
I Know You by Erik Therme

taylorardoin's review

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This book was pretty good! It was a fast read and definitely kept my attention. I was hooked within the the first few chapters.

I'm only giving it three stars because it was just an okay book for me. It was good, but I will likely not read it again. I definitely didn't predict the ending, which I did enjoy. Usually, I am able to predict the ending of thrillers.

I feel so much for Bree throughout this book. She is definitely the matriarch of a very dysfunctional family and protects her family no matter what. I loved Bree's character.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC of #IKnowYou.

hmbb99's review

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Wow what a ride! The book starts off fast and the action escalates right up to the satisfying ending. This intense thrill ride takes you on journey, not only to find the missing sister but to give you an insight into the world of a dysfunctional family.
I enjoyed reading this book and definitely recommend it. Thank you Erik Therme for gifting me this ebook. I will be buying more of your books.

nikkihrose's review

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After previously reading a book by Therme, I was excited to jump into this one. And I have to say that it is refreshing when each book by an author is so drastically different.

This one will most definitely take you for a trip where you won’t entirely know what’s coming next. I was hooked from the beginning with a heartbreaking home life between Bree and her siblings as they all grapple with their mother against their drunk and abusive father.

But I most definitely wouldn’t have expected the least of their worries to have been their dad. When Bree’s little sister, Alissa, goes missing, it’s up to Bree to track her down. But what she doesn’t expect is for their brother to be the only one to truly save her. And on top of all of this, Bree learns some secrets that had been seeping through her family that she had been blind to, despite having been the one to take care of everyone.

This was an interesting and unique story that takes one’s family life and introduces more drama and problems than the reader could have seen coming.

yvo_about_books's review

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Finished reading: March 23rd 2019

"Whatever happened next was out of Bree's hands... and that was the most terrifying thought of all."

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by Netgalley and Bookouture in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


I do love my psychological thrillers, and there was just something about I Know You that sparked my interest when I was invited to read it. While I found myself flying through this story, I do have to confess I ended up having mixed thoughts about it. There is no doubt that I Know You has a fast pace and lots of twists that make the plot keep moving. I managed to finish it in less than a day, which is always a good sign for me with books under 350 pages... The premise of the story is very interesting as well, and I like how this isn't just another kidnapping case, but also a story about family bonds, flawed characters and mistakes. I can't put my finger exactly on the why, but the execution didn't manage to convince me completely though. Part of this feeling might have had to do with the plot, which I didn't find all that credible as a whole and the story didn't seem to flow all that naturally. What do I mean with this? Basically, I didn't feel the different scenes were connected in a way that felt credible and the plot twists didn't manage to convince me completely. I was surprised to find myself not all that invested in the story and characters, and I had a hard time staying focused at times. Which is strange in a way, because there is a lot happening to the Walker family and they sure have a heavy dose of hardship handed out to them. I think this feeling might be explained by the fact that I wasn't able to connect to the characters as much as I hoped, and I would have liked to see them more developed beyond their visible and most pressing flaws. I Know You is by no means a bad read and it has some interesting elements, but overall I ended up having mixed thoughts about it. That doesn't mean you won't enjoy it if you like a good mix of family drama and a kidnapping story though!

Bree Walker has always been looking out for her little sister Alissa, their absent parents forcing the role of her caretaker on Bree. Then Bree discovers sixteen-year-old Alissa isn't spending time at her best friend's place like Bree thought she was... And it turns out she has been missing for the last two days. To make things worse, Bree finds Alissa's backpack abandoned on the steps of their trailer... And a chilling text confirms that something bad happened to her sister. How can Bree get her back?

I Know You is a story with an interesting premise and mix of different elements. I liked how the focus of this story wasn't just on the kidnapping case, but also on the family drama and flawed characters in general. It is without doubt a superfast read perfect for when you need a little break from life and forget about your own problems. I personally ended up having mixed thoughts, mostly related to the credibility and lack of dept in and connection to the characters... But there is no doubt the story was still entertaining enough.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.

ljwrites85's review

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Bree and her siblings, Tyler and Alissa have had a tough childhood living in a trailer park. Their mum worked two jobs, their dad often drank and took his temper out on those closest to him.

Bree has become hardened over the years but nothing is stronger than her love for her little sister. Then Alissa goes missing.

Someone wants revenge on her family but Bree has no idea who or why but it’s up to her to bring her sister home.

So this is the second book I’ve read by Erik Therme and I have to say his writing keeps getting better and better!

I Know you is a novel all about family and the fraught and difficult relationships that come along with it.

Bree felt so realistic, I just found myself rooting for her. As the oldest, she became the surrogate mum to her siblings which they didn’t always appreciate her for but she still did it anyway.

