
Undertow by Brooklyn Ray

ladyofbooks's review

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I really liked this one. At first, I was hesitant in reading it because it was book two, but once I started I could not stop. While there were several confusing moments, such as not knowing who certain characters were or why they mattered to the story, I essentially liked it. I especially loved the character Liam and Ryder, though I identified more easily with Liam.

Warnings: this contains LGBT gay characters, strong sex scenes, blood magic, some light swearing, and lots of drama

This book also contains selkies, witches, warlocks, and so much more! The story was fascinating, and I am definitely interested in getting book one to discover more from this really talented author. I could not begin to describe how much I liked this book once I really started into it.

I’m giving this a four out of five stars, mostly because I was an idiot and requested book two without realizing it, and you kinda do need to read book one to understand some of the things going on in the book. Otherwise, it was beautifully and emotional roll-coaster ride.

{Review also posted on my blog and Amazon.}

emhamill's review

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Ryder and Liam are back, the steam is on full force, and the danger is mounting.
I love the author's prose in everything they write, but it's exceptionally good here. I felt the mist and sea spray and soft gray fog of Port Lewis in every word, the images in my head exquisite.
The pictures stayed just as vivid with the rising tension, blood, and sex magick. Holy s**t. Liam takes center stage in this book, and the horror of what might be coming is like a cold hand on the back of your neck the entire time.
These tasty little novellas are the perfect size, whetting your appetite for more with a fantastic story, torrid sex magick, and a whole lot of WTF moments. Can't wait for the next Port Lewis Witches book.

leahkarge's review

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UNDERTOW is a wonderful continuation to the Port Lewis Witches series, carrying on with the same characters and places you come to love in the first book, and introducing new secrets and mythos, making you even more eager for more!

Read the full review on my blog!

claremontdiaz's review

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#1 Darkling ★★★★☆
#2 Undertow ★★★★☆
#3 ???

When the police are called and investigating my dead body withered into a fetal position on my bed and the detective asks what the cause of death is, I want it to be known that this is it. The anger and the passion that this book ignited and in which I wrote this review gave me a goddamn stroke. You thought it was going to be from my perfectionism and frequent tendency to stress myself into an aneurysm but no.

And I’ll admit that this sounds like I’m about to go off and I mean, I am but not for the reason you would assume.

Undertow picks up a few weeks after where Darkling ended and where it’s definitely a sequel and not at all a companion piece (meaning you can’t just pick this one up randomly without the other because then you’ll just have a vague idea that it’s about witches and the unambiguous knowledge that it’s extremely gay), it’s written in Liam’s POV instead of Ryder’s. So this one explores more of Port Lewis, but also more of Liam and his family and who or what he may be other than a water witch with an intense, I-don’t-think-that’s-actually-healthy-but-I-can’t-stop-you magnetism to both the ocean and Ryder’s dark magic.

Liam, my dude, my buddy. Something should have given it away before that strangely sexual rendezvous with a creepy seahorse while your boyfriend was doing himself a panic on shore.


Like the first book, a lot of my love was contingent on the characters (although the Port Lewis atmosphere still takes my whole heart). I loved Ryder a lot from the first book because he’s a very ‘do no harm, take no shit’ kind of witch, which he actually grew into some more in this book as he found himself more comfortable in his own skin and with his relationship with Liam. In contrast, Liam is much more reserved and quicker to play the peacekeeper even if he agrees with Ryder to avoid conflict within their circle, but that’s not to say he doesn’t have his own kind of fire. Liam actually deals with things that could break a lot of people, but he keeps on keeping on because he’s very resilient and determined, much like Ryder but in a different kind of way. I enjoyed reading in Liam’s POV very, very much.

You would be amazed at how easily I can say that this, too, wasn’t a romance and this time, Ryder and Liam were actually together from the get-go instead of playing coy with each other. It’s there (which is a pretty predictable thing to say so don’t act shocked) but the focus was put on the struggles Liam and even Ryder were dealing with both together and separately—especially when it came to their circle.

Which is basically just Civil War all over again and I don’t mean the historical event.

The thing that ignited a dramatic amount of anger and betrayal stemmed mostly from how Liam and Ryder’s circle “dealt” with them being more than what they thought, based on some closeminded and bigoted superior mindset. These people are supposed to be supportive and there for them because they’re a circle and the whole book was Tyler being a total douche, Ryder not standing for it for both himself and Liam, and a lot of goading and hypocritical jabs. Then they’re more or less ostracized because Liam was put between a rock and a hard place. Let’s just say that if someone doesn’t stop being an elitist dick and the circle doesn’t get back on track in the following books and start being decent human beings to Liam and Ryder, I’m going to light them on fire and then chuck them into the middle of the Atlantic to be both ironic and spiteful.

Also: that cliffhanger. What is that. What do you think you’re doing right now? I think I had a literal stroke when I realized I just finished the book and the door’s just out there, flapping in the wind, wide open. It felt an awful lot like looking down the barrel of a gun and going, “Ope, yep, there’s definitely a bullet in that one.” but you have no idea when or even if it’s going to go off and you don’t know where it’ll be pointed if it does. It’s just there with the promise of something horrible coming in the unforeseeable future.

I do not like it. I did not subscribe to this channel for this content.

