
Neupareni by Kristen Callihan

sookandbooks's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted medium-paced


vianadear's review against another edition

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ceena's review against another edition

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This was kind of a letdown for me. I think mostly because I have put this author up on such a pedestal. It also has all the things I'd want -- fake relationship with a bookish heroine and a rough and strong hero. I was mostly bored though and not a fan of the couple nor of the progression of their relationship. Even their meet cute was anything but.

I'm so disappointed... I'm going to have to go re-read the VIP series to remember why I love Kristen Callihan so much. 

lotusross's review against another edition

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“Like penicillin, the X-ray, the pacemaker, and superglue, Rhys and I were an accidental discovery.
Unlike those aforementioned discoveries, no one but Rhys and I, and those in our inner circle, cared much about ours. Yet that seemed inconceivable as I stared up at the man I loved.
Because what I’d found in Rhys Morgan felt like a discovery for the ages.”

4.5 stars.

I really loved this so much!! I enjoyed everything about it and I loved both characters! I hope this turns into a series as I would love to see Dean's story as well as Carlos' and Zoe's (hopefully together!)

thecrazyreader's review against another edition

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4 stelle!

Quando ho iniziato il libro non mi aspettavo niente di che, avevo voglia di un romanzo semplice che potesse aiutarmi ad uscire dalla reading slump e questo sembrava perfetto. Poi appena iniziato non sono riuscita a metterlo giù.
La coppia è ben costruita e anche la narrazione è perfetta per la loro evoluzione. I due sono anche molto maturi a trattare determinati argomenti, cosa che ho molto apprezzato.
Alla fine ero così presa da loro che volevo decisamente sapere di più di come sarebbe andata avanti la loro vita.

ddomi's review against another edition

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javalenciaph's review against another edition

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Note: An ARC was provided by the authors.

When authors decide to write a book together, regardless of whether they've proven to be bestselling writers or not, there's never a guarantee that it's going to click the same way their solo efforts have. Maybe that's pessimistic of me, but experience has taught me this, so naturally, with my excitement over Kristen Callihan and Samantha Young penning a rom-com comes a bit of trepidation. Fortunately Callihan and Young surpassed any and all expectations, coming up with an honest-to-goodness hilarious and heartfelt story about opposites who find common ground and, of course, love and how what starts out as fake becomes very real. The whole enemies-to-lovers vibe was present, so that delicious tension thrummed between Rhys and Parker, making the anticipation palpable. There's an ease in reading this novel, and even with my familiarity with the writing of both Callihan and Young, I couldn't distinguish who wrote what, which is yet another reason why this was such a standout read, as well as one of the standouts in a crowded field of new releases this week. I'm awarding Outmatched five-plus stars. ♥

may09's review against another edition

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4.5 ⭐

This reminds me of The Deal by Elle Kennedy , meaning it was fantastic <3 <3 <3

I loved Parker, i didn't understand some of her choices regarding her family's money and i don't think it was really explained ( explains the -0.5 ⭐) but the rest was amazing
Rhys' amazing, his loyalty, his love for his family ... everything about him , especially after he sorted out his emotions
And Dean <3 <3 <3 <3 i hopr there's a book for him too

booklovershangout's review against another edition

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I seriously love both of these authors, so when I saw they were writing a book together, I was all aboard. I was so excited! I will admit I had some high expectations for the story. They are both amazing writers. This definitely lived up to those expectations. It is smart and funny. It is emotional. It is steamy. It all makes for one great story and I did not want to put it down. I loved the chemistry and the banter between the characters and I loved the fluidity of the story. It all worked well together. I am so hoping that these two will collaborate again, because I cannot wait to read more from them.

mvbookreviewer's review against another edition

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Outmatched by Kristen Callihan and Samantha Young caught my eye on Kindle Unlimited, a source from which I have found some pretty great reads since I signed up recently.

I have never read anything from Kristen Callihan prior to this, and yet even though I am not much of a fan of sports themed romances, I found myself intrigued by the blurb. Matters were also helped along, having read Samantha Young’s Before Jamaica Lane, and knowing what to expect from Ms. Young in terms of the romance and sizzle factor.

30 year old Parker Brown is in a fix when she needs to find a fake boyfriend owing to pressure from work. Having just completed her PhD in Dynamic Modeling, Parker is excited to be working for a company working in renewable energy, that is of course minus the company’s main investor’s chauvinistic attitudes. However, Parker is determined to play the part as needed, wanting to prove to herself that she can stand on her own without the need to rely on her family.

Signing onto a dating app and finding the perfect fake boyfriend should have been the answer to all her problems. However, when 34 year Rhys Morgan, brother of the intended turns up for the date instead, Parker is at a loss as to how to manage the force to be reckoned with that Rhys is. Rubbing each other the wrong way is how things start off between the two, but for one reason or the other, Rhys sticks with the date, and before he knows it, he is in too deep with Parker, with reality of their burgeoning feelings towards each other blurring the lines of the fake boyfriend agenda.

At 28 years, Rhys had become a WBC heavyweight champion, a legend of his time, who for mainly unknown reasons to the public had quit boxing. Rhys struggles with forgiveness when it comes to his father, who had left a shitshow in his hands with a mountain of debt looming, and the gym which had been their family’s lifeline as long as he could remember now at risk. Rhys is determined that he would do whatever it takes to save his family’s “legacy” even though what he is coerced into doing does not give him much pleasure and is tied to a painful knot from the past.

While I expected something a little bit different, Outmatched served to be a read that I enjoyed immensely. The witty banter between Parker and Rhys was a factor that had me smiling through the most part, and I even laughed out loud during a couple of scenes which turned out to be particularly hilarious. Both Rhys and Parker are the kind of characters you root for, and I soaked up everything about them, from the snark, to the sexiness, to the angst, to the happily ever after.

I admit that I expected a novel that was sexier than what Outmatched delivered; perhaps I had my expectations built upon what Ms. Young’s novel delivered in spades. I also expected a grumpier hero than Rhys; I blame the blurb for that one. However, even though I would have loved a tad more grumpiness to Rhys, I ended up enjoying how Rhys turned out to be, all too sexy with a heart of gold that I adored. In hindsight, who in their right minds would be able to stay grumpy with someone like Parker Brown in their life? I certainly wouldn’t!

Recommended for those who loves emotional stories with depth and humor, with a dash of sexy in the mix. You will adore Rhys and Parker within the first couple of chapters!

Final Verdict: Outmatched features a hero set on doing the right thing and a heroine who guides him towards what the heart wants; a splendid read that I enjoyed immensely!

Rating = 4/5

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