
Juego de Tronos: La Guía Pop-Up de Poniente by Matthew Christian Reinhart

ihateprozac's review against another edition

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If you're a die-hard fan of the television series or books, YOU NEED THIS IN YOUR LIFE.

I purchased this expecting a readable book that had pop ups on each page, but I didn't realise that it all unfolds to assemble into one GIANT 3D MAP OF WESTEROS - including King's Landing and the Wall!

It has fun little tidbits about the major houses and landmarks in the ASOIAF, so it's interesting to read as well as bloody glorious to look at.

I cannot fathom the amount of work and engineering that goes into producing a masterpiece like this, and Matthew Christian Reinhart deserves ALL of the awards.

My only problem is that I don't have a space in my house where I can display it 24/7!

Game of Thrones pop up book

triceliatops's review against another edition

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chicokc's review against another edition

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Todo sale, vive, crece.

mariposa_ca's review against another edition

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Super fun book. No real content (hence the three-star review), but the pop-ups were quite fun.

sarahfett's review against another edition

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The pop-up art in this book is wonderful, and the text provides a good overview of the setting for ASoIaF.

krmathyb's review against another edition

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How do they do it? Pop up books and paper art just amaze me.

This pop up map? Diagram? ....let’s go with piece of art, is a very cool piece to add to any Game of Thrones fan’s collection. The book itself mainly consists of various pop outs and pull outs with little tidbits of information here or there.

I have wanted this for years and am glad to finally be able to add it to my collection.

Please Note: I purchased this item discounted at Bradley’s Book Outlet and am posting an unbiased review.

alexctelander's review against another edition

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It’s that time of year again, deep in the dark of winter, when Christmas is almost upon us; and we sit a fair distance away from the next riveting season of HBO’s Game of Thrones, and even longer from the next book in the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin. You’re probably thinking in these dark times what possible gift could I be rewarded with that will make everything feel better, what pricey item would make the perfect Christmas present or possibly a worthwhile spending of the Christmas money? Why not take a look at Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros.

There aren’t many books out there to which nothing bad can be said about them, and this is one of those very rare books. However, there is a dilemma with this beautiful pop-up book, which is that you want to continuously open it and lift every flap and card and pop-up section and study and read and admire; but at the same time you also want to keep everything pristine and mint and unopened to preserve its value and perfection.

Much as with anything Matthew Reinhart puts his mind and skill to, this is simply an astonishing work of art. One of his more recent popular works of genius is Star Wars: A Pop-up Guide to the Galaxy. The level of detail and work that has gone into this pop-up book knows no bounds.

Generally, your average pop-up book will have maybe one or two on a page, and sometimes none to continue whatever story it is trying to tell, not so with Game of Thrones. Reinhart pushes the envelope with multiple levels of pop-ups cunningly conceived and designed to defy artistic logic, while other great page-spanning scenes rise up from the paper like Lazarus to dazzle your very eyes.

In addition to the main pop-up on each page, the smaller sub-pop-up has a little corner cover to be folded into so that it remains firmly locked in place and protected, making it easy to release and open up and admire, and then put back again in safety. This device also makes it easy to know how to open up a pop-up so it doesn’t bend the wrong way and possibly get damaged.

The book takes you across the scenes and locations of Westeros, showing you the lands and its citadels, giving you information on the people and characters and some of the familiar story pieces you have come to love and hate and perhaps love again. Whether you’re an addict of the books, the TV show or both, as you slowly and delicately leaf through this incredible book you will no doubt have the Game of Thrones theme song running in your head.

Originally written on November 23, 2014 ©Alex C. Telander.

For more reviews, check out the BookBanter site.

bookwalk's review against another edition

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Es ist einfach der Wahnsinn, was es aufgrund des riesigen Erfolgs der TV Serie "Game of Thrones" mittlerweile alles auf dem Markt zu kaufen gibt. Angefangen hat alles mit einer grandiosen Roman-Reihe, genannt "Das Lied von Eis und Feuer" von George R. R. Martin, welche aktuell 10 Romane umfasst. Da war es nicht verwunderlich, dass nach der Verfilmung auch Comic-Hefte bzw. Graphic Novels und zahlreiche Merchandising-Artikel wie Bierkrüge oder T-Shirts auf den Markt kommen würden. Das neuste Produkt auf dem Game of Thrones Markt ist nun der gigantische "Game of Thrones Pop-Up-Guide für Westeros", erschienen im Panini Comics Verlag.
Auf leider nur 24 Seiten kann man in diesem großartigen Buch in die faszinierende und gigantische Welt von Westeros und Essos eintauchen und die wichtigsten Schauplätze in "3D" erleben.
Jede Doppelseite dieses Buches ist dabei einem anderen Schwerpunkt gewidmet. So ist man am Anfang in Königsmund (King's Landing), reist nach Westeros bis hin zur Mauer. Jede Doppelseite enthält dabei ein oder mehrere tolle ausklappbare Modelle aus Pappe, welche sich mit dem öffnen der Buchseiten automatisch ausklappen und auch wieder zuklappen, wenn man das Buch zuschlägt. Darüber hinaus gibt es unzählige weitere Hintergründe und ansehnliche Gimmicks. So erfährt man lesenswerte Informationen zu den einzelnen großen Häusern aus "Game of Thrones", wissenswertes zu den Kreaturen wie den White Walkers oder den Schattenwölfen und entdeckt immer wieder kleine aber sehenswerte Details (die möchte ich allerdings nicht nennen, um nicht zu viel über den Inhalt zu verraten).
Als großes Highlight empfinde ich dabei die Konstruktion dieses Buches, da man es komplett ausklappen kann und die anfänglich erscheinenden Seiten zu einer einzigen großen und zusammenhängenden Karte von Westeros und Essos ausklappen kann und man alle Modelle aufgeklappt vor sich sieht und einen grandiosen Gesamteindruck erfährt.

