
Porcelain: A Novelette by William Hage

charshorrorcorner's review

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I liked this short story, (novelette), that I read to review for Horror After Dark. I have always loved horror stories about dolls so when I saw this come up for review I jumped on it.

The tale itself was fun and imaginative. However, I did find the writing to be a little clunky. This story was told in the first person, so there were a lot of "I"s-too many to my mind. This may be just a personal thing, but once I noticed all the "I"s, all I could see were all the "I"s, and it kept taking me out of the story.

Overall, while I found this tale to be creative and entertaining, the quality of the writing nudged my rating a little lower than what the story itself deserved. I gave 3 stars for this novelette because I did enjoy it and because I feel that this author has potential. His imagination and creativity aren't lacking at all, but I felt that his relation of the tale could use a little improvement.

I received a free copy of this novelette in exchange for an honest review at This is it!
