
Dawn of the Vie by Laura Diamond

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Dawn of the Vie features a future is which the Earth is invaded by a predator Alien species that closely resembles vampires. They are in each and every sense superior to humans and even immortal, although I suppose they age as there are whole families of them. Vie and humans both despise the Anemies, people with a hereditary form of anemia, which makes them unsuitable for feeding.

Alex, a high-standing Vie scientist, has found a use for their blood after all. Apparently it is a powerful drug. How this is supposed to work is never explained, although I do hope the author realizes that anemia means that something, like red blood cells, is lowered in the blood instead of something added.

This story had a lot of the usual suspects thrown into it. Some of them are, a truly unfair societal setting, the main character is just trying to protect his younger sibling and soon finds himself in the center of the enemy. Sounds familiar? Indeed, because it has all been done before. That's why I was a bit surprised that I still liked the book as much as I did. I found it to be precisely the kind of Dystopian story I was looking for at the moment.

I would not consider it the best, but it is one of the good ones, and if you want to enjoy yourself for a couple of hours, I would recommend it.

Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

bookwormbunny's review

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*** I received a copy of this book in exchange for my unbiased review of it. All opinions stated are solely my own and no one else's. ***

Dawn of the Vie (Immortal Aliens #1) by Laura Diamond is a book about aliens that are essentially vampires who have come to Earth and totally taken over humanity and the world. They took it over quickly and with minimal blood shed. The Vie are in control and shaping the world into how they want it to be. They have enslaved the humans who have normal blood and the ones who are anemic are now called Anemies and are ostracized by everyone around them and are even being hunted and exterminated by the Vies. Justin and his little sister Sammie are Anemies are they are all that the other has. They are always on the move to avoid the Vies and trying to survive with food and water pellets distributed by the Vie and human slaves with help from NCAAR (an organization of Vies who want the Anemies to survive). But when Justin's sister is kidnapped by a Vie named Alex he is determined to find them and save his sister.

In the beginning when I first read the synopsis for this book I was really interested in reading more and really enjoying this book. But as I really got into it I became more than a little disappointed. Justin is one of two main characters in this story but the story of course focuses on him and his struggle to find and get back his sister. Justin gets into a lot of bad situations but he never seems to really appreciate any of the help that he receives. He acts like an entitled brat when he has grown up with basically nothing. He sounds and acts more like a 10-12 year old child than the teenager that he is supposed to be. Every time someone helps him out he acts like they should doing more...that what they are doing,'s not enough and that they should be doing more for him.
When he meets Cara and sees the bread crumb that the Vie Alex has left for him inorder to find his way to them he goes overboard. Yes, the girl has a hair clip identical to his sister's but the fact that he pushes as hard as he does to try and get her to give him information is ridiculous. He ends up not only endangering two of the other characters who are with him but much worse. Alex saves his life not just once or twice but more but he always demands more and acts like he's owed. Alex is a Vie, yes, he's destroyed and decimated other planets and other species of creatures but that does not mean that now he owes Justin anything because of those acts but that is exactly what Justin tells him.
Now, I know that I'm having a lot of negative things to say about this main character but only because you would think that he would learn to be grateful and thankful for SOMETHING! ANYTHING! But he just acts like a spoiled brat. Now! Don't get me wrong! Overall...the plot, the story line...I really enjoyed this book. It is really well written but I seriously think that Justin needs a major reality and attitude check. Alex by far is my favorite character because no matter how much Justin pushes his buttons and provokes him he never goes to the ultimate edge by killing him or just putting him out to fend for himself.
I really would have liked less focus on Justin especially when he is with Alex. I would have liked to learn more about the Vie and how they came to be what they are, the planets that they took over and so much more than dealing with Justin being so insufferable but all in all the book managed to keep me engaged. It never became a serious task to read it and keep going.
Overall this is a decent book. I might be interested in reading the next book to come but I would really hope that if I should that Justin will begin go grow up already and that we get to see and read more from and of Alex. All in all I give this book 3.5 out of 5 stars. It's okay but not great.

booksavvyreviews's review

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I actually really and truly enjoyed this book which somewhat took me by surprise!

