
The Treachery of Beautiful Things by Ruth Frances Long

erinarkin20's review against another edition

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Review to come.

adularia25's review against another edition

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This book pleasantly surprised me. Perhaps I have become too jaded when looking at books with beautiful covers and teen protagonists... I just wasn't expecting this book to be as awesome as it turned out to be. The mythos! The author delightfully researched Celtic and Nordic mythology and wove them together into this tale. A touch of Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, a touch of Tam Lin, a touch of Wagner's Ring Cycle, not to mention so many Celtic myths and characters, all mixed into a unique story. I was so pleased that this book was a truly wonderful read. And I love the title. So true, even when dealing with more than just the Sidhe.

0rdinaryreader's review against another edition

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4 /4.5

I wanted to give this 5 stars. It was that good. This one focuses more on forest folklore and lesser Fae which I thought was so interesting. I loved the creatures, the treachery and the action. It was a new fake on Faerie that I have yet to read.
I have one issue, and this could have totally been me missing things, or not understanding, but this book confused the heck out of me sometimes. I feel like in order to completely follow this book and appreciate it, you have to have more knowledge of Forest and Faerie folklore than I do So whole I did love it, and would love to say it’s one of my new favorites, It was just too frustrating and confusing: Maybe a re-read at some point will help.

silkcaramel's review against another edition

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Eu realmente acho que esses livros fantasia YA circa 2010-2012 (com raríssimas exceções) já não são mais para mim. Os personagens, PRINCIPALMENTE a protagonista são extremamente rasos, mudam de ideia a cada 2 parágrafos e são no geral simplesmente irritantes. Da segunda vez que a protagonista começou a fazer a mesma malcriação com um personagem que claramente só quer ajudar, eu desisti. Não deu.

uncommonlycommonasmr's review against another edition

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I should have read this 8-10 years ago when it come out.

bookishnicole's review against another edition

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I enjoyed Treachery as a whole. It was for sure an interesting read. I can't quite decide if I really liked this book. The ending made a difference for me, but since i don't want to spoil it, I won't tell you why. I liked how Long brought in all these different fairytale sort of stories, like A Midsummer Nights Dream or a little bit of Snow White. It got a little confusing with all the different creatures and back story that went into this book. That was my biggest problem with the book over all. Jenny was a sweet character but drove me a little crazy and I absolutely loved Jack. Overall it was a decent book.

seffra's review

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It kind of had a more classic disney version of Snow White then in the last hundred pages or so it went into Snow White and the Huntsman territory! It was a good read!

o0oitzjenny's review

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I actually give this book 3.5 stars.

Although it was a bit slow for me, I still enjoyed it nonetheless. The action scenes and imagery were a little vague for me to really visualize the story but it was still entertaining.

The ending tho. That was just precious. So precious. I loved it.

novelheartbeat's review

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From my blog Auntie Spinelli Reads

"This place isn't beautiful. It's two-faced and treacherous, and so is everything here."

Aside from the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning and Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa, this is one of the top books I've read about fae! I didn't love it necessarily, but I really really liked it! And to be honest, I didn't expect to enjoy it half as much as I actually did. I'm kinda picky about faerie stories, and let's face it, there's a lot of mediocre stories about fae. But The Treachery of Beautiful Things was enchanting and magical and I flew through it in a matter of hours! The title of this book couldn't be any more perfect for a book about fae - treacherous, beautiful fae.

There was definitely no lack of danger or action in this one, which is mostly why I enjoyed it so much. From the very beginning right up until the end, it is packed with action scenes that will keep you on the edge of your proverbial seat.

The world building was fantastic. So full of magic! There were tons of creatures I already knew (including Puck!) and a few that I hadn't heard before, like Foletti's, Kobolds, and Leczis. Long brought them all to life with her beautiful imagery. I liked the twist on Titania and Mab, and the meaning of a jack-in-the-box. Very interesting!

Jenny was a great lead. While she wasn't outright kick-ass, she was still strong. She had one bad thing happen after another and still managed to hold her shit together. I would surely have been curled up into the fetal position after only half of what she went through. I definitely admired her resilience and her courage! She shouldered it all without much complaint and no sniveling (because who likes that in a lead?). She only irritated me once - when she basically pulled a 5-year-old stunt, all but sticking her fingers in her ears and saying lalalalalalalaaaaIcan'thearyoulalalalallaaaa. I was quite disappointed in her at that point - and frankly wanted to slap the crap out of her - but thankfully that moment was short lived.

Jack...ohhh, Jack! I loved him from the second I found out he had heterochromia (I'm a sucker for that). One blue eye and one green eye?? Yes, please!! So awesome. He was kinda hard to figure out at first, because you don't know exactly what side he was on or what his motive really was. But I found myself getting attached to him right along with Jenny. And the twist of his identity? Sooo didn't figure that out.

The ending...ehrmagerd. I admit that I got a little misty there towards the end. And I must say I totally adore Jack!! *sigh*

Love fae stories? Or maybe you're not a big fan because you haven't found the right one? Pick this one up. It's worth it, I promise.

Plot: 4/5
Writing style: 4.5/5
Characters: 4/5
World-building: 5/5
Pace: 5/5
Cover: 5/5

cupcakegirly's review

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How gorgeous is this cover?! *stares*

This is beautifully written, full of imagination, fantasy and romance, with engaging characters that draw you in immediately. Jenny was the only witness to her brother Tom's disappearance and it's haunted her for the past seven years. She wants nothing more than to find a way to bring him back but she has no idea of how to do that. Dealing with the loss hasn't been easy on Jenny or her family and she decides it's time to move on. When she comes back to the spot where Tom was taken, intending to say a final farewell, she finds herself lured into the trees and begins an adventure that will test everything she's ever believed about bedtimes stories, fairy tales and love.

Once inside the forest, the very same one that claimed her brother, Jenny will be surrounded by creatures she only thought existed in make believe. She'll also discover that life beyond the trees can be more nightmare than happy ending and there is danger in beauty. Jack, the mysterious boy who promised to help her find Tom is no exception. He's brave, strong, and has a beauty all his own. Though they drive each other crazy at times, Jenny can sense that he's hiding something.

Being stuck in a land of mythical creatures who play by their own rules can have some serious disadvantages and Jenny will have to figure out who she can really trust. The closer she gets to Tom, the more dangerous her journey becomes and before it's over, Jenny will be forced to make a heart-wrenching choice between life and love. *clutches chest*

This vaguely reminded me of Julie Kagawa's "Iron Fey" series but was scarier and without Ash. On a personal note, I love that the main character's name is Jennifer or Jenny as she's known throughout the story!