Den Preis auch wert?
Ob einem die knapp 60 Euro für diesen Game of Thrones Pop-Up-Guide für Westeros wirklich wert sind sei einmal dahingestellt. Fakt ist: Etwas mehr als 20 Seiten scheinen da dann doch deutlich zu knapp bemessen um die 60 Euro auch nur ansatzweise zu rechtfertigen.
Fakt ist aber auch, dass dieser Pop-Up-Guide ein Meisterwerk der Klapp- und Papptechnik auf allerhöchstem Niveau ist, was nicht nur gänzlich zu einem riesigen Motiv ausklappbar ist (ich will das jetzt hier nicht fotografieren, da ich nicht zu viel zeigen möchte und ein Foto diesen Umfang nicht richtig einfängt) und es dazu noch jede Menge tolle Infos und Easter-Eggs für den begeisterten "Game of Thrones" Fan parat hält. Letztendlich muss jeder selbst entscheiden, ob ihm diese Investition lohnend erscheint. Die Tatsache, dass man dieses Buch aber nicht unbedingt komplett maschinell fertigen kann (zumindest kann ich mir das nicht vorstellen) scheinen dabei den etwas höheren Kaufpreis u.a. zu rechtfertigen.
Meiner Meinung nach sollte man sich als Fan dieser außergewöhnlichen TV Serie aber wenigstens ein paar Gedanken machen, ob man nicht doch einen Blick riskiert. Mich konnte dieses Pop-Up-Guide auf jeden Fall vollauf begeistern und von sich überzeugen.

Für jeden Fan der TV Serie "Game of Thrones" ist dieses Meisterwerk trotz des leider sehr hohen Preises einen Blick wert

andydcaf2d's review against another edition

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It's like the opening credits of the show, the way things pop up when you open the pages!!!

alexctelander's review against another edition

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It’s that time of year again, deep in the dark of winter, when Christmas is almost upon us; and we sit a fair distance away from the next riveting season of HBO’s Game of Thrones, and even longer from the next book in the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin. You’re probably thinking in these dark times what possible gift could I be rewarded with that will make everything feel better, what pricey item would make the perfect Christmas present or possibly a worthwhile spending of the Christmas money? Why not take a look at Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros.

There aren’t many books out there to which nothing bad can be said about them, and this is one of those very rare books. However, there is a dilemma with this beautiful pop-up book, which is that you want to continuously open it and lift every flap and card and pop-up section and study and read and admire; but at the same time you also want to keep everything pristine and mint and unopened to preserve its value and perfection.

Much as with anything Matthew Reinhart puts his mind and skill to, this is simply an astonishing work of art. One of his more recent popular works of genius is Star Wars: A Pop-up Guide to the Galaxy. The level of detail and work that has gone into this pop-up book knows no bounds.

Generally, your average pop-up book will have maybe one or two on a page, and sometimes none to continue whatever story it is trying to tell, not so with Game of Thrones. Reinhart pushes the envelope with multiple levels of pop-ups cunningly conceived and designed to defy artistic logic, while other great page-spanning scenes rise up from the paper like Lazarus to dazzle your very eyes.

In addition to the main pop-up on each page, the smaller sub-pop-up has a little corner cover to be folded into so that it remains firmly locked in place and protected, making it easy to release and open up and admire, and then put back again in safety. This device also makes it easy to know how to open up a pop-up so it doesn’t bend the wrong way and possibly get damaged.

The book takes you across the scenes and locations of Westeros, showing you the lands and its citadels, giving you information on the people and characters and some of the familiar story pieces you have come to love and hate and perhaps love again. Whether you’re an addict of the books, the TV show or both, as you slowly and delicately leaf through this incredible book you will no doubt have the Game of Thrones theme song running in your head.

Originally written on November 23, 2014 ©Alex C. Telander.

For more reviews, check out the BookBanter site.