I teetered back and forth whether or not to give it a 3 or a 4 and so I'll go midway with a 3.5.

Imagine a world that was invaded by Aliens! Aliens that closely resemble that of the legend of vampires and these aliens call themselves Vie. They live off the blood of their prey and through some experiment eons ago gained immortality through a serum. The cost of immortality? Boredom which inevitably leads to chaos.

These Vie have invaded earth and the humans have become their drones, slaves and food source. There are humans that are known as Anemies [they have anemia] and are frowned upon, their blood is seen as dirty and lacking. However! Vie, when they drink Anemie blood, find themselves high and therefore amongst the Vie there are junkies.

Justin is an Anemie orphan who is in charge of taking care of his 5 year old sister, Samantha. Together they try to survive and when she is taken from him by a Vie, he does all he can to find and inevitably attempt to save her. Alex is the Vie who takes her and is quite the interesting antagonist throughout the book.

As far as world goes, this is a very interesting concept and given that I enjoy new worlds, this tickled my fancy. Was it the most detailed? Not really, we learn about it in dribs and drabs throughout the book and questions still remain by the end of the book. The idea in and of itself though really intrigued me.

The characters, backtracking here, Justin had reason to be so angsty and vicious, yet when time and time again he was shown truth he chose to lash out, which psychologically holds an interesting view. Who is the monster - the vicious Anemie or the Vie? Justin is told that he is The Chosen One essentially and he denies it through and through. I think he fell drastically from my good graces the more the book progressed and Alex easily became my favorite. He's a charismatic, clever and seemingly caring Vie, which is strange considering they are cold and detached individuals.

At times the book slogged on, but overall, I devoured this book in a day and a half. If I didn't have to eat, sleep or attend other adulty things I likely would have finished this in a day.

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shh_reading85's review

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I received this eBook from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Cross posted to Shh, I am Reading

What if vampiric aliens came to Earth, enslaved the healthy human’s and cast out unhealthy humans to the slums? Well if that was to happen, then the future would be this book.

The Vie control everything, including free will and right down to feeding what the author calls “Anemies.”
Healthy humans are the slaves to the Vie. They are their food source and they take care of their homes. The Anemies are humans who have varying degrees of anemia. Clearly the Vie prefer the hemoglobin in the blood of the humans, so the lack of isn’t as appetizing to them.

In comes Justin, an Anemie, and his little sister Sammie who is also an Anemie. They’re hiding in a building to sleep when the Vie conduct a raid and we’re introduce to Alex, an Elite Vie with a taste for Anemie blood. It is a drug to their kind. It becomes obvious why the Vie then raid the Anemie slums, to replenish their drug habits.

Alex takes Justin’s little sister Sammie, after he bites her and challenges Justin to find him. To which Justin happily does and thus finds out that Alex has more of a hand in the care for Anemie and that he has motives for Justin.

What I enjoyed the most about this book was that it was told in a masculine voice. Although Justin is supposed to be 15, I found that his voice was that of someone much older. I would say 18 or 19.
I actually found Justin to be a little grating on the nerves with his constant paranoia. While I understand that the Anemie’s fear the Vie and Justin has a reason to hate Alex, it was just grating how paranoid he was.

Now Alex is the fascinating character. For someone who has everything they could wish for, he develops a guilty conscience. However, what ever his motives are, they remain pretty much unknown. Especially involving Justin’s sister, Sammie.
Sammie remains something that Alex can hold over Justin, so it does make Alex a little iffy.

Sara, Alex’s human slave, became a love interest for Justin. She seemed to be a background character more, at least until the end of the novel. She was mostly just the pretty slave girl. Her personality didn’t really develop until later on. A lot of that was probably because the Vie have the ability to trance their slaves, so that took away their free will to be themselves.

My only wish is that there had been more focus on the scenery. The world building, involving the Vie and the Anemies had been great, but the scenery didn’t really match it. Of course they were building this biodome over the city to block out UV lights, but the city itself wasn’t really described. It would have been nice to see the city itself as well.

However, it will be interesting to see where Justin, Sara and Alex go from here.