
Ride For Me by V.R. Baucke, VR Baucke

books4dayswithrobyn's review

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This was a wild ride I'll tell ya, with all the little twists and turns you'll be kept on your toes
Lil was a firecracker, she was fiercely loyal to her friends but she has had her fair share of heartbreak and when she meets Gage its up and down from the start.
This was a real slow burn and you really got to feel for the characters, and the side characters.
Gage.. where do i start? He has his demons, vaild demons and he tries to keep Lil at arms length. I liked him though he was broody but loveable.
My 3rd book by this author and she sure has a way with words.


bookaddictreviews's review

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First off, this entire crew is absolutely amazing and Iā€™m just going come out in say it now, but Mace is my favorite and I already want to claim him. Now, onto Maceā€™s cousin, Gage, and his best friend, Lil.

This book starts 4 months in the future so the prologue is a little confusion but it all makes sense as you read through the rest of the story. Thinking back to the prologue after finishing the book, it truly breaks my heart to know what happened.

I absolutely love Lil. As Mace puts it, she is hell on wheels. The girl is feisty and she gives as good as she gets. Though under that tough exterior she is broken, she has had her heart broken in a terrible way. She doesnā€™t give her heart easily or to just anyone. She is also a total badass, a fighter and stronger than she realizes. Gage is rough, rugged and has a total bad boy vibe, but he is also hiding his past, his heart break. He doesnā€™t want to be attracted with Lil, but he also canā€™t deny their chemistry.

This book had me on the edge of my seat and I may have yelled at my kindle telling those men to hurry up! Youā€™ll understand exactly what I mean once youā€™ve read the story.

Gage and Lil are two people who have experienced loss and pain in the past and they found each other when they both needed it most and were able to mend their hearts and break down the walls they both built up for themselves. But will the past destroy everything they built?

This story was unexpected. It had laughs, it had steaminess, it had drama and it had unexpected suspense. There are twists and turns you may not necessarily suspect and that is what makes this story stand out.

I CAN NOT wait for the rest of this series and to learn more about the others in the crew!

cexleybooks's review

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This was my first book by this author and it won't be my last. 'Ride For Me' is the first book in The North Shore Crew series and is Lil and Gage's story.

Immediately fell in love with Lil, like the first meeting of her and her damn sass of an attitude made me laugh added with the clumsy way she first meets Gage.

This book starts 4 months in the future so the prologue is a little confusion but it all makes sense as you read through the rest of the story.

Gage and Lil are two people who have experienced loss and pain in the past and they found each other when they both needed it most and were able to mend their hearts and break down the walls they both built up for themselves.

I canā€™t wait to read the next book!! I LOVE everyone of the Crew and I hope to see more of everyone in the near future.

alatedbibliophile's review

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I received an advanced/review copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content and honesty of my review.

VR Baucke is a new author for me, but I can wholeheartedly say Iā€™m now a fan. I adore this authorā€™s writing style and the way she weaves a story thatā€™s both compelling and heartwarming. Ms. Baucke also uses quite a bit of Kiwi slangā€“some of which I had to look up, lolā€“and it was so fun to read something somewhat out of the norm from the colloquialisms Iā€™m used to as a Midwestern American.

The North Shore Crew are a boisterous, crazy, lovable bunch of people who made me feel like I was hanging out with a bunch of friends. Iā€™ve only read book 1 so far (I have book 2 waiting for me on my Kindle, squee!!) and Iā€™m already extremely attached to these characters. Itā€™s been a while since a new author has introduced me to characters I could see myself being friends with and I loved it.

Thereā€™s plenty of angst, heat, and humor within this story ā€¦ not to mention a few surprises from the main charactersā€™ pasts that added a nice level of suspense. I got plenty more than I bargained for with this book, and I mean that in the best way possible <3

Gage is the epitome of damaged, morose alpha. Of course, because of who I amā€“and if youā€™re at all familiar with my reviews, youā€™re already expecting thisā€“I love me a strong asshole with a heart of gold. Therefore ā€¦ Gage is just ā€¦ ugh. I swooned over this moody bastard all the way through the book <3

Itā€™s easy to get frustrated with Gageā€™s hot and cold attitude toward Lil, but I canā€™t say I totally fault him for it. Iā€™m not sure I would be able to open my heart up again if Iā€™d gone through the kind of loss and heartbreak he has, so it canā€™t be even remotely easy. Not to mention how bubbly and full of life Lil is ā€¦ itā€™d be overwhelming even if you didnā€™t have the kind of baggage he does.

In any event, while his surly disposition is aggravating and there are times you want to shake him and ask him what the hell it is that he wants, itā€™s an understandable situation. Let me tell you, though; once Gage falls, he falls hard. Once he realizes heā€™s wanting something with Lil, he is all inā€“no turning back. And if that isnā€™t one of the sexiest qualities in a man, I donā€™t know what is.

Lil has been through a lot of crap. Because of this, she has some pretty major trust issues and baggage that comes from dealing with it all. So not only does she have to decide if sheā€™s ready to put herself out there again, but she has to decide if Gage is worth taking a chance on. With how sheā€™s seen both his asshole side and his super sweet side, sheā€™s left wondering what he expects from herā€“and for good reason. While I completely sympathize with Gage, I canā€™t help but feel like he shouldā€™ve been a bit more transparent from the start and explained why heā€™s so jaded. But thatā€™s one of those things thatā€™s easy to look at with a critical eye when you arenā€™t in the situation.

Lil is spunky and doesnā€™t take any shit, which was so fun to read. Sheā€™s quite unpredictable and itā€™s fun getting inside her head and learning just what makes her tick. I do think her friends tend to underestimate herā€“her brother, in particularā€“and I donā€™t think they gave her enough credit for some things, but I also think thatā€™s more realistic. Your friends may always have your back, but they arenā€™t always going to tell you that youā€™re making the right choices, nor will they always be aware of when they need to take a step back and let you live your life or have confidence in the decisions you make.

I also just want to point out that the twin connection Lil shares with her brother was extremely fascinating. Iā€™m not a twin, so I canā€™t touch on how accurate that telepathic communication actually is, but it made for a pretty awesome addition to an already wonderful story. My favorite parts were when they would argue with each other while theyā€™re with their friends, but because theyā€™re arguing telepathically, no one knows what it is theyā€™re arguing about, lol. That was such a great touch!

If youā€™re a contemporary romance fan ā€¦ you definitely need to check out this book. Especially if you enjoy elements of angst and suspense with realistic characters who donā€™t take themselves too seriously. I absolutely loved this story and I canā€™t wait to continue with book 2 <3

Happy reading!

Original review: Alated Bibliophile

staceybroadbent's review

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Um, I want more Gage and Lil please!
The North Shore Crew are so lovable! I can't wait to read more about them, and I've already purchased the second one in the series so I can get my fix!

Firstly, I love that this is set in New Zealand and there are terms that we kiwi fellas use. It's always nice to read stories based in my home country for that very reason.

Back to the crew. Gage is like this moody outsider who joins the group one night, and you can just tell he's been to hell and back again. I wanted to learn more about him and find out what demons were in his past.
And then there's Lil, the cute but sassy red-head who feels the same way I did - What's Gage's deal?

These two are like magnets, drawn together for reasons unknown to them. But they also clash in a big way, rubbing each other up the wrong way and getting under each other's skin. It's that drama that makes their relationship so compelling to watch.

I adored getting to know them, and I cannot wait to see what Mace gets up to in the next installment!