
The Darkest Promise by Gena Showalter

abumblebeee's review against another edition

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Cameo, keeper of the Demon of Misery, has never known true happiness....well not that she can remember. Until she returns from the spirit realms and has only the name Lazarus to hold onto. Rather than blow her one possible shot at happiness, she reenters the spirit realms to find Lazarus and maybe happiness.

I've been waiting for Cameo's love story, after going through 12 books with her completely miserable and unable to talk, it was refreshing to see her personality in this book. Lazarus is the perfect compliment to her and they both have to battle their inner demons if they have any chance at being together. The stories are all coming together, and I love seeing the sparks of relationships in books to come. It gets me more excited for the continuation of this series. Can't wait for the next book in June!

jeanay's review against another edition

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hi guys i finished my book and i'm like almost to the
most recent book in the series i can't believe i spent this whole month on this series i'm gonna be in the worst book slump ever but anyways the main guy character reminds me of the guy of another book the author wrote bc bitches are more focused on revenge than their love life like come on bruv go to therapy or something. but this guy is a lil better bc he ends up giving it up for her and telling her the truth of
something and ugh i'm in love him like they had a
little mud fighting fun scene from the previous books and it was eute. but i’m so dumb to not realize the connection of the whole conflict like i shouldve guessed it bc butterflies kept on being repeated but i was like how tf is he gonna survive but the way the author executed the whole thing was really good respect. i love the main girl too like she can be annoying sometimes but i don't blame her w her whole misery thing going on but she's so idk how to describe her like she's different from the other main characters who are more outspoken and shit like that but she's snarky and shit and i respect that i love mean bitches main characters. omg but the side stories tho like why most of the time the side stories be so good but they end up not being the next book tf like i want the side story of the girl trapped in the mirror and her revenge enemies to lover shit w the guy that got her trapped in it but idk if the author is gonna write it but i hope she does. and there's another of the girl who narcissistic and i can't wait to read hers like she's funny. anyways rating this book 9/10 it was good but i did get bored sometimes but maybe its be have a bad attention span but it lived up to my expectations

desiree_mcl's review against another edition

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3.5 stars.

Listened to this on audio. I really liked the narrator. He did a good job.

I love Cameo and Lazarus together. It didn't matter what they were doing, I loved when they were in the same room together.

However, even though I love them, when I got to thinking about what happened in this installment besides Cameo and Lazarus, I couldn't think of much.

Also there were things that were mentioned or done and then never brought up again, which was frustrating.

And this may sound like a weird thing to be slightly annoyed with but Cameo and Lazarus got together too easily. There were issues that came up but they were barely blips on the radar and easily brushed aside or dealt with. I don't want their journey to be so hard that I just don't want them together in the end but I need a little hardship or at least something that's not so easily dealt with.

Overall I liked this and I'm interested to see how Puck and Gilly's book goes.

naomilane's review against another edition

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You know, when you haven't read a book in a long time and you forget how much you loved it and then you read it again and remember, that's what I'm feeling right now. I read this book way before it came out, almost two years ago and at the time never wrote a review. I decided to reread it because the next book will be out soon and I wanted to dive back in the series. Best choice I've ever made.

The Darkest Promise is one of my favorite book from the Lords of the Underworld series. It's so poignant, powerful, with a strong hero and an even stronger heroine.

Cameo wasn't my favorite character, she never caught my interest but Gena really knows how to surprise her readers. I rediscovered this heroine throughout this book, it took me 13 books but I can definitely say I love Cameo. Being in her head, seeing how her demon truly affects her, really got to me. She's so kind and loving despite having to fight Misery 24/7, I loved her courage and how freaking strong she was. This one is for us, ladies. A powerful, confident heroine, able to defend herself and her man, not afraid to fight...and win.

I instantly liked Lazarus this book just sealed the deal. I loved everything about him, his confidence, his cockiness, how sweet and caring he was with Cameo, how utterly unaffected her demon made him, he made her feel powerful, he never brought her down, never thought less of her, always encouraged her to fight and kick ass. Lazarus himself was tough, pretty damn powerful and nearly untouchable and the fact that he saw an equal in Cameo right from the start made this book so much better.

Power couple you say? Hell yes! One of the best, strongest couple I know and I loved them together. I immediately connected with them, how their relationship quickly but surely developed. Lazarus remembered her but Cameo did not, that's why she went looking for him in the first place. Gena did a great job with this aspect of the story, she didn't make us wait too long for a reunion but she didn't rush things either, she found a pace that worked and she went with it.

If I had to choose one word to describe them, it'd be precious. I found their relationship so deeply moving and entertaining, I became emotionally invested, I shook my kindle, I yelled at it, it was great!

Another thing that really worked for me in this book was the world building, LOTU is a big series with a lot of different characters/realms yet Gena managed to woo me all over again. I was enchanted by the realms and how Gena described everything in such a vivid way, I was right there with Cameo. She even made me love Viola, a character I didn't care for and now I can't wait for her story.

