
Legendarium by Kevin G. Summers, Michael Bunker

stashac13's review

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What a fun, fast read.

jmeyers888's review

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The style of this book reminded me of Robert A. Heinlein, but with less quality of writing and less deeper thoughts. As with Heinlein's stories, there is a quirky humor and since of general fun adventure, but again as with Heinlein, eventually the characters begin to drag the story down. I thought the concept of this book was interesting and I love the idea of it, but I thought it was poorly executed. I wouldn't say this book is horrid or anything, just not what I like in a science fiction story.

cannoloni's review against another edition

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So much fun - I love Bobo and Alastair! And opening the story with the great author Hugh Howey? Priceless. Would recommend this story to anyone who thinks that a tongue-in-cheek romp through some of the most revered novels in the Western canon sounds like a good way to spend a few hours.

haramis's review against another edition

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I got this a couple of weeks ago as an Audible Daily Deal, but just now got around to listening it. I had not read its predecessor, [b:Hugh Howey Must Die|17338157|#NaNoWri War Z, Hugh Howey Must Die|Michael Bunker||24072003], but the reviews were pretty good and I occasionally enjoy a light, funny read. I don't think that the concept was that original, and the execution was just okay (I felt the story was starting to get worn around Hemingway and was disintegrating by Melville), but the laughs worked for me. As an occasional unrepentant one-star reviewer, Foley had me howling with laughter--"syphilitic." I have to say that my vicious reviewing isn't a result of being a frustrated unpublished writer; I think it's sometimes okay to call a steaming pile of crap what it is. Still, this was not crap, and if you're looking for a whirlwind tour through a humorously-depicted literary fantasyland, I recommend this one.

overhillunderhill's review against another edition

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I was very torn between 3 and four stars. It ultimately came down to personal preferences.

First, on the positive side, it was really fun world building. Like Fforde's Thursday Next Series and Underwood's Genrenauts, this is a fun world for anyone who reads.

If the characters had been running laps through my favorite books instead of books I've never read or didn't like, this would probably be a five star book. However, for me I was not a huge fan of the two main characters and am not a huge fan of the various books that are discussed.

thesundayshelfie's review against another edition

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Cover: 4 Stars.
Idea: 3.5 Stars.
Writing: 2.5 Stars.

Which equals 1 star because?... BECAUSE ON PAGE 113 THE WRONG ‘YOUR’ IS USED. As in, “You’re friend broke my story.”

Listen. I liked the goofy HHMD story enough to purchase this follow up in a physical book format. THE ACTUAL PAPER VERSION. So when I find things like the wrong your/you’re being used, it drives me insane. For all the times it was reviewed and checked before publishing, no one caught that?

Additionally, for the love of all things good, hire someone to correctly format and space your type for the print version. I know it’s not the most important thing in the grand scheme but it is still important. The sentences ran really close to the edges of the page, while there was a large gap near the spine. And talk about some gigantic potholes in the paragraphs, thanks to the paragraph style. Argh.

This was a quick read, and I think it would’ve been better as a book that stretched a little further and had more time to develop some ideas and scenes. Unfortunately this one was enough to cement me in a position of not visiting the Bombo Dawson franchise again.

claudiaswisher's review against another edition

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I'm a sucker for books about authors and books about books. So this was a natural fit. The ghosts of Wilder, Tolstoy, Hemingway, Vonnegut..they are all here. So is Hemingway's first novel...for a while.

Bombo is an author enjoying some first success...his only one-star review comes from creative-writing teacher Alistair, a frustrated author with stacks of rejection letters.

They are recruited by the ghosts of their favorite authors to save the entering the Legendiarium, a" metaphysical library that exists at the nexus of the multiverse." These two enemies are charged with saving the world by saving books...they lose Hemingway's first one, which was then left on that train by Hadley. They lose a classic sci-fi that inspired MLK, who, in a parallel universe became president.

They bicker and poke at each other on their quest for the Vorpal Sword to kill the Jabberwock in Lewis Carroll's THRU THE LOOKING GLASS...and the sword travels thru the multiverse, and in and out of stories.

I'm with Bombo when he admits he doesn't much like fantasy, but I love this. I love the smart dialogue and the smart commentary about authors and books. I love the idea of books literally changing the world.

I listened to this book on audible...didn't much like the narration. Sometimes it sounded like the actor was speaking a second language. But, as I drove in my car and took my walks around the neighborhood, I found myself guffawing OUT LOUD! Then looking around to see if anyone had caught me. I doubt they would have gotten the jokes.

I loved how Bombo and Alistair learned from each other...and I hope for more adventures.

kklompien's review against another edition

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This is a fun book, reminiscent of Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series. It's also cowritten and self-published which was a bold move.

eksexton's review against another edition

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I love to read books about books or about reading and I was going through a strong phase when this story came up on my radar.
I haven't read Michael Bunker's previous novel (not much in to zombies) but I loved the concept of great authors protecting all the world's stories in the Legendarium multiverse so I decided to jump in anyways.
This was a short but enjoyable read, perfect to capture my attention for a few hours on an overnight bus.
The main character (Bober) is entertaining and silly, someone I could probably see myself talking about my favorite books with as he doesn't seem to have his nose in the air at all. As for Foley, and here is how you know Bunker is a great story teller, in just a few pages I absolutely could not stand him, but I still needed to know how these two worked together. I'm with Bober: Foley is a pompous asshat.
The stories told in the Legendarium were fantastic, and not at all in your face with the idea that great novels can so affect history, but just simple enough that you see how impactful and important these stories are to the entire world.
I would love a longer novel, playing up the dead famous authors and the various worlds of famous novels Bober has to visit. I will be there if another Legendarium story is written!

neyhart's review against another edition

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Meh. The idea sounded more interesting than I found the actual book.