
Riverbend by Tess Thompson

books2pineapples's review

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Do I really ha e to wait a whole month for the next book to come out?? I absolutely love this series and thoroughly enjoy the realness of the characters. Tess Thompson does a wonderful job showing that we all have a past and that no one leads a perfect life.

emilyhei's review

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Pregnant and alone Annie Bell knows if she doesn't do something drastic she will lose not only her baby, but her life to her abusive boyfriend. Ten years later Annie is a successful chef at a restaurant and raising her son to be the best man he can possibly be. Everything seems to be falling into place until she receives a threatening phone call from her ex, promising to find her and hand out the retribution he feels she deserves.

Drake Webber moved to River Valley to live in exile from others. Having had his own happiness stolen from him, he is haunted everyday by his past. When a rocky introduction to Annie has her agreeing to cook his meals on a weekly basis, for the first time in a long time he finds himself able to breathe again. With Annie comes her son Adler, who he quickly builds a friendship with. When Drake finds out about Annie being threatened, he is by her side offering his home for security. He had not planned on falling for Annie, he wants her but feels he is damaged goods and she deserves better, but never underestimate the power of a determined woman, Drake finds himself an equal partner in the relationship. If he can only keep her safe until her ex is found, Drake can begin to hope for a wonderful future.

I thought this story had a kind of Gothic feel to it with Drake. When you are first introduced to him he is broody, rude, and curt but once you understand him he is sweet, charming, and fiercely protective. I thought this was a wonderful read, powerful love story.

alstrath's review

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A brilliant follow up to Riversong. Again an easy read. Tess built up the story in such a way that I thought I knew when the 'bang' moment was going to happen - felt very smug that I had seen it coming - only for it not to be the 'bang' moment and the real one snuck up on me quite unexpectedly.

ctorretta's review

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I was so excited to read these two back to back! The first, as you can see above, I thought was amazing. Well, the fabulousness of Tess Thompson's writing doesn't stop there. But in this case we learn more about the fabulous chef, Annie.

The plot starts out right away! And this is one reason that I love to read a series, you already know the characters, and in this case the town. I started this knowing that I was in love and hoping that this was going to compare to Riversong. I was wrong. It exceeded my expectations.

Firstly, Tess Thompson's writing is always top notch. This is the third book that I've read from her and honestly I'm not that big into Contemporary, but she has a magical way of writing that makes you want to learn more about all of her wonderful characters. Seriously, it's like magic.

Secondly, the characters! Ohhh... I just love this set of characters! I was so happy that they were all in the same town, so I already felt like I was visiting my family.

Drake is an interesting guy. I had my eye on him. I was hoping Linus was going to tell him off but Annie and even her son put him in his place!! I did an arm pump (seriously, I am that much of a nerd) and just loved that part. But sadly, it's Marco that is the real threat in this, even with Drake's pretentious ways! Although I did start to soften up to him once you really get to know his story.

Again, as if I have not reiterated enough, this story is top notch. I love the way Tess writes and can NOT wait for book three! I just hope she plans on doing more than a trilogy because I just can't seem to get enough of this little town. I think I may need to move!

Recommended to absolutely everyone that loves a great, feel good, growth story. Loved this one!

jadeshea's review

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Riverbend was so not what I was expecting. It was okay though. It's about a women who does something drastic to get away from her boyfriend when she finds out she's pregnant. Then ten years later after she's in a new state, a new home, a whole new life, her past comes back to haunt her.
Her ex is out of jail and looking for revenge against her. And to the rescue comes the new man in town. He's handsome, rich, and apparently a recluse. He doesn't want anything to do with anyone in town. So he hires Annie to be his chef. To cook once a week for a good chunk of money, so he won't have to leave his home.
But when he finds out about Annie's ordeal. He wants to protect her, and he has some very personal reasons for doing it. So they start this romance, even though both of them do not see themselves very clearly. And Annie has a quite little boy, that was adorable. He was probably my favorite character out of the whole book.
The only thing that I thought was kind of neat, but yet weird was the stuff with the coyotes. It didn't make a lot of sense to me, but it was still somewhat cool.
But overall the book was okay. It had nice characters, and an interesting plot line. Not sure if I will read anymore because there seems to be a second book, but this one was good while I read it.

vhardman's review

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Annie Bell has not had an easy life. From abusive relationships to struggling making it on her own with her young son Alder, she has been through it all. Now she has a new lease on life in a small town in Oregon. Annie is the head chef at the nicest restaurant in town, she has a wonderful eclectic group of friends and finally a happy life, but soon someone from her past is going to threaten her future.

Drake has moved to Riverbend Oregon to get away from everyone and everything! He has sold his successful Tech Company and after surviving a terrible tragedy has decided to become a recluse and live alone with the exception of needing someone to cook for him.

Riverbend is a page turner from beginning to end! The gamut of emotions this story has the reader going through is amazing and absolutely wonderful! Tess Thompson has written a series that will continually leave the reader asking for more.

I highly recommend this book and series. Tess Thompson does a fantastic job developing the characters and leaves you wanting for more!