
Never Google Heartbreak, by Emma Garcia

paperlove's review against another edition

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In diesem Liebesroman lernen wir die Protagonistin Vivienne kennen, die gerade zum dritten Mal von ihrem Verlobten sitzen gelassen wurde. Vivienne ist sich aber sicher, dass die beiden trotz allem wieder zusammenkommen werden, denn eigentlich war nach der plötzlichen Trennung bloss von einer einmonatigen Pause die Rede.
Kurz vor dem Wiedersehen auf einer Hochzeit, ruft Rob - Viviennes Ex-Verlobter - sie an und erklärt ihr, dass er in Begleitung erscheinen wird. Viv weiss sich nicht besser zu helfen, also mit derselben Ansage zu prahlen. Was Rob jedoch nicht weiss: Vivienne hat eigentlich gar keine Begleitung. Deshalb lädt sie kurzerhand ihren langjährigen und besten Freund Max ein. Auf der Hochzeit muss Viv jedoch die bitterliche Erkenntnis machen, dass es sich bei Robs Begleitung nicht nur um irgendeine Frau handelt, sondern dass er tatsächlich eine neue Freundin hat. Viv ertränkt ihre Enttäuschung daraufhin in Alkohol und macht sich auf der Hochzeit komplett zum Affen.
Und damit nimmt das Schicksal seinen Lauf...

Von dieser Einleitung hatte ich mir eigentlich eine amüsante und herzerwärmende Liebesgeschichte erhofft, doch leider hat die Autorin viel Potential verschenkt. Die Protagonistin benimmt sich nicht nur auf der Hochzeit daneben, sondern hat mich generell mit ihrem Verhalten eher an einen pubertierenden Teenager, anstatt an eine 32-jährige Frau erinnert. Viv ist sehr theatralisch und melodramatisch und zeitweise hat sie mich ziemlich genervt. Man könnte sogar soweit gehen zu behaupten, dass sie sehr naiv und dümmlich dargestellt wurde. Ihre Handlungen waren für mich deshalb manchmal schwer nachvollziehbar, denn von einer über dreissig jährigen Frau erwartet man doch eigentlich ein wenig gesunden Menschenverstand.

Die Story an sich fand ich während der ersten Hälfte ganz gut. Danach wird der bis dahin erreichte Fortschritt durch ein - meiner Meinung nach - unglaubwürdiges Missverständnis zunichte gemacht. Was anschliessend folgt war ein wenig lächerlich: Vivienne startet einen Aufruf im Internet, um eine ihr wichtige Person zu finden. Das macht sie einerseits über eine Facebook-Gruppe, die täglich an Anhängern gewonnen hat und andererseits über kitschige Blogeinträge auf ihrer Homepage, auf der sie öffentlich ihr Herz ausschüttet. Hätte ich nicht gewusst, wie alt die Protagonistin sein sollte, wäre ich mir spätestens an dieser Stelle sicher gewesen, dass es sich um ein 13-Jähriges Mädchen handelt.

Auch mit dem Ende war ich alles andere als zufrieden und das war schlussendlich der Grund dafür, dass meine Bewertung von 4 auf 3 Sterne reduziert wurde. Ein möglicher Höhepunkt der Geschichte blieb leider aus und die Story wird abrupt abgeschlossen. Für mich als Leserin, die trotz allem Viviennes "Leidensweg" über 300 Seiten mit verfolgt hatte, war das natürlich alles andere als befriedigend. (Ich möchte hier nichts verraten, deshalb muss ich mich ein wenig kryptisch ausdrücken. Wer das Buch gelesen hat, wird aber sicher verstehen was ich damit meine ;-) )

Zu guter Letzt muss ich den anderen Leuten hier zustimmen: Der deutsche Titel mag ein lustiges Wortspiel sein, hat aber überhaupt nichts mit der eigentlichen Geschichte zu tun.

tweetyandy's review

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After reading this I just want to say "smashing good fun." Just seems right.There were parts that seemed a bit much for me but good. 3.75 almost 4 just depends on the day lol

brereads's review

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I wasn't expecting to like this book as much as I did. While looking for children's books for my daughter, this happened to show up in the related book search because of Emma Garcia's picture books. I gave it a try but expected it to be something I got through quickly and never thought of again. Instead, I was sucked in by the characters of Viv and Max and I wanted so badly to know more about their lives.

