
The First Love Cookie Club by Lori Wilde

leasummer's review against another edition

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Sadie Cool, aka Sarah Collier, hasn't been "home" since she interupted the wedding of Travis Walker, her destiny. For years he had been her dream, her destiny, every Christmas Eve as she slept with kismet cookies under her pillow. After being humilated and vowing never to love again, she returns nine years later to grant a sick girls Christmas wish.
Great holiday romance.

zenithharpink's review against another edition

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This book was a lot of fun, like reading a Hallmark Christmas movie. It was a fun read, and the characters were engaging enough for this read.

I think the main negative for me with this book was that I read a Christmas novel in the middle of April, while it was 80 degrees here in San Diego.

I probably won't follow through with the series, but I will definitely be reading this cozy romance again-when the season is right.

I would recommend this to any looking for a Christmas-y romance. It's exactly what you would hope for.

reneek84's review against another edition

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This is the first book I've read from Lori Wilde- I guess this is the 3rd book in the series. It was a sweet, wonderful book and I certainly look forward to reading more from this author.

irishtraveller's review against another edition

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I almost gave this one three stars. Almost. What held me back was the author's propensity to tell vs. show much more than I've become accustomed to. While the story was heartwarming and the characters were lovable, I found myself wanting to throw something at our heroine, Sarah Collier. I simply couldn't understand why she wouldn't accept this gorgeous hunk of a man she'd been in love with since her teenage years. I mean, Travis Walker is basically what every woman wants: sensitive, caring, tough, rugged, and super sexy. But I found the chemistry between them somewhat lukewarm, and Sarah's tendency to pull herself away from people was more irritating than quirky.

paperlove's review against another edition

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Zugegeben: Weihnachten ist schon ein paar Monate her, deshalb hat die Geschichte nicht ganz zur Jahreszeit gepasst, aber da ich so viele Bücher auf meiner To-Read Liste stehen habe und bei einer Liebesroman-Challenge mitmache, habe ich „Traumhaft verliebt“ nun trotzdem gelesen.

Die Story beginnt mit der 15-Jährigen Sarah, die ihre Ferien bei ihrer Grossmutter in Twilight – einem kleinen Dorf in Texas – verbringt. Im Dörfchen gibt es einen „First Love Cookie Club“ (der übrigens auch der englische Titel des Buches ist) und an den Brauch von sogenannten „Schicksalsplätzchen“ glaubt. Der Nutzen hinter diesen Schicksalsplätzchen entnehme ich einfach mal der Inhaltsangabe: „Wenn man in der Nacht vor Weihnachten ein Plätzchen unter sein Kissen legt, dann sieht man im Traum seinen Seelenverwandten …“
Genau so ist es auch bei Sarah passiert: Sie hatte in der Nacht vor Weihnachten von Travis geträumt. Der hatte jedoch vor, eine andere Frau zu heiraten. Also stürzt die 15-Jährige Sarah am Tag der Hochzeit in die Kirche und blamiert sich vor der gesamten Hochzeitsgesellschaft, indem sie Travis ihre Liebe gesteht.

Nach dieser Einleitung findet ein Zeitsprung statt. Sarah ist nun 24 Jahre alt und eine – mehr oder weniger – erfolgreiche Autorin, die auf Wunsch eines kleinen Mädchens nach Twilight zurückkehren sollte. Bald stellt sich heraus, dass
Spoilerdas Mädchen Travis Tochter ist, der inzwischen wieder geschieden und auf dem Singlemarkt ist.
Und damit nimmt das Schicksal(splätzchen) seinen Lauf…

Ohne weiter spoilern zu wollen, muss ich gestehen, dass die Story sehr vorhersehbar ist. Es passiert zu keinem Zeitpunkt etwas, das mich komplett aus den Socken gehauen hätte und am Ende versucht die Autorin noch vergeblich eine – meiner Meinung nach missglückte – Wendung einzubauen, die aber sehr schnell abgehandelt wird.

