
Ghosters 2: Revenge of the Library Ghost by Diana Corbitt

nikaczewska's review

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I have just finished reading this little gem and all I want to say is that it's such an enjoyable read!
I haven't read the first book of the Ghosters series but I managed to get through this one without any major confusion so - no, you don't have to read these in order (which is great when it comes to children's books).
What I loved most about this book is that it is mostly written from the point of view of a young boy - Joey, who as Asperger Syndrome. In various parts of the book we can see that Joey is struggling to understand metaphors or phrases such as "losing my marbles". He treats them all literally and doesn't understand their deeper meaning. He also struggles to understand why his friends are telling lies in some situations. I think that writing the book from his perspective gives children a great introduction into what Asperger Syndrome is and how it can affect the way a person functions.
That aside, the story itself is great! We can see a group of friends stumbling across a ghost in their school library and after doing some investigating they find out that the ghost needs help with solving a mystery. The story is filled with action and is very humorous, I found myself smiling a lot while reading. The ending seemed a little bit rushed to me, but maybe I'm digging in too deep into the story.
Would definitely recommend for children and adults alike!

booknallnight's review

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Join Elbie and Joey on the hunt to solve a mystery. They are unique in that they can see and talk to ghosts. Even though they struggle with ADHD (Elbie) and Asperger's (Joey) they aren't shown with that as a hindrance and I loved that immensely. They are a little quirky yes but it adds to the charm of the book.This is definitely the series for all the young sleuths who aren't afraid of a little spook.

I was asked to read and review Ghosters2 by the author. I did not receive anything other than the joy of reading this cute and well written book. Despite this being the 2nd in the series it can be read standalone. There are a few references to the 1st book but that does not take away from it overall.

This is definitely one I will be saving for my reading time with the grandbabies. ❤️❤️

mel01's review

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This was an ebook kindly offered to me by the author. 
When I saw the titles on offer I had to pick this one, I mean, a book set in a library is always going to be  my choice.
Not usually a genre I would pick, it is about two sixth grade students who run into some ghosts at the school library. Both Elbie and Joey are comfortable around death and ghosts, Elbie lives above a mortuary. It is a mystery rather than a horror which kept me interested. I hadn't read the first one which wasn't a problem and didn't affect the way I understood the characters or the story. 
One thing I particularly appreciated about this story was the inclusion of Joey's Aspergers. I think it is really important, especially given the audience demographic, for kids with aspergers to see themselves in a book but also for others to understand the challenges of this syndrome.
Overall, a good read and I will be recommending to my younger nieces, nephews and students!

maesreadingworld's review

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3.5/4 stars

Elbie and Joey were so fun to read about. Joning joining them is Joey's sister Theresa and her friend Larry. They all work together to figure out whats going on in the library and why a ghost would be there and what it wants.

I loved that Elbie lives in a mortuary with his family and he and Joey get to see ghosts a lot. Over all we enjoyed the story as well as the fun things the characters got up to solve the problem of the ghost. I loved the inclusion of the characters. Having a book with an main character with Asperger's is wonderful.

Thank you to the author for providing a copy for review!!

popthebutterfly's review

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Disclaimer: I received this ebook from the publishing company. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Revenge of the Library Ghost

Author: Diana Corbitt

Book Series: Ghosters Book 2

Rating: 5/5

Recommended For...: middle grade readers, paranormal

Publication Date: November 15, 2018

Genre: Middle Grade Paranormal

Recommended Age: 10+ (some scary moments)

Publisher: Bedazzled Ink Publishing

Pages: 180

Synopsis: It’s been a year since Theresa and her English friend, Kerry, won the Ghosters contest. Now her little brother, Joey, has stumbled on a mystery in the school library. Blasts of cold air, lights that flicker, and books flying off the shelves start Joey and his friend, Elbie, searching for the reason. Elbie lives above his family’s mortuary and is very comfortable around the ghosts that troop through its halls. He’s a prankster and doesn’t mind Joey’s Asperger’s behaviors. When the boys discover a ghost holding Joey’s bug book hostage, they team up with Theresa and Kerry to decode the ghostly messages found in the titles of the books thrown by the library ghost.

Review: Again, this book does well for me and I liked it more than the first one. I thought the author did well to improve the character development and the world building was still well done. The book had a great story with it and the plot kept me hooked from beginning to end.

However, I did think the ending was a bit predictable and the book did have some slower moments in it.

Verdict: It was great!

readerthenblogger's review

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! You can't help but love the friendship between Joey and Elbie. They don't let Joey's Asperger's get in the way of them having fun or getting into a bit of mischief while solving the mystery of their school library and principal. The comfort level they have around the ghosts is admirable as well. I know for myself  I wouldn't have been that great at handling the special ability to see and communicate with ghosts at their age. This story also involved my love of books and the library. It was refreshing to see Diana incorporate the importance of libraries, books, and reading into her story while keeping it light and fun. You also learn about acceptance and treating people with respect even if they do have a developmental disorder or any other disability for that matter. Elbie's family living above the mortuary took me back to Vada in My Girl. In fact the friendship between Joey and Elbie reminded me quite a bit of the friendship between Vada and Thomas J.

Check out more of my review:

bottomofthebookshelf's review

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*Thank you to the author for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

I love a good spooky middle-grade book, and this was just that. This book follows an autistic main character named Joey with his best friend Elbie as they try to solve a paranormal mystery involving a ghost in their school library. I thought the story was really well done and I was genuinely interested in solving the mystery. I also loved the main character Joey, who I found to be such a sweetie. I’m rating this 4 stars because the copy I got contained a few mistakes in spelling and punctuation. Overall, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to any fans of spooky middle-grade books.