
Fulminada by Jennifer Bosworth, Noemí Risco Mateo

woodendress's review against another edition

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Author: Jennifer Bosworth
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux BYR
Release Date: May 8, 2012
Pages: 373
Source: ARC from a local librarian
Why I read it: Interesting concept and it was a gifted ARC

What I thought: Mia Price is a lightning strike survivor/addict who has been struck multiple times, and even has a dubious lightning based past. She is living in Los Angeles after the "big one" and trying to hold her family together and avoid the coming storm. Two opposing groups, the Seekers and the Followers, try to win Mia over to their side, as they both are anticipating the end of the world happening in Los Angeles.

While I really liked the premise of the book and I like apocalyptic novels, I felt this one fell flat, especially at the end. There was a lot of buildup in the beginning and then at the climax, nothing, or barely anything and the ending felt a little rushed and wrapped up a little too nicely. This was a little disappointing. I also felt like there was a lot of explaining and not enough action. Of course, the reader comes in after the earthquake hits, so some explaining is necessary, but all the explanations to catch the reader up slowed the story down.

I'm really sick of romance in novels that don't really need it and while I liked Jeremy having dual motives, I didn't like the romance. It didn't add anything to the story for me, and I liked the dynamics between Mia and her family more than between her and Jeremy. Jeremy also started out as a mysterious bad boy, even to the point where he sneaks into her room to try to kill her. I did like when more of his background came out and whether he was someone Mia could trust. As for Mia, I felt like she was older than a teenager. While this isn't a bad thing, she just didn't seem very teen-like to me, except maybe for her unwillingness to sacrifice herself.

I did like some of the current themes running through the novel. A lot of it seemed very realistic, and if some huge catastrophe happened, well, of course there would be a prophet/preacher taking advantage (or helping, depending on your perspective) people and converting people to their cause. The prophet was very well done, and the scenes with him were very chilling. I thought he was one of the more interesting characters. I could see someone very similar happening after a catastrophic event, and well, people like him already exist. The Seekers were a little too much stereotypical occult group for me and as someone who is into tarot, the tarot themes were a little tired. Yes, the Tower card is perfect for a story like this, but a little obvious and the Lovers is way too obvious. I wish authors would expand out into the tarot and refrain from using the most stereotypical cards, espcially if they don't really understand the meaning and archetypes behind the card.

I would give this one 3ish stars. The book had some interesting ideas, but the ending was kind of blah. I didn't feel any sense of urgency as I got towards the end, and I wanted a little more ommph at the end.

bak8382's review against another edition

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Mia craves lightning, but doesn't always like what it does to her. So she moves with her family to LA. After a massive earthquake strikes LA the entire city is in a state of panic and shock. Many people join a cult predicting an even larger quake that will destroy the world, while another group works against them. Mia is recruited by both groups, but she trusts neither. Then she meets Jeremy, and while she can't figure out where he fits in she feels like he is someone she can trust.

This is another run of the mill teen dystopian. It's interesting but not a compelling read.

trin_ney18's review against another edition

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3/5 Stars
I won't be decluttering this book as of right now. I don't know how often I'll get the urge to reread it though. I just want it on my shelves for a bit to show that I have finally read it. I've probably owned this for a couple of years after a bookoutlet binge buy. That website pretty much owns my wallet and paychecks.

-Mentions of sexual assault (not graphic but it is implied)
-Graphic content
-Blood content

Crappy Book Description
-I would say this is a modern setting, taking place after a huge earthquake has just hit Los Angeles and decimated most of the city. The main character has lived in the city for a short amount of time because of something that happened in her last town as a result of her being struck by lightning multiple times. In the aftermath of the destruction, there are these two warring sides that both want to use her for their agenda and all she wants is to choose her own fate for once.

What I Liked
-To this day, I still haven't heard of a story premise quite like this one. It was a breath of fresh air after reading about the same fantasy kingdom setting all the time.

-I liked how detailed the two sides were. We knew their mission, their history, and their current tactics. I can't go into too much detail without giving away certain plot points but I will just say this: trust no one.

-Some of the "plot twists" were predictable and if I'm saying that when they were plain as day cause I'm an absolute dunce when it comes to predicting outcomes. However, I didn't mind this because it was still fun knowing things before the main character and having her find out shortly after and seeing how she would react. It wasn't a drawn-out thing where you're screaming at the main character like, "Hellooooo?? Do you not understand basic deduction?"

-I liked how quick it was to read. We weren't forced to sit in one situation for too long and it didn't feel rushed either. I also liked how it kind of wrapped up nicely in the end. There was a hint of maybe there could be a sequel but I'm glad there isn't because I think this is a very strong stand-alone. The writing style was also really simple (and I don't mean that offensively) and I just enjoyed myself so much reading it. I never felt bogged down by information and it was just the right amount of description.

What I Didn't Like
-The relationship felt a little bit forced to me. I say this because the two characters didn't take the time to get to know each other. They were kind of forced to trust one another and that's how they developed a romance. I realize this is more of a fantasy book than a romance but if you're going to take the time to put it in your book then I think you need to take the time to develop your characters a bit more to the point where they can learn about each other and actually find things to fall in love with rather than the mere exposure effect.

-The religious side of things was really intense. I'm not a religious person but I do have a great amount of respect for people who practice religion. However, it's one of those instances where the religious motives of one side of things was a lot. If you're not a fan of those discussions then I would say you could still read the book but there is one section that's really going to shove it in your face.

