
Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action by Nick Vujicic

blueclaudinha's review

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Nick is the best! I only gave it 4 stars, because I think it's best as a study (for small groups) since there's so much to unpack. Either way, read it! :)

marieeya's review

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Nick's faith and of those he shared here in this book are contagious. You will never be the same again after reading this.

davehershey's review

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Nick Vujicic begins his book Unstoppable by saying that even if you have not read his first book you may have seen his videos or attended one of his appearances worldwide as a motivational speaker.

Not me.

I had never heard of Nick before reading this book. I do have a sort of vague memory of hearing people talk about some Christian speaker who has no legs or no arms. But that was all it was, just a vague memory from a passing comment or Facebook post. I had never heard this guy speak or write, I came to this book totally fresh.

It was a pleasant and uplifting introduction to Nick, his life and work.

Nick’s goal in the book is to share the unstoppable power (hence the title) of faith in action. This sort of faith has helped Nick create a fantastic life, despite his disabilities. Upon completing the book, I believe Nick achieved this task. It is hard not to enjoy a book like this one. Nick’s positive and optimistic attitude shine through on every page. His story of being born without limbs and then living a life of achieving amazing things is truly inspiring. As I was reading I often thought of how it will be much more difficult to complain about difficulties in my life once I have read this book. I may begin to complain, then there is Nick in the back of my mind saying, “I have no arms and no legs, if I can succeed, you’ll be fine!”

Nick’s book is easy to read, filled with stories that encourage and inspire. For that alone it will be enjoyed for any reader. That said, there are a few things a reviewer could be critical of. At times Nick’s theology seems a bit simplistic and shallow. Many of the stories of other people facing difficulties end with them finding hope in life because they encountered Nick’s message. A cynical person could see Nick as patting himself on the back a bit, and at times it did become predictable as Nick would tell a story that inevitably ended with his message saving the day. But Nick manages to pass the praise to God. His point is never, “look to me so you can make it through” but rather, “look to the one I look to, Jesus Christ, and you can make it through.”

I would recommend this book to anyone. It offers hope and encouragement. Nick also gives important and challenging words on issues like bullying. Thus, it seems Nick’s message in this book, or in his videos online, would best be for teenagers, especially those struggling with life (which is probably all of them!). But ultimately, any person could benefit from the positive, Christ-centered message of this book.

I received this book for free from the publisher, Waterbrook Multnomah for the purpose of reviewing as a part of the Blogging for Books program.

deenashoemaker's review

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Nick is a really funny guy. I was introduced to his videos about two years ago and have been a BIG fan ever since. He's hilarious, he's genuine, sincere, inspiring, and just an all around amazing human being.

What I loved about this book is that he's honest and raw. And, as he says, it's really hard opening up the deep, dark parts of your life to people, especially what could end up being hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

I'll admit I totally fangirled when he started talking about meeting his now-wife, Kanae. Seriously, the book is worth reading JUST to read their story. It is SO adorable!

Beyond talking about his own struggles and pain, he also opens it wide up to show you that others have been through terrible things and came out strong. The point behind these inspirational stories is to show you that it doesn't matter what you're going through, if you keep your head up, then you too could be an incredible inspiration. All you have to do is take the crap life gives you and realize that there is a purpose and beauty inside it, you just have to look for it.

This book is incredible. I cried a few times, I squealed a few times (don't judge me, their love story is seriously cute), I loved it. I'm actually giving it three stars instead of four because, while inspirational, I did find it a little bit redundant.

averyhoppypal's review

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Nick Vuijicic was born without arms or legs, but he didn't give up on life. Instead he put his faith in God into action and made the most of what he had.
For me personally, this book was kind of boring. But then again I don't really need a motivational speaker and I don't struggle with a physical handicap. I do really admire Nick's courage and faith and his determination to do things that many people, including myself, would say are impossible.
If you are struggling with faith and hopelessness in your current situation, you may want to consider reading this. Nick deals with important subjects such as relationships, trusting God,and believing in yourself.

arizux's review

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Heartfelt and inspirational but a bit too preachy and I wished he weaved in more of his personal experiences because I felt like I was reading a transcript of a Ted Talk