On top of this, there’s a sneak peek of the next book coming out and let’s just say that it’s not in Ryder’s or Liam’s perspective, so there’s a high chance I’m going to be dragging myself through that one with gritted teeth just because I desperately need to see the end of this and I’m interested in everyone else.

So with all that said and done, I leave you with one last vehement statement:

*slams fists on the table* give me a story about Jordan and Thalia right now, you coward.


Content warnings for: explicit sex scenes (what can I say, it’s ~magic~), bloodletting / blood magic (what do you mean there’s no vampires?), and the classic dark witchy aesthetic of death and talk of murder (but what more do you want, there’s necromancers here).

lbcecil's review

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Really enjoyed Liam's story! Loved seeing how he and Ryder are going. But I'm super keen for Michael's book next !!

alisonalisonalison's review

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I really liked this. Note that it's Book Two and does not stand alone. We get Liam's POV in this book and he and Ryder are dabbling in some things that everyone, including them, says is risky, so of course it's going to get interesting. Just as in the first book, there's a wonderfully rich and spooky atmosphere. The magic system is neat and it's really woven into everything thoroughly. There's lots of tension and danger and secrets and darkness and I expect things are going to get lots worse before they get better in this series. This is a engaging series and it's super queer. Looking forward to the next one, which is about Donovan. Maybe we'll get some insight into Tyler's dickishness.

nerdinthelibrary's review

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1) Darkling

content warnings: death, blood magic, violence
representation: main interracial m/m relationship, gay main character of colour, trans side character, side m/m relationship, side interracial f/f relationship, sapphic side character of colour

This is a fantastic follow-up to what is, in my opinion, one of the best witchy books out there. Undertow takes place a few weeks after the first book and follow the perspective of Liam, Ryder's love interest from the first book. It looks at their relationship, the relationship of the Circle, the changes in Liam's magic, and explores more about the Order. Considering how short the book is, that may seem like a lot of plot points it's juggling but it's handled incredibly well.

I loved the way this book realistically tackled its many subjects and plot points. The fact that Liam and Ryder's magic is incompatible and that they're playing with dangerous forces they don't understand; the impact that their 'experiments' with magic has been having on the Circle; the implications of certain things concerning Liam's family.

The romance is just as great as the first book, as are the sex scenes. One big way that this books sets itself apart from its predecessor is in the world building; this book has a lot more of it, and yet it also never feels too info-dumpy. We still don't have all the answers, but we've been told enough to understand more about the world Port Lewis exists within.

I'm really excited for the next book, which is going to follow Donovan. There was a teaser at the end of this book for it and I'm already so in love with his and Tyler's dynamic, as well as finding more out about Donovan's powers.

raposisses's review

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this one was so much better than darkling im actually really mad the next book will be changing pov lmao

hnmoore's review

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4 stars. The writing is absolutely fabulous, but I can't help feeling like I've been thrown into the story part way through, the same as I felt with the first book in this series. Maybe it's because I'm not as versed in witchcraft/occult, but I still wish there was just a bit... more, I guess? to the stories. The relationships, the found family, the plot, and writing are fabulous, so still a full four star read. Would highly recommend to any witchy friends.

iam's review

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I had so much fun reading this that I completely forget about all the issues I had with [b:Darkling|37642899|Darkling (Port Lewis Witches, #1)|Brooklyn Ray||58313999].
I was only after I finished Undertow that I realized not all of those issues were resolved here, but I still enjoyed the book a ton.

I was a bit afraid that I would have trouble understanding what was going on since I couldn't remember many details from book1, but it was completely fine. I quickly remembered who characters were and there were enough small hints and references that jogged my memory, so I had no problems diving straight into it.

Undertow focuses on Liam, now boyfriend of book1's protagonist Ryder. Much like in the prequel, the book is very fast-paced and immediately jumps into the plot, so I will only say that Liam suddenly encounters dark omens and signs, and together with his circle he has to figure out what they mean before something awful happens.

Looking back, the characters aren't all that well rounded or have great personalities, but I was entirely engaged the whole time while reading, and I'm very much looking forward to the sequel. While book1 had a pretty conclusive ending, this book has a more open one which many things left open that will pass over into book3.

My main problem with [b:Darkling|37642899|Darkling (Port Lewis Witches, #1)|Brooklyn Ray||58313999] was that so much things were simply not explained and overall just too vague to be understandable in context. Especially the background around magic and witches was not elaborated at all, which frustrated me a lot.
Undertow doesn't really answer any of the questions I had left over from book1, but at least doesn't spark (m)any new ones. It doesn't refer to quite as much new terms, so while I still wish there was more general worldbuilding about how magic, magic users and mythology fit into this contemporary world, I was not distracted by the lack of it.

I'm not sure if I would directly classify this book as erotica, but it does have quite a lot of explicit sexual content. Where book1 had some of the most superbly written making-out scenes I've read, here Ryder and Liam's relationship has developed as they have been together longer and they have a lot of sex, which I enjoyed reading. The sex scenes also often include all the kinky stuff from before, like cutting and bloodplay that comes with the dangerous magical sex stuff they practice.

Another thing I like is the circle which Liam and Ryder are part of. Their circlemates obviously have their own stuff going on, especially Donovan and Tyler, the latter of whom comes across as quite the a**hole but apparenlty has his reasons. I'm not so sure about him yet, but some things about them are revealed and I'm very excited for book3, which will be written from Donovan's POV!