
Alien Proliferation, by Gini Koch

lalabristow's review

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Previously Published on my blog: Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life

*Contains MINOR SPOILERS for the previous books in the series.

There is doubting it, Gini Koch can write the heck out of a book. Funny one-liners, incredible action and let’s not forget the amazingly compeling and lovable characters. The Katherine “Kitty” Katt series is right up there amongst my favorite series ever, if not at the top and am not surprised at all that Gini has done it again with Alien Proliferation.

Alien Proliferation gives us Kitty and Jeff Martini dealing with Kitty’s pregnancy, the limitations it has given her and more baddies for them to fight.

Kitty is just as awesome as ever as a new wife, prgnant woman and then mother, I think even more awesome, maybe SUPER awesome? You’ll understand it when you read it =)

I love where Gini is taking these characters. I am so happy we got that whole, will-they-wont-they out of the way so soon and that now we can focus on these building a family and having incredible adventures.

I know resolving that so soon might be tricky, but Gini has done is superbly and Alien Proliferation is the proof of that.

Oh and for you Christopher fans out there, our boy finally gets his HEA! YAY! I loved it and can’t wait for some double dates with Kitty and Martini LOL.

Alien Proliferation is another FANTASTIC addition to this universally awesome series that just keeps getting better and a must reader for any member of the Alien collective. If you haven’t read it yet, shame on you! You have NO idea what you’re missing!

melodicfate's review

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3.5 stars.

Some parts really dragged on, and I definitely took notice of Kitty's ego this time around. It got a bit annoying. There were also a few parts in the book that were really slow, when everyone was talking and Kitty basically had to explain everything to all these really smart guys. So it was slow and a bit unbelievable.
Still, though, I found myself liking the action, and Jamie is one interesting baby!

heyt's review

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One of the blurbs on the back of this book mentions over-the-top fun and absurdity and I can't help but agree. The plot lines are waaaay out there and almost cringe worthy at times but you still can't help but have a good time while reading. This installment gives us the harrowing birth of Jeff and Kitty's first child as well as a villainous plot against all hybrid ACs. Kitty is omg super special but still as snarky and foolhardy as ever but you just can't help wanting to see what is coming next.

jbrooxd's review

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One of my favorites in the series.

liliavisser's review

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Gini Koch keeps up with the hilarity and the conspiracy theories, which actually enchants me quite a lot. And it is nice to see some of our favorite characters getting their share of the (bedroom) action. ;-)

lpcoolgirl's review

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Yeah, I think I say this a lot, but this was a big book in the series, with Jamie and the career change. But most books in this series are big in some way! Loved reading it again!

*First read December 5th, 2016*
Yeah, this book was just utterly awesome! Loved Baby Jamie, and there were some big changes starting at the end of this book! Plus, there were some threads that will need future books-the cube that helps with the powerful A-C's, and the supersoliders in Paraguay and Paris!

seeingnight's review

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GENRE: Science Fiction Fantasy/Romance
THEME: Alien, Action/Suspense

Gini Koch does it again; her Katherine “Kitty” Katt series is filled with so much action, unbelievably fantastic characters, action that will keep you on your toes and romance that always makes a girl need to fan herself. This is my favorite science fiction book and boy was I excited that this was a long book, so get ready for Kitty kicking some major butt and making you laugh with her one liners.
Alien Proliferation starts off where the previous book leaves off, Kitty is pregnant and she has to deal with not only her emotions but also the effect it has on her very powerful bundle that she has inside her. But in the midst of giving birth many dangers start to pop up, including her best friend from college needed some rescuing, her mother being threatened and of course keeping her new baby safe, along with her new husband calm. It’s all in a days work for Kitty and her life has become a lot more interesting.
Kitty is fantastic as always with her smart wit humor and how she always seems to know what to say at the right moment. How the new Mrs. Martini deals with being a mom is wonderful she loves her little one and all the craziness it comes with. Jeff as a new husband and father is all over the place, usually you would think he would be calmer but he constantly needs to be calmed down and kept from strangling Kitty best guy friend Chuckie.
There were so many great scene and some pretty emotional ones that had me scared for a bit. But I loved every minute of this novel. For all those Christopher fans like me, you’ll be happy this time around for him. He meets a girl that he wants to protect and I look forward to some fun moments with the new couple.
Overall this was another great chapter in the crazy world where aliens exists and look like GQ models. I can’t get enough of the fun characters, insane action and how Koch adds humor in the best of moments. If you enjoyed the res of this series this one wont let you down and if you new to the series, go get the first three a.s.a.p! If only there was a perfect alien hottie for me out there like Martini or Christopher I’d be one happy camper.
This is an Adult Novel with Sexual Content, love of kick butt action, Humor and much much more! Fans of Molly Harper and Jennifer Estep would love this series.

sionna's review

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lol still have the same problems, but I just didn't care as much this time. Any story that can make me laugh is one I'll continue ^_^ I love these characters.

vikit's review

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After reading the first couple of books in the series it became one of my favorites even if it’s full of excessive action and it’s pushing the boundaries of credibility even in the paranormal genre. Which let’s be honest not an easy thing to do. Despite this I adore the series with its stupendous humor. It helps overlook the excessiveness of the plot.

Alien in the family ended with the revelation that Kitty is pregnant. This one starts off when she is only weeks away from her due date. But don’t worry there is a detailed recounting of the event from that couple of month we miss. Unfortunately it confirmed my previous suspicion that Kitty and Jeff relationship is going to progress in light speed. I mean after 1,5 year of meeting each other they are married with a kid. It worries me because what else can happen in this part of their relationship. I’m afraid that the romance and the family dynamics are going to take a back seat. There is still more than 10 books in the series and I don’t see where can the romance develop from here. But maybe, hopefully it’s going to be like with the character development which is practically nonexistence since our characters are pretty detailed and finished from the very beginning.

With the first two books it is the humor that sucked me in whereas the third was a really action packed and exciting story. After this I had quite high expectations toward the book and since it’s a really long one the author had time to meet them. She more or less accomplished this but there are a couple of things I couldn’t agree with.

One of my biggest problems with this book was Kitty transformation. Not with it happening, I kinda expected it since she needs it to keep up with her team, but with how it happened. There is also too much explaining going on about it. I think the author could have found a more believable or at least rational solution for this particular event. Oh then there is Baby Martini who is really scary and creepy to be honest.

Overall this book is not as fast paced than the previous ones. A bit more sedate and it gave a chance for the reader to really get to know the characters everyday lives and not just the badass commandoes. There is no lack of humor and Kitty’s sarcasm gets more edge if possible.
I noticed that some of the words or phrases are repeated more and more, and maybe it’s funny at first but after a dozen of times not o much.

Other reviews from me, here:FantasyRaiders

kbairbooks's review

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Gotta day that I didn’t necessarily enjoy this one as much as the others. Loved the very last chapter but there was literally only one sex scene, a rather large chunk of the middle of the book I was bored in and wanted to skip through (although I didn’t), it annoys me that Chuckie is supposed to be the ‘conspiracy king’ but hardly ever comes up with anything. But I do like how the LaRue getting away part set up for the next book, and that we lost someone. Every once in a while someone has to go or else it’s too unrealistic. Good choice being Wayne though, and I appreciated how his consciousness assisted Kitty and they were all put to rest. Loved the strings tied aspect in that scene.