Speaking of secondary characters, this book rocked. They never overshadowed the main couple but they were necessary to the story and, to be honest, they all were awesome. I already talked about Viola but she was not the only one. Hades is becoming one of my favorite as well as Siobhan. Rathbone, one of the nine kings of the underworld, captured my interested in a big way. William, of course, he will always hold a special place in my heart. So many untold stories waiting to be written, I cannot wait to read them all!

The Darkest Promise did keep its promise, a fantastic story about a spectacular couple, ready to face and battle everything and everyone for their happy ending.

1_romance_reader's review against another edition

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Love love loved it. I'm a huge fan of the LOTU and love every single one of them so when I heard this was about Cameo and Lazarus I was thrilled. This definitely did not disappoint. A perfect addition to the series. We also got a little peek at William and the sent one's which was a great addition.

geo_ix's review against another edition

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I loved it, like I knew I would. I had to force myself to put it down and go to sleep last night and then when I woke up early I couldn't stop myself from reading again when usually I wait a few hours to wake up properly. I really just NEEDED to know what would happen. I'm now really unsure where this series is going to go.
SpoilerWe had Viola show a bit of attraction to the guy after her, which I'm all for because he's a beast! And we saw more of William and the mention of his future having two possible outcomes with two different women which I'm REAL eager for, and also Hades and the chick he stuck in the mirror. There was also a man that was identical to William, which I still don't know what that's meant to mean... but honestly, I thought this would be the last book and all these other couples would be a spin off series, either in the angel series connected to this, or a new spin off... but I don't think that's the plan? There was small bits showing Galen but not enough to think he'll have a book next or even if ever, but since Viola had POV's in this, I think it's suggesting she's next. That could also be said with Hades, because of mirror girls POV's but I don't think that's the case.

Either way, I'm excited for the next book by Gena. This was just as witty and steamy as all the others. I found myself laughing and genuinely feeling happy so much throughout that I know I'll be thinking about this book for a while.

moirwyn's review against another edition

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This review originally appeared on my blog, Books Without Any Pictures:

The Darkest Promise is the latest book in Gena Showalter’s paranormal romance series Lords of the Underworld. Each book in Lords of the Underworld is a standalone romance, but together they form a larger story. The general premise of Lords of the Underworld is this: Pandora’s box was opened, and the demons that it contained were cast into certain people to reign them in. Those people have to deal with the curse of whatever demon possesses them. And there’s a war in the underworld between Hades and Lucifer, and the immortals are choosing sides in the battle.

The Darkest Promise‘s protagonist is Cameo. She’s the host to the demon Misery. Every time she speaks, people begin to cry as they are filled with unbearable sadness. Every time Cameo feels the slightest bit of happiness, Misery wipes away all memory of it. Cameo think’s she’s doomed to never find romance, at least, not while she contains Misery. And there isn’t an easy solution to rid herself of the demon that won’t also bring about her own death. But…

Then Cameo meets Lazarus, known by the moniker of Lazarus the Cruel and Unusual. He’s spent most of his life dedicated to revenge against those who have wronged him. But Lazarus also has a deep dark secret–he’s slowly turning into crystal, and he has a limited amount of time left before it consumes him completely.

When Cameo is with Lazarus, Misery doesn’t feel like quite as much as a burden. She allows herself to dream of what happiness might be. And when Lazarus is with Cameo, all he thinks of is her, and she’s more important to him than even his grudges. But can the two of them stay together amidst the supernatural forces that threaten to tear them apart?

The tone of the story is both modern and a bit snarky, even though it has tie-ins to elements of Greek mythology. I did find that some of the more modern references and jokes had the effect of pulling me out of the story more than pulling the story into modernity. But that’s also a stylistic choice, and I’m sure that it’ll really work for some readers.

The Darkest Promise is the second book that I’ve read in the Lords of the Underworld series, and overall, I enjoyed them both. I often like the idea of romance novels more than the execution, because I like romances where the characters treat each other well. That means that there needs to be some outside forces (e.g. a demon of sadness and a crystal curse) to keep it interesting, and to keep it from going from boy-meets-girl to happily-ever-after with the span of ten pages. This is one thing that the Lords of the Underworld series does well. Each character in this book had their own issues (Cameo and her demon, Lazarus and his crystals), and those issues were obstacles to their relationship. They each had to make the choice to leave the relative comfort and safety of the lives they had become accustomed to and to actively take the risk of loving each other and letting the other one in, even knowing that their relationship was likely doomed. That leap of trust was wonderful, and as in most good romances, it paid off with a happy ending.

dukefn99's review against another edition

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Read my review at

dragon_lion64's review

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My heart is still racing

So many emotions ran through me as I read this book. I laughed and I cried and mentally slapped both Lazarus and Cameo a few times but I loved every minute if it.

lucy_qhuay's review against another edition

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*3.5 stars*

At least I really liked the relationship between Cameo and Lazarus. It felt natural and right.
Also, I'm intrigued about Viola. I didn't like her much in the previous books, but she has definitely caught my attention now. The same goes to Siobhan. Let us hope for the best, but wait for the worst.

May, 2nd, 2016

Cameo and Lazarus!

I foresee lots of...


Hopefully, a prelude to my Gilliam as well.
