
Like You Want It by Jillian Liota

rotellareads's review against another edition

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4.5 STARS! Another incredible novel by the talented Jillian Liota!

I absolutely loved the heroine Carly and her spunky, optimistic, carefree ways! She was such a breath of fresh air for a romance read. But don't be fooled, under that whimsical outer shell was a very confused, insecure and vulnerable woman trying to find her footing in life. She was perfectly flawed in every way! I laughed out loud so many times during this book because of Carly's personality, her witty spats with Fin and her quirkiness.

Fin, Finnegan, Finton, Finneas... whatever you want to call him, he was THAT swoon-worthy book boyfriend! The one who's unbelievably hot, smoldering even. But broken. Closed off. Guarded. Temperamental. It seemed no one could bring his walls down. That was certainly the case until Carly came barreling into his life. She charged in with the same interruption that her pulsing music which shook his sister's walls had! He'd finally met his match in that petite, brunette, colorful spitfire.

What started off as a casual fling, quickly turned much, much more emotionally involved. But could these two make it work with everything going on around them? Would they repeat past mistakes? Would their relationship hurt the one person who brought them together?

The story of these two was filled with drama, mistakes, heart break, difficult decisions, grief, pain and hope. Both characters were carrying around burdens that were too heavy to overcome alone. "Because we all need someone in our corner who believes the best in us, wants the best for us." This quote summed up my feelings so well for this book. No matter how bad you messed up, no matter what mistakes you made in the past, everyone deserved someone in their corner. This theme flowed through the story for multiple characters, not just the hero and heroine.

Susie's (Fin's younger sister) story was so raw, honest and gut wrenching! The bond that she shared with her brother and forged with Carly was incredible! Her messy life really brought some extremely humbling scenes to this read! Of all the relationships that sparked in this book, I held my breath most for her and Nell. I wanted nothing more than to see Susie's past forgiven and her future shine bright and promising!

This book was so emotionally charged. With each turn of the page, you were feeling numerous things at once. I loved how authentic the characters were. The author took the time to build the characters and their stories. Like You Want It was chaotic and honest and beautifully tender!

kirstenryan's review against another edition

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Not what I expected

First I’ll say, I’ve been in a rut. A book rut. I’ve started dozens of books just this week and nothing was able to capture my attention, I gave up on every single book. I decided to download “Like you want it” and give it a shot on a whim, I couldn’t be happier that I did.

At first glance I didn’t like Carly, I didn’t understand her. She is so bright, shiny, and optimistic that I couldn’t believe it was real. As the story went on though you see her for who she actually is. She makes the choice to be happy and bright not because she never feels bad but because she doesn’t want those bad times to overshadow the good. I love that she never fell apart. She persevered through everything that was thrown at her and lives her life on her terms.

Carly and Fin work together so well. I love the way therapy is introduced and discussed without all of the negative connotations you usually see. I’m so happy with this story and I cannot wait to read more by Jillian Liota.

bookaddictreviews's review against another edition

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I absolutely loved this story! Carly and Fin, ugh they are both perfect. There’s no words to describe how much I love them.

Carly and Fin didn’t start off on the best terms. Carly was kept up most of the night due to the party going on in her new upstairs neighbor’s apartment so she does what any normal person would do. She plays music loudly at six am to wake up her new neighbor. Fin happens to show up at her door and complains about the loud music, only he isn’t her new neighbor, his sister is.

Carly may be one of my favorite heroines ever. She is a free spirit, she is truly a ray of sunshine and radiates happiness to those around her. Of course, she isn’t perfect and has some issues with her family but who doesn’t? Fin takes broodiness to the max but you can’t help but love him, especially the more you go to know him and his story throughout the book.

The secondary characters in this story were also fantastic, especially Susie (Fin’s sister, Carly’s new neighbor and friend). Susie’s story truly broke my heart, but she is a warrior and fighting to make everything right again. This story was beautiful, it was heart breaking, emotional and oh man, was it steamy! I felt like I needed to fan myself a few times while reading this.

This story was a page turner and I didn’t want it to end. A must read of 2019 and one I would highly recommend to anyone and everyone!

thebookishren's review against another edition

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This book.

I adored Carly and her optimistic, happy, upbeat personality. Her nicknames for Fin CRACKED ME UP!