Es handelt sich bei „Traumhaft verliebt“ um einen nette, wenn auch relativ unspektakuläre Geschichte, die man sicherlich zur Weihnachtszeit als kleine Lektüre für Zwischendurch lesen kann, aber dann auch schnell wieder in Vergessenheit gerät.

brandiwyne4018's review against another edition

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I cried. This was such a feel-good book.

beasleymomtwo's review against another edition

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Cute Christmas story!

loverofromance's review against another edition

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There is a legend among the town of Twilight, Texas, that if you sleep with kismet cookies and dream of your true love, then he will be your future. Sarah Collier, as a teenager, had known that Travis was her one true love. But when she hears that he is to married, she tries to stop the wedding, only to be rejected, now all grown up, an adult, a scrooge, but yet a author for children's books, and is well known among children everywhere. She then receives a letter, from a sick girl, who begs to meet her, that is her Christmas wish, thinking she is going to die. So Sarah reluctantly agrees, to stay in her hometown, but what she is surprised to discover is the girl's father is none other than Travis Walker himself. Now she knows that she is in trouble, because he is her weakness. For years Sarah has prided herself on moving on from that embarrassing moment as a teenager, and now doesn't believe in fated love...but a building trust like her parents. But as her hearts gets wrapped up in Jazzy's dilemma, with her suffering from what appears to be a fatal illness with no cure in sight. Will Sarah and Travis find their happy ending?

There is so much emotion that is riding on this story. I knew going into it, it would be a winner, since every book I have read from this author has been phenomenal and I have come to really admire this author's talent in weaving a sweet and poignant romance...and lets just say that she has done it again...only this story has one more positive has a holiday kick to it, with the heroine being the scrooge of the story. Now that usually doesn't happen too often, so it was fun seeing the building up of Sarah as one of the main characters. Now in the beginning of the story, it starts us off with that teenage embarrassing moment, which I am sure that we can all relate to, however my heart just went out to Sarah. Then we skip ahead to the present, and we see Sarah all grown up, hates Christmas, and almost refuses to return to twilight until she reads Jazzy's letter...which just about broke my heart. From the first moment we see this little girl enter the story, you just cave. You just want Jasmine to get a happy ending, and find a way to beat this illness.

The romance section of the story was pretty emotionally driven for the most part. It doesn't really kick in for a while, it more of a dancing around each other for a while. Sarah has a lot of issues and most of them revolving around Travis, and boy does she make him work for it, and he so deserve it!! LOL I loved Travis, I really did, but there was some moments, where I wanted to just shake him and throw him out...but in a very loving way. Then there were others, where I just wanted to give him a hug, he is such a great father, and I loved the way his character was with his daughter, it was so precious and it just made me want to cry. I enjoyed seeing Travis and Sarah really come together, and work on past issues together, and it isn't easy for either one of them, but they definitely persevere, and it was such fun seeing these two work out all the kinks.

I could tell from the beginning, that this story wouldn't be a easy to relax into one. It would definitely be the type to put my emotions through the ringer, pull out your tissues ladies, and a pom pom and be ready to cheer this couple on, cry in those tender and heart wrenching moments, and just dance when something good happens to this darling little family. A story that is guaranteed to magically weave its way into your heart, with the magic of the season to warm you on a cold winter's night!! SPECTACULAR!!

debs_shelves's review against another edition

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This was a cute little Christmas story. Kinda fairytalish. Nice easy holiday read!

missie_bee's review against another edition

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Being a gal from a small town in Texas, I was pleased as punch to find this book at my local Wal-mart because it takes place in fictional but completely charming town of Twilight, Texas.

The comedic opening scene introduces readers to Sarah Collier, an overweight 15-year old who is desperate to stop the wedding of the man of her dreams, Travis Walker, the local heartthrob, but her humiliating effort is of no avail. Nine years later, Sarah has moved away from Twilight, Texas to New York and has closed herself off to love, preferring to live her life in a more realistic mindset instead of with her head in the clouds by entertaining silly romantic notions such as true love and soul mates.

Now as a publish author of a popular children's book under the pseudo name, Sadie Cool, Sarah has found happiness in a profession that suits her because it provides isolation, aside from all those pesky book signings. But then Sarah receives a letter from a fan, a sick little girl, that changes her life. Soon Sarah finds herself back in Twilight and back in the life of the one man that could very well be her true destiny.

While Sarah and her haphazard adventures were entertaining, it was Travis Walker who stole the show. As a single father to a child with a sever illness and whose wife ran out of him, he was completely charming and devilishly handsome. The banter between the two was delicious, and it lead to some steamy sexy times.

Overall, I enjoyed this story for what it was, a fun holiday read that draws in readers with the magic of love and Christmas miracles. While I do think the author went a little overboard by adding on layers on drama and tragedies to the characters, like Sarah being scarred on the outside as well as the inside and Travis losing a both parents, one to suicide, she also included a lot of humor. Some scenes read like funny episodes in a sitcom, and I could envision them playing out.

What I think I liked the most was being able to relate to the small town of Twilight, TX and seeing similarities within my own hometown. I'm painfully aware of small town gossip and of people acting on your behalf "with your best interests in mind" without even bothering to consult you. Small town living ain't for everyone, but I wouldn't have it any other way. ;)