
Sojourn: The Wildlands by B. D. Messick

stephco172's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. I obviously had to give the book 5 stars. And I cannot wait to read the rest of the series. I generally enjoy YA, dystopian novels and this happens to be one of them. It seems to have elements of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Maze Runner. So if you enjoyed those books, then the Sojourn: The Wildlands, will be the book for you.

Just a little background before getting into this book. After natural disasters hit the coasts of the United States and swept through most of the country, society has put itself back together. It has formed five enclaves, or cities, where people live together and survive. Humanity is just trying to survive. And there are the Wildlands surround each enclaves and then there is the Deadlands which divides the enclaves from East and West. There is Chicago, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Spokane and some other ones. Fuels and gas seem to not exist anymore. Society ran out of them decades ago. Each seventeen year old has to make this “sojourn” to their assigned enclaves. Some of these kids make it and some do not. Each journey is vastly different from the next. In the schooling system of the enclave, they try and prepare each person for this journey.

This is the first book of the series. We meet Rayn, a seventeen year old from the Las Vegas enclave. She is about to embark on her journey to Atlanta. A couple of days into her journey she is joined by her boyfriend, Luk. There is obviously some drama before she leaves for her Sojourn, but it is eventually resolved. They are embarking on this journey together to get to Atlanta. You see them face wild animals, people who prey on the sojourners, and other hardships throughout this book. The story leaves you wanting more and to find out what happens to Rayn and Luk.

I honestly cannot recommend this book enough to my friends and family.

faerietears's review against another edition

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This book had me from page one.

If you like dystopian novels full of action and danger, you'll probably love this. There's even a little romance.

All kids in the future, upon their seventeenth birthday, must travel across the country to a randomly selected city - one of the ONLY remaining cities in the entire United States of America. The biggest problem? Most of the US is a wasteland and when Rayn undergoes her own sojourn, there are countless dangers she must face before she can even hope to reach her destination.

This is the first in a series of four books. I've had the privileged of reading an unedited copy of book 2, Sojourn: The Deadlands as well, and it's even better!

Disclaimer: I work for the publisher of this book, however, I receive no monetary compensation for sales of this book. All opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the company.

gracekalli's review against another edition

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Gut-wrenching, heart-stopping, fantastic, realistic, and terrifying. These are just some of the words I can use to describe this book. Humanity is slowly dying out and there are 5 Enclaves, or safe cities, where people have managed to survive. At the age of 17, they all have to leave their Enclave, their families, everyone they know and love, and make a journey to one of the other Enclaves where, if they make it, that will then be their home. Rayn's 17th birthday is fast approaching and so she has to walk across a barren landscape full of dangers with no promise of safety. Shortly after she leaves, she is joined by Luk, who is not 17 for 2 more months, but has chosen to leave anyway to be with her. In this book they come across so many dangers and they have limited provisions. This book gives an almost realistic view of what COULD happen in a post-apocalyptic world, and that makes the emotions more real, it makes the characters more real, and it makes the terror just that much more real. I couldn't put it down, and I guarantee you won't be able to either...

gracekalli's review against another edition

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Out of the Ashes of the Old World, rises the hope of Humanity. Rayn, Luk, Alee, and Trace have reached the last leg of their Journey to the Atlanta Enclave. They have endured hunters, rippers, deadly flora and fauna, a psychotic gang of red bandana wearing thugs hell-bent on catching them and getting Rayn and Alee back to continue their deranged cult. They have used their training, as well as gotten creative and inventive to maintain survival in the world where humans are no longer the top of the food chain, and even the most beautiful plants cannot be trusted. Rayn, as the unofficial leader, leads the group through jungles, war-torn desolation, cities burned to no more than rubble, and across intense and terrifying stretches of sparse highways in search of shelter, and on their way to Atlanta they come across enemies and allies alike. BD Messick has left the best for last with Enclave, as this book is the best of all four in the series. Your emotions will take a roller coaster ride, your heart will thump out of your chest, and this series will crawl into your soul. I am hoping we will see our fiercely loyal group of friends one day again in the future. I feel that their story is only just beginning...

gracekalli's review against another edition

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Sooooo I just stayed up all night reading this book. I couldn't put it down. And then I immediately went on amazon and tried to purchase the 4th only to's not out yet!!!!!! NOOO!!! And now I have to wait for it to be released!!! In this book, Rayn and Luk have been joined on their journey by two others, Alee and Trace. They have met some interesting people who have helped them along the way, and they are also being hunted down by a group of sadistic cannibals hell-bent on capturing them. Between all this, they have to avoid the dangers that exist in their current world since anything and everything is trying to kill them, from plants, animals, and weather. All the while, they must keep their supplies stocked, and get in-doors somehow before dark. Things are looking very poorly for our band of heroes. I am DYING to know what happens!!! Suffice it to say, this author will be added to my favorite authors list!!

wulfwyn's review against another edition

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I loved this book. Rayn, 17, is the main character in this post-apocalyptic thriller. I love that we have a strong female telling us the story. Her story. She sets off to walk across the country. Not because she wants to but because when you turn 17 you are sent out on your sojourn. It is most likely the last time you will see your loved ones. No one knows if you will make it or not, including you. The first few chapters had me running out of Kleenex! All I could imagine is that happening to my daughter. Terrifying! I like Rayn and Luc, (her love interest). I care way too much about them. So much so that I had to call my brother after midnight to express my worries and fears for Rayn. He started to comfort me and dry my tears long distance when all of a sudden he said, "wait. Is this a book?" I responded affirmatively. He then asked, "you do know that Rayn lives inside the authors mind?" Wretched man! I still don't know if I will remain his sister. I tried to explain how she was going off on her own in a world that had been destroyed and who knew what, (or who!), she was going to come across. I didn't even know if she would have enough food and water! He responded, " should I call 911 or will you be able to make the trek to the mental ward by yourself? Do you have food and water?" Horrid man! I thought it best to just say good bye. I needed to go check on Rayn anyway.
As you can tell, this was a hard book to put down. While away from it, thoughts of what was happening kept wandering through my mind. I held back from calling my brother though. Let him suffer not knowing her fate! Okay I did send a text to let him know she was alive at the end of the book but who knows for how long because she was entering The Deadlands. He texted back asking if the walls were really padded in the mental hospital. I have a good mind to leave him in the dark about her fate in the Deadlands! That will teach him.
Most of my post-apocalyptic reads involve zombies. This book had none of those but there were other creatures. Those scenes are not often nor long but they were intense. I was picturing everything as I read which probably helped with the intensity. There is a romance going on. Normally I am bothered by that, (unless it truly fits the story, I just don't understand). This is one of those rare books where it fits. So far there has been no sex. I like the relationship between Rayn and Luc. It gives each chances at being the strong and weak one. The message I kept getting was that teamwork was important for survival. I would say it is good for teens and up. I have already been telling people to get this book.
I would like to thank BookTasters on Twitter for introducing me to this book. I would like to thank the author for providing me an ebook for review purposes. All opinions and experiences were mine.