
Catch Me If You Can by Carole Brown

sassybookishmama's review

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This was an interesting story loosely related to the nursery rhyme The Gingerbread Man. It is a suspense story with some good characters. I must admit that the first part for me dragged on a bit. There was too much information being given. It does improve and I stuck with it but I must say that was a deterrent for me at first.

The character of Tara was written well. She is an investigator working through her own issues regarding the murder of her brother. Overall I thought it was good story once you get past the rough edges. This was my first by this author but I will be in on the lookout for more of her books.

I received a copy of this book from the author. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

jazzyjan94's review

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I honestly didn’t know what to expect from Catch Me If You Can, except that it was related to the nursery rhyme/story of the Gingerbread Man and that it was a suspense/mystery.

This was an interesting novel because it follows a PI trying to find an animal killer, but yet she learns some lessons along the way. Tara is stubborn, but also kind, and she has a good way of tracking clues. I like how throughout the book she confronted with the fact that she needs to let go of her anger over the murder of brother. I also liked getting to know her cat, Bot, which I loved the name (I grew up in South Africa where this was a common term), and I just love cats.

I also enjoyed getting to know all the other characters that Tara comes into contact with, especially Jimbo.

While I enjoyed the characters and the mystery, I must admit that, at least for the first part of the book, the writing seemed to be clunky. There seemed to be too much information thrown at the reader, and I often found myself a little bit lost at times. Some of the dialogue also seemed a little inauthentic to the characters. I don’t know, it just seemed confusing at times. However, about halfway through things improved and I started enjoying the book a lot more. But I did really like how we got some chapters from the suspect’s point-of-view, which added to the creep factor. Also, I loved how the author planted red herrings throughout the book as to who the culprit is.

Overall, I liked Catch Me If You Can, it was a compelling suspense with some great characters. However, it did have some technical issues in the first half that made it hard for me to engage with the story, as well as some editing errors. But, I do hope to read more of Tara and Boet’s adventures soon, and I am excited to see what other cases they solve. 3.5/5 Stars.