
Into the Crossfire: A Protectors Novel: Navy Seal by Lisa Marie Rice

laurenjodi's review

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Into the Crossfire
3 Stars

Former Navy SEAL, Sam Reston runs his own private security company and is used to consorting with the darkest members of society’s underbelly. For this reason, he is caught completely off guard by his new neighbor, the beautiful and intelligent Nicole Pearce. After doing her a service, Sam manages to wrangle a date from Nicole, but little do they know that a dangerous threat from across the world is about to derail their budding romance.

Sam and Nicole are both likable characters and their romance is exceedingly spicy. The terrorist plot has potential and there are some intense and exciting scenes, but something is definitely missing.

Perhaps it is the fact that the basic storyline is very similar to Pursuit written by Rice's alter ego Elizabeth Jennings. In both books, the heroes are Navy SEALs, the heroines are targets of an assassin, and the killers are highly trained military rejects. Consequently, it all feels too familiar and might have been more enjoyable if I hadn’t read the two books so closely together.

sadie_rae's review

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A rather fast pace book, the whole book takes place over the period of 4 days or so. Sam has been working undercover for the last few weeks, so when Nichole first see's him he looks a half step between a bum and a street thug. Finally at the end of his case he happens across Nichole locked out of her office and offers to help her out if she promises to have dinner with him. Reluctantly agreeing to have dinner with Sam, Nichole finds herself pleasantly surprised to discover that Sam is not in fact a Vagrant but an ex-SEAL running his own profitable company. After an a night together Nichole pulls a runner and before she or Sam have a chance to talk about it she is attacked and they have to race against the clock to find out what it was her attacker was after.

Every thing happens very fast in this book so it keeps you interested. The only thing I thought was missing (for me at least) was a connection, I never really got sucked into the story so while good I felt that if I had connected it would have been great. 3 Stars.

mags_louise's review

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A great start to the series, a little slow to get going, but the second half of the book more than makes up for it. Sam and Nicole made great main characters. The sex was hot, although the wording used was a little mills and boon for my liking, but didn't put me off, although could understand it putting others off. However if you can overlook that you'll enjoy a suspenseful interesting story, that is easy to read.

tammywaggs's review

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I enjoyed this first book in the series. I like Ms Rice because she writes great suspense and great romance and great emotion. I would like her writing more if the books were longer and if there weren't any editing mistakes in her books.
I actually read the 3rd book in the series first but I liked this one more so if I were you I'd start here :-).
A good quick read with all of my favorite elements!

ccgwalt's review

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Grade C-

You know what you're going to get with a Lisa Marie Rice book: uber-alpha males who exude testosterone and danger, intelligent but vulnerable (and gorgeous) heroines, and a suspense plot that involves the alpha going a little berserk protecting his female. Often the sexy alpha, so dangerous and in control in the line of fire, is a bit clueless and clumsy about true love--which can be endearing.

All these things are fine and when you pick up one of these books you can't complain when that's what you get. So, I'm not complaining. At least, I'm not complaining about those elements of Into the Crossfire. That's what I expected and wanted. I'm not even complaining about the writing, which was fine, better than I remember in [b:Dangerous Lover|922118|Dangerous Lover (Dangerous, #1)|Lisa Marie Rice||907146]. What I did find disappointing is the yawn factor of this book. the story took a long time to get off the ground, and I was really bored by the sections involving the bad-guy mastermind. The action got going in the last forth of the book and I enjoyed that, but overall this wasn't a very exciting read. Not nearly as good as [b:Midnight Man|267667|Midnight Man (Midnight, #1)|Lisa Marie Rice||259493].

