
Siren's Call by Debbie Herbert

nicolet2018's review

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I never expected this trilogy. When I read Siren's Secret I was beyond excited. Mermaids have always been my fave mythological creatures. When I met Jet and Lily I wondered if they would get their own books and so they did.

This one follows up after Siren's Treasure. A recap: It was never revealed if Lily killed Perry or if it was an accident. Moreover the author mentioned that all would be revealed in Lily's book. I was intrigued by the inter racial coupling. Not that I have anything against it I actually find it fresh to have such diversity. I think more authors should celebrate this. I never expected Lily and Nashoba "Nash" to meet so quickly though.

As the book began, I got to see from Lily's pov. Looking at her from other people's eyes made me think she is was a pretty girl with not much brains but in ST she proved to be more. Having the women of Bayou La Siryna shun her was sad. But Lily's viewpoint is unique, she dates to find her true love but leaves as soon as she realizes it isn't what she is looking for. To put it simply, she casual dates and has broken a fair share of hearts. As a siren, Lily is used to people falling over their feet to please her so when Nash does not bat an eyelash her pride is bruised. Interestingly, Nash and her are childhood friends with quite a bond. She then begins a campaign to make Nash feel something for her. Quite desperately I might add.

I was not pleased with this. Lily is such a proud woman. To see her going out of her way to spend time with Nash was rather embarassing. It almost bothered on harassing. This was a turn off for me. I wanted to know more about Lily why she is the way she is and who she really is. I liked that they did not jump into bed immediately but took their time. But straddling the line between friends and lovers is tricky and I did not really like that they did not actually say "lets get together" before becoming all mushy. The romance was hot but the love scenes were just okay. I was pleased that they were not in excess like some books are wont to do. That is so annoying and frankly cheapens the story.

I love that the story did not center on them but included the other characters. I wanted Jet, Shelly, Landry, Tillman and Adriana to appear more and they did. To my joy. Family is a such a strong part of the trilogy, it definitely tells the reader to appreciate who you have despite their shortcomings and the relationship between Nash and Sam was special as well. I liked reading about the Choctaw ways and legends. I knew Nash was not normal but sadly, the way his powers were written was very cheesy especially at the beginning. But later as things were revealed about his heritage it seemed to flow better. I like how Tia Henrietta returns with her daughter
Spoilerand the reveal that they are of mermaid blood.
The world of the bayou is multi layered and so enchanting. I just had to find out more. There are so many magical things that happen there. This is quite a world the author created.

What is a story without baddie? Opal really surprised me. It is not often that the villian is a female. It was unique to see a why a female would go so far as to kill someone. Looking into her past made me sad for her. She had many set backs and has low self esteem. Hence the mental disorder. I found it so ridiculous how she thought Nash loved her. What was really creepy was how she maintained a facade in front of Nash and Lily. That is the real crazy. But this aspect made the story thrilling.

I really wanted to find out what happened between Lily and Perry and find out I did. Like her family,
SpoilerI could not quite believe that she did not kill him because I saw this ruthlessness in her when she went to face Carl Dismukes in this book. The strong urge to protect her family at any cost.
There are layers to her character that I did not even know about till this book and boy was I glad to know more about her. I loved that she has a passion for drawing and painting. At least she is not just a pretty barbie and that like everyone else she gets nervous and has moments when she is not very confident. That made her easy to relate to.

Overall this was another nice installment. A shaky start but with a good middle and finish. I wonder what is next for the author, I would love another book based in this world!

maureensbooks89's review

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In ‘Siren’s Call’ we meet Lily Borsage, a siren. Lily is gorgeous and every man she meets is immediately attracted to her. Everything about Lily draws men in. And although Lily definitely likes being beautiful, being a siren isn’t easy. All woman hate her, and all the men think she’s playing with them. What they don’t know is that all that Lily want’s is to find true love. But this isn’t easy when every guy you meet doesn’t seem interested in you, but only in your body and your voice. And that’s not the only thing, she also has a secret she can’t talk to ‘normal’ people about: she is a mermaid.
One day she sees a very handsome man walking around town, soon she realizes he is her old friend Nash, and he is gorgeous. But Nash doesn’t seem interested in Lily at all. Isn’t he affected by her Siren abilities? Nash has secrets of his own, and really doesn’t want the attention of another woman. But Lilly doesn’t give up quickly.

This is the first book I read about mermaids. I always found mermaids fascinating but somehow never read a book about them. So I really enjoyed reading something a little different. This story immediately starts, there’s no slow introduction or getting used to the characters. From the very first page this book starts with Lily and Cash, and I really felt like I was reading this book longer than just for one page. It was a little strange to start a book like this, but it definitely made me interested in reading more.

This book was definitely not what I expected. I somehow thought this book would be kind of a fairytale, but it’s written in the present and it’s about the ‘real world’. Yes, the main character is a mermaid. But most of all, she just lives in a little town, enjoys painting and interacts with people like we all do.
Unfortunately I didn’t really like the main character Lily. She was just so arrogant, and although I know this is because she is a siren and has these powers.. the arrogance bothered me. Fortunately, Debbie Herbert’s writing is good enough that I really did enjoy the story, without liking the main character.

I loved the mystery part in this book, the romance and above all I loved the mermaid stuff. This book is definitely a nice summer read. Nothing too complicated, but just a fun book you can read while lying in the sun.

indywrites's review

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This paranormal novel #SirensCall has everything for a book lover like me with a dash of extra thrown in! Not only was the story very solid but the characters of Sam and Opal too were so well etched even though they were not the main lead in the book! Lily and Sam had good help and support from all corners to make a perfect love story. The supernatural element was so well scripted in the story line that I want to read the stories of the other two sisters as well. The story line is a typical romance but the nocturne line of novels always delights and this book is no different. The language is so expressive and the elements of the spirit world shared with such faith and humility making me want to know more, learn more.

Lily and Nash are so similar to each other in their passions and nature; they are perfect for each other even though they themselves are not so sure. Both of them are trying in their own way to maintain a distance while the other wants to be together. Lily is surprised Nash does not want her and Nash is surprised why he is so pulled towards Lily.

The romance is strong as is the chemistry; the paranormal adds an edge to the love story. I found it hard to put down the book as the story progressed at a steady pace and had so many surprise elements. The connection to the previous two books was also well explained, making me interested to know more about Bayou La Siryna and its residents.

The parallel story of Opal, her life and how unfair it can be sometimes made me so sympathetic towards her but in the end her actions pretty much sealed her faith. The author Debbie Herbert has ensured no loose ends and the Siren’s Call is just like its name; irresistible.

A fast paced read, perfect for the weekend and totally bang on if you are a big paranormal fan. This book reminded me that I need to read more such awesome, spirited books.

(I received a copy of the book from NjKinny Tours & Promotions; the views are my own as a part of the Review Tour)

arguemore's review

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Only part I didn't agree with in this book was the cliche that was the damsel in distress angle. Other than that, it was a nice story to read. Not as electric as the previous one, but still enigmatic in its own right nonetheless.