
Tides of Passion by Tracy Sumner

mae_mae13's review

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I'm normally not into historical romance books but I liked the concept...A New York women's rights work goes to North Carolina's outer banks and sparks begin to fly. I found the characters of Savannah Connor and Zach Garrett to be fun, feisty and the story fun and interesting. All in all, I highly recommend giving this book a chance!

“I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”

rva_reader's review

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I’m not sure if it’s because I’m in a little bit of a reading slump or because I didn’t read the first book in the series, but I didn’t connect with this book too well. I didn’t really feel the chemistry between the two main characters. It had a great plot that should have worked better for me but just didn’t. I also thought there were odd time jumps and some parts skipped over. This could be a good stand alone book but I think Noah and Elle’s story from book one would have been more exciting. I loved when the secondary characters were mentioned in this book. I’ve read another book from this author and loved it so maybe my expectations were too high for this one

onebookmore's review

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Zach is the oldest Garrett brother, a constable raising his young son on his own since the death of his wife and baby. Everyone knows this grief-stricken man will never marry again, including Savannah. Savannah came to town to take over for Elle, and she spends her days fighting against social injustice. When these two cross paths, sparks fly.

Savannah and Zach are such complex and dynamic characters, and their romance is swoon-tastic!! This is a total opposites-attract love affair, and it totally works. Savannah is a northern city girl, and Zach is a southern country boy. She’s passionate about fighting for the rights of women, even when it gets her in trouble with the law. He’s the town Constable. They have every reason to clash, but instead, they connect on a deep and passionate level. Though they initially agree to have a relationship with no strings attached, it’s pretty clear from the beginning that their relationship is so much more than that.

Savannah is very independent and never saw love in her future until she met Zach. He shows her the promise of a future with him and his family, something she’s never had before. I love how they feel about each other and how they work through their misgivings and fears. Savannah, for example, has never felt part of a loving family, and she is surprised when she is so willingly welcomed into the Garrett family’s folds. She is also not overly comfortable with children and worries because Zach has a young son.

Zach, in turn, struggles so much with his feelings. Grief for the loss of his wife and child, guilt for moving on and finding happiness, fear of losing someone else he loves, as well as feeling unworthy of love. Zach has had a lot of responsibility in his life, and Savannah makes Zach feel like himself. He doesn’t have to be the constable or the calm voice of reason. With her, he can just be himself. Zach comes to realize that moving on doesn’t mean forgetting the past or the love he had for his wife.

The banter between Savannah and Zach is fantastic, as they love to tease and badger each other. Savannah’s teasing and sarcastic wit, as well as Zach’s fantastic comebacks, are some of my favorite parts of the story. I also love that he admires her intellect and passion for gender equality. Though they don’t always see eye-to-eye, they respect each other, and as the story progresses, you can see Zach slowly finding hope and happiness again, and it is wonderful. Plus, their intimate scenes are steamy and totally swoon-worthy!

There are also some great scenes with the rest of the Garrett family. This is such a loving family, and they are always there for each other. I like how the family plays such an important part in all of their lives. They’ve worked hard to reconnect and heal the wounds from the past, and their relationship is repairing beautifully. I love how they advise and tease each other. The Garrett family cares deeply for each other, and their bond is wonderful.

Something else that I really like about this story and the series, in general, is that it brings to light the inequities of society, especially for women, during this time. This story takes place around twenty years before women gained the right to vote in America, and I love that the women, led by Savannah, fight for their rights and for a better future. All of the Garrett brothers’ love interests have strong beliefs and believe they should have the same opportunities as men. The Garrett brothers completely and wholeheartedly support their wives in their endeavors, which I adore!!

This is a great addition to the Seaswept Seduction Series! The characters are fantastic, the setting is wonderful, and the romance is steamy! I definitely recommend the book to lovers of historical romance! Thanks so much to Tracy Sumner for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

cocktailsandbooks1's review

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When I read Tides of Love I didn't think there was anything more to Constable Zach Garrett than what we saw. Come to find out, he's not a man you can take at face value.

His wife died two years prior, leaving him to raise their small son and stew in the guilt that he wasn't able to save her or their unborn child. He's decided that he will never marry again and he won't have any more children, because that is the only way he can protect himself. So he goes along with his days, keeping the good people of Pilot Isle in check and ensuring his fellow seamen are safe along the shores.

Enter Savannah Conner.

Savannah, best friend to the newly married Elle Garrett, comes to Pilot Isle to help out Elle and run her school. But even on this small island she can't stop her passion for ensuring equality for everyone. She immediately steps on toes and that puts her directly in Constable Garrett's path.

I loved Savannah and Zach. I loved it when they fought and really loved it when they took their "fighting" to the bedroom. They were both passionate people, but only Savannah let that passion flow through every day life. She fought for what she believed in, she said what was on her mind and pretty much did what she wanted. Of course, she also fought the passion she was feeling for Zach as nothing more than lust, but at least she didn't hold her passion in, for anything in her life, but went with it.

The same could not be said for Zach. Zach is a passionate guy...for a lot of things, not Savannah. But when he came back to Pilot Isle to a dying mother and two younger brothers to raise, he put his passions aside for family. When the girl he was courting, assumed marriage...he did that. When she was horrified of his passion in bed, he threw that passion out the window. It wasn't until Savannah, who unwittingly knocked the lid off his passion, that Zach really started living his life.

I enjoyed this book so much more than the first book in the series. Savannah and Zach made the entire book. Their fighting, their barbs, their wit with each other just made the entire storyline. They were a couple you could watch like a tennis match and not get bored. A definite must read to this series, if for nothing else than for Savannah and Zach themselves.

bookishforlife2's review

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I have to say I enjoyed this book more than book one in this series. It kind of has the same-ish storyline, with the banter, fights, stubbornness and running off, but waaaay more s*x. And it was hot!

I fell in love with Constable Zachariah Garrett and how he lost his wife and thought he’d never find love, marriage or a companion again. It was heartbreaking to read some of his thoughts.

Now Savannah Conner was a spitfire! I was jealous of how they could feel each other in a room and share hot gazed across it. And both were stubborn when it came to feelings.

Now it’s Calebs turn!