I can’t say too much more about the plot, like most psychological thrillers, I don’t want to give away any of the twists or turns, and believe me there are plenty in this book!

My only slight issue was the storyline felt a little similar to the other novel I read, Keep Her Close but of course that’s just my opinion.

I Know You is absorbing and emotional read that will have you hooked from that very first chapter.

inked_up_bookshelf's review

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I received an ARC via netgalley in return for my honest opinion and review.
Although this novel is short page wise, it pacts a punch in a short amount of time.
The story begins with three children Bree Tyler and Alissa Walker who are apart of a dysfunctional and abusive family. The eldest Bree felt the need to step up and help around the house. Now she is 26 still living at home caring for her 16 year old sister and helping pay the bills. Then the worst imaginable happens...
I was on the edge of my seat, the twists and turns or was difficult to see where the whole story lead. I was barely in a lull that I often find happens with thrillers novels when going from place to place trying to solve the problem.
This novel won’t disappoint.

tamara_o's review

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Not often does a book really suck you in and truly make you feel like you are not just following along, but actually living it with the characters. That is what I Know You did for me. Not only did I find myself completely submersed in the mystery, trying to figure it out right there with the characters, but it made you feel "part of the family" as this story has a beautifully captured family bond running through it. Erik Therme has delivered a great mystery, characters that you really get to know and love (and sometimes hate!), and a brilliant plot line that doesn't disappoint. An all-round pleasure to read.

*note, I very generously received a complimentary copy of this novel to read and review, from the author via Voracious Readers Only.

somelatenightreading's review

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I was lucky enough to receive an eARC from NetGalley for ‘I Know You’ by Erik Therme. When sixteen-year-old Alissa Walker goes missing, it is up to her older sister, Bree, to find her. Things get even more terrifying after Bree receives texts from an unknown number with instructions as to what she must do in order for her sister to be returned. Whilst trying to find her sister, Bree realises Alissa’s friend night know more than she is saying. It soon becomes clear that Alissa’s abductor knows some dark secrets buried deep in the Walker family history, and that their 18-year-old brother, Tyler, is somehow connected to it all.

I’ve read a fair share of thrillers, some of which were not so great, and others which were mind-blowing. ‘I Know You’ falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. The plot is interesting enough to keep reading and the fact that it’s only 217 pages makes it a quick read. I was invested enough to want to know the outcome, but not so invested that I would’ve been upset if I was spoiled. The characters are largely two-dimensional: even Bree, the MC, is hard to relate to and connect with. I saw the twists coming so they weren’t surprising or shocking; I was more disappointed I had figured it out before the reveals. I prefer thrillers where you should see the twist coming but never do. Overall, I would recommend this book to someone who is new to the thriller genre, or just wants a quick read that’ll keep their attention. And now for some of my favourite quotes!

“‘We may not have a lot, but we have each other, and that’s the most important thing. Always remember that family sticks together... no matter what.’”

“Under different circumstances the house would’ve felt picturesque - wooden siding, rock chimney, green shutters - but knowing who was waiting inside chilled Bree’s skin.”

“Whatever did happen, Bree was sure of one thing: everything had led to this moment and all the pieces were in place. For better or worse.”

sarahs_bookish_life's review

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This story is very much about family bonds. More so the ones between siblings.

I had to feel sorry for Bree. She comes from a broken home where her dad is nowhere to be seen and her mother is working all hours just to put a roof over their head and food on the table. Even Bree has had to put a side any hopes and dreams while she works to help pay the bills and pretty much is bringing up her younger teenage sister. My heart really went out to her.

As soon as the story begins, trouble isn’t far behind. Not long after arriving home, Bree ends up on a mission to find her missing sister and we are taken on a thrilling and relentless journey into finding out the why and who. I have to mention Liz who is Alissa’s friend. I loved her character and her determination to help Bree regardless of Bree not wanting it. The thought of her on her little moped just made me smile.

I Know You is a suspenseful read that had me racing through the pages. The author had me feeling lots of emotions and I loved the journey I was taken on with revelations and twists and turns a plenty. A gripping and entertaining read.

My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for an advanced readers copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in anyway.

diary_of_a_reading_addict's review

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I received an ARC from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is an ok book for me. I didn't hate it but it wasn't one of my favourites. I felt like I kept expecting more. The twists weren't completely surprising to me and I didn't connect with the characters. I did however enjoy the relationship between Bree and her siblings. The feelings of protectiveness and doing anything for each other were a stand out part for me.
It's quite a quick read for a psychological thriller and it felt rushed to me.