However, I will probably read more Lisa Marie Rice because sometimes I want to live the fantasy, and she provides it.

dumblydore's review

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Rating: 3.5/5

LMR follows a familiar formula, and while it works incredibly well (as with her Dangerous series), in Into the Crossfire, I could easily predict and picture where it was going, which bothered me. I like to know that in spite of the formula a romance writer has to follow it still has some kind of unpredictability, some notion of surprise, to make me forget that it's following a formula. It's still sexy and dangerous and tense, but it lacks lasting impressions. I think it has more to do with the structure of the writing, mainly the point of views. But I'm curious to see where the villainy continues ...

schomj's review

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Overall, it was quick, easy read. Reminded me a lot of '90s-era Linda Howard

Ex-SEAL Sam Reston and his two brothers-by-choice survived brutal childhoods and swore to protect -- not harm -- those weaker than them, especially women and children. Enter Nicole Pearce, translator and daughter of a diplomat, who quit her lucrative job to return to the US and care for her dying father. Sam is certain that Nicole is far above him, but he wants her and he'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants. When Nicole becomes the target of an unknown man* who is planning to kill her, Sam and his brothers enter the battle on her behalf.

*the unknown man targeting Nicole is hired by a member of a Muslim terrorist organization. I have to say, with all the anti-Muslim nonsense that gets floated around the media, it's really hard for me to accept Muslims as the villains without wondering about the motives of the author. While there isn't as much nuance as I would have liked in presenting this group, supposedly affiliated with Hamas, the kind of comic book-y nature of it is in keeping with the rest of the novel.

saharadawn29's review

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Hero is Sam - tall, beefy, muscular SEAL who is a kind, gentle giant (well he tries)
Heroine - Nicole - beautiful and smart with milky white skin and black long hair who has a dying father to take care of and her own business. That's all her life consists of until, well, the muscular, beefy man comes along.

Oh ya! Hot and heavy. Loved this one but it was to short! It felt rushed and I would have liked the characters to be more developed, more interacting. I also liked the whole terrorist plot with the girl being kidnapped and the hero comes to her rescue.
Will definitely read more of her books.

asweetinferno's review

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I was actually getting into this book. It had all the pieces I enjoy. Sexy ex military men, thrilling plot (terrorism? Deadline to saving the country? Sexy ex military man protecting the woman who can save everyone? Um, yes.)

But alas, it was ruined by HORRIBLE - HORRIBLE - sex scenes, insta love, and a weak female who should have been, by all accounts, a strong badass. At least in protecting herself and self-defense.

Such a disappointing ending of, four days after talking to each other for the first time, one date, more terribly explained sex than words in the book, two murder attempts, and seeing her and her father almost murdered with seconds to spare, becomes an insta love mess of marriage proposal and immediately hoping the pill wouldn’t work and would cause this woman to become pregnant with his babies.

Nahh, bruh.

catzkc's review

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This is the 3rd book I’ve read from this author. I like her style.

Her Hero's are hot, alpha males, who know what they want and don’t hesitate to go after it. There’s insta-attraction, but not insta-love, so that leans towards believable instead of over-the-top.

Her heroine’s so far have all been beautiful, sophisticated and classy with exquisite figures of course. And while they may not have significant monetary resources, they always appear polished, with chic and tasteful clothes, shoes, and attention spent on their hair, nails and makeup to go with them. None of this is anything I can relate to, so she kind of loses me there a bit, but not enough to completely turn me off of her books. At least the heroines are kind and nice, not stuck-up and snooty.

As far as the sexy times, she hits it just right. Only a couple of sexy scenes - so not so much when you come across it you skim it b/c they’ve already hit the sheets about a dozen times and you’ve gotten bored reading the same scenes over and over again. But even though there’s only a couple of bedroom scenes (and they aren’t always in the bedroom ;) ) it’s packed with heat, which is what really melts my butter:

“Look.” Through sheer willpower she steadied her voice, tugging her hand from his. Trying to, anyway. His hold was painless but unbreakable. “There’s something I need to say to you, right up front, Sam. And I need you to listen to me carefully.” He bowed his head, eyes always on hers. “Fine.” He tightened his warm grasp slightly. “But I want to be touching you while I listen.”

Stomach flip!

The suspense element of the plot is well done. Probably takes up a little more of the book than I personally care for (we’re shown all the details about what is going on with the people who are after Nicole and all the details as to why), but I have a feeling most readers would disagree with me about that!

I’ll definitely be reading more of her books!