
GENMOS: Gathering Storms by Stephen M. Coghlan

briarsreviews's review

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GENMOS: Gathering Storms by Stephen M. Coghlan is one of the most underrated and under-read books, in my humble opinion.

For one, I am not normally into a lot of sci-fi books. It's one of those genres that is really hit or miss for me because they can be slow, boring or too technical (or completely wrong in technicality, don't even get me going on that one). Then in walks GENMOS and man does it change my opinion on sci-fi. If all sci-fi books were this thrilling and interesting to read then I wouldn't have such a distaste for the genre.

GENMOS stands for Genetically Modified, which shouldn't be too surprising if you read the synopsis. If you haven't, let me fill you in. We have all of these GENMOS subjects, who are people who were genetically modified to have animal characteristics. They were designed to help people have the opportunity to live, but you know how the government and evil corporations get: SUPER WEAPON TIME! So, we end up following a giant band of misfit GENMOS who are being sought after but need to fight to stay alive. There's a lot of them and they are all mixed with cool creatures and have interesting abilities. This is the first book in their tale.

Dude, this was GOOD! It was fast paced, thrilling and kept me interested the whole time. I normally lose patience and interest in sci-fi books but Stephen kept my attention. I'm totally impressed.

The characters are all different and unique and for sure you will find at least one you adore. I especially loved Kobalt (cool name, eh?) but Anna, Tabitha and the rest of the kooky crew will surely grab your attention. It may just take some time to meet your favourite character as they get introduced one at a time. Also, at the end of each chapter, the characters who are introduced get a little stats card of sorts and I LOVE IT. I'm a nerdy reader and love having a little inventory of characters in case I forget or jump away from the book for a while. I highly appreciate it.

Bonus marks: Ontario locations! St. Lawrence River! I'm sorry, but I'm a sucker for books that actually feature Canada. Proud Canadian, eh?

Overall, this action-packed book is full of familial love, loss and growth. It's a great sci-fi series to dip into that is good from adventurous middle grade readers all the way up to adults.

Five out of five stars!

I received a free copy of this book from the author, Stephen M. Coghlan, in exchange of an honest review.