The book isn't perfect. Viv is at times unlikeable (but aren't we all?) and Max doesn't really seem to have any personality flaws, he's all charm and starving artist. Posh Lucy, the best friend character, seems unbelievable at times. Most of the other supporting characters are well written and interesting though. Overall though, none of the writing flaws I found took away from my enjoyment of the book and I think it was a good first attempt from this author.

izzy01's review

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So predictable, and at times boring
I picked up this book because I thought it would be about the website she makes, but it's barely mentioned.
It was so... meh
Not good, not bad... just meh
That being said, I'll probably read the sequal sometime
Because I'm me, and I'm hopeless

bookevin's review

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A sparkling debut by Emma Garcia. Loved it - witty and sharp! Perfect for fans of Lindsey Kelk. Review to come!

fxtrtr's review

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Viv thinks she is finally going to get married to Rob after two misses down the aisle in the past. But when Rob squirms out of the wedding for a third time, Viv gives him an ultimatum. But it seems as though Rob has already moved on. So Viv finds comfort in her best friend Max while she plots to get Rob back.

A delightful chick-lit book!

kelleybean1981's review

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Review originally appeared on

You know what, this was not a bad book. That, unfortunately, doesn't mean that it was a good book. It's squarely in the middle of the scale for me. My main issue is that is just wasn't funny enough. I need my british chick-lit heroines to be wacky and spilling things and socially dorky and tripping over stuff and accidentally knocking over cakes at weddings. Vivienne ALMOST hit that note, but not quite.

Aside from that, my problem with this book was all the extra stuff that was included that didn't really advance the storyline (basically everything that didn't involve Max or Rob): her job problems, the entire website thing, Christie not ending up being an evil mastermind out to steal Viv's job, the like, 9 engagements that happened near the end of the book that were never mentioned again, and even the grandmother. I feel like these parts were there as character/world building for Vivienne, but by the end none of them really fit together at all and didn't really give any more insight into her character, it all just felt like random stuff thrown in.

And some things I enjoyed: I loved the Rob storyline, it was very satisfying to hate him and the wait for Vivienne to wise up about him was (deliciously) painful. Max was a great love interest, although he wasn't featured nearly enough. Michael was a nice, wacky side character as well.

I must say that I hate, hate, HATE how the book ended. We didn't get a joyous reunion scene, or get a real explanation for the silence, and who the hell just up and moves to Spain? I would actually really like to read the second book, though, which is apparently called OMG! Baby. Now that all the other stuff is done with, I'd really like to see what happens with Max.

Never Google Heartbreak will be released on March 7, 2014 by Bookouture. This book was received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

**Note: I believe that the above pub date is only for the ebook. This book was originally released in paperback in 2012.

ljbentley27's review

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Vivienne Summers has been engaged to Rob Walters for five years….well sort of. See the thing with Rob is that he is a little bit unsure of marriage. He has already cancelled the wedding twice before and now he is doing it again for the third time. That is three weddings to cancel, three dresses to return and three times to have to pick up the pieces. Vivienne has had enough. This time she calls Rob’s bluff and walks away from him. It is ok though. She knows that once he realises what he is missing he will come crawling back to her and things will be ok again.

Imagine Vivienne’s surprise when Rob starts dating someone else. Searching for answers, Vivienne turns to the almighty oracle that is Google (seriously, what did we do before Google) looking for ways to win back her lost love.

With a band of merry helper friends - Lucy, Christie and Max - surrounding her Vivienne’s search for the true meaning of love and heartbreak begins.

I had wanted to read this book for a long time. I admit the allure of the pretty cover was the main thing that piqued my interest. I also thought the concept of ‘Googling’ for answers on heartbreak was quite inventive. In our fast-forward society we know that most answers are a finger click away so why shouldn’t the answers to love be equally as easy to find.

I have to admit that when I first started reading the story I was extremely put off by the character Vivienne. I didn’t like the way she tried to solve her problems; she came across as needy and undignified and a little bit selfish. I couldn’t warm to her. However, as the story and the character developed I found myself growing fond of her and also a little protective. Talking to the book and begging Vivienne not to make the mistakes she was inevitably going to make.

The story and the character development made the latter half of the book all the more enjoyable. However, the book was left unresolved (obviously because of the recently released sequel OMG Baby!) and I wanted more. I wanted to be there for the dramatic ending. Instead, we the reader are left with just a little bit of hope.

One thing I definitely came away from this book wanting was an Où est Max t-shirt.