
The Song Caster by Danielle E. Shipley

lissyiszy's review

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*I wrote this review several weeks after I had read it, so this is my after book thoughts.
(An ARC was provided by the author for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way.)

Shipley continues her well crafted story telling and there continues to be no dull moment in her pacing. Most of that, of course, is because of magic that brings a little trouble to our protagonists who will have to get out of them in due time. This is another great tale told by our great wordsmith. I always enjoy the different fairy tale parallels the author throws in for us to find. She even changes things up a bit to keep us on our toes. I'm still sort of hoping that she'll throw in a tale that and twist it so that I totally won't see it coming but only time shall tell. Nevertheless, I don't get tired of reading Shipley's retold fairy tales. :D

The ending is satisfying and complete. It successfully sums up the troubles the protagonists have gone through and needed to solve. It's nice and clean that leaves you with fluffy warm feelings. lol I'm going to leave it at that for you. (Working on my no spoiler review rule I've set for myself.) Lute continues to steal my heart and I'm looking forward to the next adventure Shipley has in store for her next story. Can I have it now? *makes grabby hands* lol Just kidding!

4 out of 5 rating for me!

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