
Kaitlin's Tale by Christine Amsden

booksuperpower's review

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Kaitlin’s Tale by Christine Amsden is a 2016 publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book is connected to the Cassie Scot Paranormal Detective series, and it is probably a good idea to have read those books before tackling this one.

If you recall, Kaitlin is one of Cassie’s best friends, so I was happy to see she will finally get to reveal her own life journey, and share it with us.

Kaitlin finds herself in a world of hurt, as her baby daddy had been turned into a vampire and is now determined to ‘turn’ Kaitlin. After her attempts to enlist Cassie’s help fall through, Kaitlin seeks refuge with the Hunter’s Guild, only to find herself caught up in yet another dangerous scenario, where she will once again face an old enemy.

Everyone will also remember Matthew, a strong telepath, once engaged to Cassie. While Kaitlin knows she can’t trust Matthew any further than she could throw him, he may be her only ally, the only one who can keep her and her young son safe.

As the couple form an uneasy alliance, they also find a mutual attraction to each other could be the catalyst for an entirely new regime and the turning point in their lives.

This is one of the very few young adult series, and one of the very few paranormal or urban fantasy series I have kept up with, if that tells you anything.

This series has an amazing ability to branch out with secondary characters and build new stories that are connected to familiar ones, while creating a parallel between the real world and the world of fantasy that could give one pause.

The magical realm, as it turns out, is not all that different from our own, when it comes to the lust for power and control. The prejudices toward those who are different, who do not hold the same high achieving forms of paranormal abilities are shunned, thought of as lesser beings, but, as is often the case, they prove it is unwise to underestimate them.

This story is one of the more emotional ones from this series, and deals with some uncomfortable subject matter as well as introducing more adult sensuality into the equation. This is also the powerful tale of a mother’s fierce love for her son, which forces her to take risks, and put her own life on the line to keep him safe.

The one very prevalent theme I picked up on throughout the story, was trust. Kaitlin, understandably, has some pretty heavy trust issues, but with lives hanging in the balance, she will learn not only to trust, but that she is worthy of love, and capable of love, a power that is stronger than any vampire, werewolf, or any other magical gift or ability.

This companion novel, or spin off, if you will, introduces some new characters as well as bringing back familiar faces, and is complex, absorbing, as well as suspenseful. The answers are seldom pat, and shows how easily one decision, a good or a bad one, can change the outcome of one’s life drastically.

I think in the end, Kaitlin and Matthew will find that accepting the cards life has dealt them, will make them stronger, giving them the courage and strength to face the future and do what is best for everyone.

Another outstanding addition to the series!

5 stars

wulfwyn's review

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Wow! I'm sitting here trying to decide what exactly to say and whether or not this is my favorite Christine Amsden book. Telling you about the book might reveal spoilers, which I hate doing. Telling you my feelings will, most likely, reveal one. (Though if you read the author's USA Today interview you are aware of it). Difficult to decide what to write. I'll do my best though.
I first fell in love with the author's writing with [b:Cassie Scot|15813209|Cassie Scot (Cassie Scot #1)|Christine Amsden||21538833] and that series. Those books are among my most prized possessions and favorite reads. [b:Madison's Song|25678343|Madison's Song|Christine Amsden||45503400] and Kaitlin's Tale are branches off of Cassie Scot. They stand alone but are, in my opinion, best enjoyed after reading Cassie's books. Kaitlin's Tale is a rollercoaster of a tale. She is an amazing character. I didn't realize that until after I read this book.
Kaitlin is a survivor, in more ways than I imagined. I was about 60% through the book when I saw that the author did an interview. I debated reading it just then. I prefer to read books with as little known to me as possible. But decided that being so far into the book it would be fine. (There was also a relentless voice in my head telling me to read it). I'm happy I did. I learned something about Kaitlin that I never suspected but that was coming my way, (it hits at around the 80% mark on Kindle). Reading the interview helped prepare me and gave me time to corral triggers. A trigger was definitely there but it was better than I expected. (Maybe the number of books I have read this year with this in it helped me handle it. Maybe it is a subtle way of telling me to find some peace with my past.) The author showed a lot of empathy, knowledge and strength with the way she wrote it. I truly felt that she captured, exceptionally well, what living with those memories is like. All the feelings, the inability to really talk about it, the ways it affects you. The author got it right. That Kaitlin was able to share that with Matthew and come out stronger spreads a message of hope.
The tale has all the good stuff in it. Magic. Vampires. Vampire Hunters. Even the appearance of a werewolf. It has loads of action. Some breath stealing terror. Some heartbreaking moments. And some steamy love. I would, and have, recommend(ed) it, especially to paranormal lovers. I probably would not give it to early teens. Older teens, especially those who have experienced abuse, might find strength in it, especially if a trusted adult were there to process it with them. Most definitely, though, I would tell adults to pick it up. And to get the other books.