Final Thoughts
-I didn't absolutely love this book and it's not something that I'll be thinking about for days on end after having finished it. I'm glad I read it finally and I'm proud to have it on my shelves for the time being. That's not to say that down the line I won't unhaul it. And actually, the more I sit here and talk about it the more I think I should just get rid of it. I'm most likely never going to reread it. I'll remember what it was about and remember that I did enjoy it for the most part but it didn't have an impact on me and it wasn't completely mindblowing. I will be sure to check out Jennifer Bosworth's other works because I really did enjoy the writing style.

reena_reads's review against another edition

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I loved the Post Apocalyptic setting of this book to be really interesting. The way that the earthquake that destroyed Los Angeles was described was so interesting. 
The powers that Mia had was also different and I haven’t read a book yet about a heroine that is struck my lightning multiple times. 
Besides these interesting points I found some parts to be kind of confusing and unbelievable. There were moments that I found could have been explained better so that they were more realistic.
The romance was ok but not the best. It was kind of stereotypical instant love that you don’t in earlier YA like this one.
Overall though this book was a great quick read that had some very interesting moments! 

novelheartbeat's review against another edition

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From my blog Auntie Spinelli Reads

When you've been struck by lightning as many times as I have, you start to expect the worst pretty much all the time.

With an opening line like that one, needless to say I was hooked immediately! The pacing was quite fast, and with all of the events happening I was enthralled and wanted more! I didn't really know what was happening - who are the Seekers/Followers? What's the deal with this Prophet guy? What's really going on here? But I wasn't confused, I was just eager to find out the truth. I think it's something I may read again now that I have all the facts!, this book was extremely religious. What wows me even more? I still liked it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an atheist or anything...but I'm not religious by any means. And usually excessive talk about religion just annoys me. But it wasn't preachy or in-your-face religion.

The Prophet was totally creepy. He claimed to be the voice of God, but it seemed like he was just brainwashing people. His fanaticism was disturbing; he believed in his cause to the point that he couldn't see how wrong it was. And his little minions, the Followers, creeped me out even more. They were like a bunch of sheep (they wore all white, so they even looked like sheep!).

Mia was a great lead! She was strong and independent and she stood for what she believed in. She didn't vacillate when the Followers and Seekers were trying to convince her to join a side. She made a choice and stuck to it. Also, she wasn't like most lead females these days who attach themselves to a guy, and no matter what they find out about said guy (like, say, he's a vampire and he wants to eat you?), they say 'screw self preservation, you're sexy so it doesn't matter!' and throw themselves at said guy anyway. When she found out Jeremy was bad news, she avoided him (for a while, at was kind of inevitable that they come back together eventually). And she didn't really forgive him for it, either, even when she decided to trust him.

Jeremy was alright, I just didn't connect with him the way I did with Mia. The romance took a back burner. Things moved pretty fast between Mia and Jeremy, but thankfully it wasn't instalove. It was just plain attraction. There were no professions of undying love halfway through the novel, and the relationship between them was never sappy or vomit-inducing.

The world was painted beautifully - looting, desperation, violence, fear. Things you would expect from a post-apocalyptic world. It wasn't rainbows and sunshine. It was dark. And I love how the book was a countdown to 'the storm.' It added a feel of desperation to the story, like the end was near and there was no way to avoid it.

I want the lightning to find me. I crave it like lungs crave oxygen. There's nothing that makes you feel more alive than being struck. Unless, of course, it kills you.

The lightning. This was by far my favorite part! I knew before reading this what Lichtenberg figures were, and it fascinates me! If you've never heard of it, or never actually seen it, Google it. Seriously, it's wicked cool. Anyway, back to the lightning.

You never know when that jagged scrawl of white fire, charged with a hundred million volts of electricity, might blaze down from the sky and find its mark on you; sear a hole like a bullet right through you, or turn your hair to ash; maybe leave your skin blackened to a crisp, or stop your heart; make you blind, deaf, or both.

I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't more lightning involved. In the description it called her a lightning I was expecting to witness the actual strikes throughout the book. But, alas, you have to wait til the end to get the good stuff!

Favorite quote:
I sighed and buckled my seat belt. "Whatever. Can we hit the road before someone realizes I'm gone?"
Katrina screeched away from the curb and cackled like a maniac.

This just makes me giggle. Mainly for use of the word 'cackle.' But it made me like Katrina a bit more!

Plot: 4/5
Writing style: 4/5
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 3.5/5
World-building: 4.5/5
Pace: 5/5
Cover: 5/5

paperlove's review against another edition

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Guter Ansatz, aber ich fand es teilweise etwas zu Sekten-lastig und für Band 2 wünsche ich mir ein bisschen mehr Action.

czencii's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark


dfmaiwat's review against another edition

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If you're expecting a book about a girl who has been struck by lightning on multiple occasions and has discovered she can use this as powers...this probably isn't your kind of book. See that's what I expected too. What I got was an existensal crisis just waiting to happen. The book revolves around an end that doesn't come and a fight between Bible thumpers and the non-believers. I feel like this book was a bunch of false advertising. I'm really disappointed.

randomly_kait's review against another edition

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This book was strange from the very beginning. But it was strange in a really good way. It kept my attention and I was always trying to figure out what was going to happen next.

kspear22's review against another edition

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Closer to 2.5 stars... the premise sounded far more intriguing than the reality. The build-up and suspense became annoying until I got to the point in wanting it to be over. Things were predictable and anti-climactic.