
Rise of Hypnodrome by Matt Fuchs

daynpitseleh's review against another edition

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I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I often have a complaint with science fiction books that everything gets wrapped up too quickly. Rise of Hypnodrome suffers from this problem and then some. It's just not long enough. I know it's a novella, but I wanted more. The story was a quick read that captivated my interest, but ultimately, I wanted more of everything - more character development, more background, more action, more resolution. I hope the author chooses to expand this into a full length novel.

urlphantomhive's review against another edition

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Rise of Hypnodrome's premise seemed a bit like Brave New World. Everything for happiness but why is the main character not happy, as he obsesses about his new robot?

I couldn't get into the story. There were a lot of different concepts thrown together and it pains me to say, but I felt that even though it's only a novella, it was too long. Not for me.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

caidyn's review

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Thanks to Netgalley and CCfLaP!

What caught me about this book was Deepak Chopra. My mom's read his books since I can remember. Then I read something about robots and dystopia and I know that I wanted to give this book a try. Quite honestly, I am glad. There were many different things addressed. Whether robots are humans or not, epigenetics -- which I find so interesting, a woman raping a man. That scene was weird, though. Sadly, all these things just didn't mesh together. This new world wasn't really put together well. I understood nothing about it and I still understand nothing. Plus, the controversy with robots felt out of place. Same with the epigenetics. All very good topics, but they didn't go together well. It was perfect length, and I personally would have enjoyed it just being about the robot love. All the sex was out of place, too. I didn't want to read about a robot handjob or a wife raping her husband. That's not my kind of thing to gravitate to.