

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Absolutely AMAZING! This is now one of my favorite books! Lysander and Pheadra are definitely one of my top 5 favorite couples!! This story touched my heart. It was so compelling. It sucks you into their world and doesn't let you go. I loved the different couples that were also intertwined in the story as well. Atia and Marcus, Maximus and Casiopia. The ending made me cry for both couples (Lysander and Pheadra & Maximus and Casiopia). I highly recommend this series, especially this book. The first book of the series is really good as well, but this one tops it by a mile! LOVED IT!! I will definitely buy this series!

nataliemonique777's review

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Good book. Would probably read again in spare time.

ajenkins979's review

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This book took me a long time to read, it did not hold my interest. I almost didn't make it past the first chapter, it made me sick.
This was one of those books that while reading, I was OK. but as soon as I put it down, it really didn't want to keep reading. I could've finished a lot sooner, but I honestly didn't feel like continuing with it.
The writing is great, storyline good. bit just not for me I guess.
But I am glad I read it to know the story. and I will read book 3, because I have to know how it all ends.

cocktailsandbooks1's review

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I read a review that said Lysander and Phaedra were like Bella and Zsadist. I have to agree. Loved this installment and can't wait for the next!!!

spacklefritz's review

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2.5 stars - not my cuppa tea

Well I liked the (apparently) ongoing plot in the books. I haven't read the previous ones, but the underlying story seems interesting, and the world rich. However, this was one of the most difficult books for me to read.


The total and complete angst-fest in this book. The main characters have angst, the side characters have angst, heck, even one of the villains suffers from bouts of angst. Now I know some people love angst, which is why I say this is not my cup of tea. I can handle it, in small to moderate doses, not in liberal amounts, and then some.

Then there's the relationship between the H/H every time we think okay, they're moving ahead in their relationship, oh no. Instead we find them moving, two steps backward. It got to the point where I was glazing over the words and waiting for the book to finish. This could have been remedied with a swift kick in the head to the Hero and Heroine of the story.

It should also be noted that this book is a part of a series and I would suggest that if you want to read this series, start from the first book. There's an ongoing story and as such, you may find yourself stumbling a bit, trying to figure out what's going on.

As I said before, the book isn't completely hopeless, I didn't feel a disconnect with the characters (despite wanting to throttle them), and I like the world building was good. I liked the parallel story of Cass and Maximus in ancient Rome. (See those two know how to work a relationship without the buckets of angst :P) Which can account for me rounding up to 3 stars.

Also I believe the reader would've benefited from a glossary of terms. just sayin'.

shinyfox's review

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It was a good book. I liked the plot and the characters and the different powers that the genders posses (also how those powers can be shared with a blood bond, this was all very intriguing to me). However I found myself constantly switching between "This book is fantastic" and "I'm sort of bored with this now.". Hence why I gave it 3 stars. One thing that greatly annoyed me in the beginning of the book was how words or phrases were written in Italian and I was a bit lost, by the middle of the book I was used to the random bits of Italian and, in some cases, enjoyed them. The only problem I had were when certain phrases were used without a translation afterwards.