
Finding Honor by Ripley Proserpina

mamabookwyrm's review

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So I first met Nora and her guys in the Falling For Them anthology. I was intrigued enough by that story to delve into the series as a whole. I loved the premise of the book; it seemed different from the other reverse harem novels I read.

Nora is sweet, naïve, and a survivor. When life throws a curveball at her, she gets knocked down hard. While attempting to gain her balance, she meets five guys. Ryan is studious, intelligent, and serious. Apollo is determined, strong, and sweet. Matisse is intriguing, cosmopolitan, and nice. Cai is guarded, kind, and skeptical. Seok is jerky, awkward, and standoffish. All five of the guys were well written and pretty complex. What failed for me character development wise was Nora. For me, she was a bit of a mess going from scared to comfortable in an instance, hopping from one boy to the next before she really even knows them, and her personality didn’t quite match up with her background (keep in mind these are all my opinions and thoughts). She’s very much the damsel in distress.

This story moves a lot faster than most RH stories I’ve read. I was surprised at the speed in which the characters started to hook up. I did appreciate though that it’s not all smooth sailing. Overall, it’s a decent story and I did enjoy it. I look forward to reading the next installment.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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jadeshea's review

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Nora helps save the students she's subing for, but it all goes wrong after she gets shot then accused of helping the shooter. The problem is she had nothing to do with it, and she really doesn't remember much from the shooting either.

But, when Ryan helps her with her case and gives her place to live with him and his roommates, he opens a whole new world for her. One, where she seems to be falling for more than one guy, and life ends up knocking her down a little more.

This book starts off really great and I really enjoyed Nora and her relationships with all the guys. I thought this book had a great story, and very enjoyable characters.

The only downside in my opinion was towards the end when Nora does something totally stupid, and I'm scared what that could mean for the next book.

I can't wait for more in this series.

thebookdisciple's review

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Pretty good RH story.
Observation: Why do almost all of the characters in RH stories come from broken homes? Is it because this warped sense of family and relationships they had growing up allows them to be less 'traditional' when it comes to relationships? I have just noticed that in most of the RH stories I read, its either PNR or kids from seriously broken homes.
I am not sure how I feel about all the characters yet; with one girl and 5 guys, its difficult to really dig deep into their backgrounds. But, I think there is potential and I certainly plan to keep reading!

liliandherbooks's review

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This was surprisingly better than I thought. Except the relationship between main female and her harem went from zero to hundred in a second. Didn't mind it too much since I like when the author isn't afraid to introduce sex in a book but it surprised me how quickly it sprung up. Like Day 1 : Move in. Day 2: Go grocery shopping with one of your new roommates. Day 2: Get attacked by an overprotective mom. Still Day 2: Comfort sesh with the roommate and start making out in the car.

bookofboxes's review

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Eh. It's was ok. I felt sad for main because of her Soto. But it's wasn't realistic or fantasy enough. Too muxj insta love and especially the hate to love too. Bored. I might read the next book in the series. Might just skim it.

katekat's review

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I have gotten very into reading Reverse Harem novels lately. It's super hard to find decent ones that don't just read like fan fiction. This series is really good though. Both the characters and the story are fully fleshed out and well written. I'm enjoying becoming invested in this world and pleased that I discovered this author.