And Fin. Dolfin. Finocchio (hahahahaha). What a sexy, broody beast he was! Good lawd.

And the steam? THE STEAMY STEAM. Smack me.

briewhale's review against another edition

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“Like You Want It” brought all the heat! Something about the sunshine/grumpy dynamic is just so compelling. Carly is the best. She’s happy and blunt and endlessly kind. She reminds me of one of my good friends who “adopted” me as a friend just like Carly did with Susie. Fin is broody in a sexy way. Not only is he a badass, but he’s loyal to those he cares about. He’s a man of few words, which works out because Carly is there with lots of chatter and nicknames. Fin also has a lot of anger to deal with. It was great to see how he worked through it and to see how his character developed. Mental health is a common theme in Jillian Liota’s books and it was presented very well here. There are also strong connections with friends and family that really round out the story.

gwensreading's review against another edition

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Jillian strikes again. She is a newer to me author and I really liked her book Like You Mean It. She gave me an ARC for this one and it was so good. The entire time I thought “She’s another Mariana Zapata.” I am pretty sure I will read anything this author puts out.

Few things I loved about this book
• slow burn love that started with some animosity
• really strong female friendships
• a healthy idea of mental health, including self positivity and overcoming hang ups through tough conversations and therapy
• a heroine that lives her own life without succumbing to society’s pressure of what success looks like

Please check this book out. Just trust me on it.

ecromwell8's review against another edition

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What a sweet story!! First off let me just say how much I loved Carly! That girl is so dang funny. I was constantly laughing out loud from the wacky and crazy things that she would say. And it always cracked me up seeing what new nicknames she could come up with for Fin! So so funny.

The romance in this book was to die for! But in addition to that, what also makes this story so great is how the author incorporates important life lessons into it. It was a really refreshing thing to see and read and although it was for the characters in the book, I found myself highlighting it as well to serve as good life lessons for myself personally.

Okay going back to the romance! You can’t help but root for Carly and Fin. Sure, things don’t start off so smoothly for them in the beginning...but isn’t that how all the best loves begin? Together, they are on fire!! *SWOON*

By the end of this book I was left with a big smile on my face and happy tears. I couldn’t have asked for anything more from this book! I loved it!

♥ I’m on Bookstagram! -> Http:// ♥

onceupon_a_bookdream's review against another edition

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3.5/5 ⭐
[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

Like You Want It is the new release of author Jillian Liota. A love story filled with friendship, forgiveness and self acceptance.

"I may not be perfect, but being me is good enough."

I really enjoyed all the characters in Like You Want It. Carly is probably the happiest character I have ever read about. She is a big ball of sunshine on a day to day basis. On the inside she is a little insecure and wishes she was enough for people, but she doesn't take those negative feelings out on others. Fin is a big sexy ball of anger and resentment. His hot and cold interactions with Carly gave me whiplash. I mean he had legit reasons for feeling the way he did but that didn't make it okay for him to treat her that way, so I am glad she stood up for herself. I absolutely loved Fin's sister Susie she might have been my favorite character of all of them and I hope that the author writes her a book because she definitely deserves a good man and a happily ever after.

"Sometimes being lost is okay. Sometimes getting lost leads you to something beautiful."

The story line itself was good but I felt at times it seemed to drag and get preachy. However, the sex scenes between Carly and Fin totally made up for that. The sexual chemistry and aggressive sex between them was explosive. It was great that for once in a romance book the girl was the dirty talker instead of the guy and it totally worked for Carly. She knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to voice it to Fin. Another thing I love about the story is how strong the female friendships in it were. Carly puts her friendship with Susie first and foremost and that's the way real friends should be. I also really appreciated the therapy aspect to the book. Carly embraces that she see's a therapist consistently to help her with her struggles and other characters turn to it to help them figure out what's going on inside their heads and help them personally grow.

"She's kind and beautiful and funny and just this brightness that fills the cracks I didn't realize I had in my chest."

Overall, Like You Want It is a sweet love story. A slow burn romance with great characters, witty banter, strong female friendships, and positive mental health representation. I am looking forward to reading more Jillian Liota books in the future.

"You're all I can think about," he whispers, placing a single kiss below my ear. "The only thing on my mind, no matter where I am or what I'm doing."


"I stare up into Fin's eyes, and I know right then and there that whatever is going to happen between us is going to flay me wide open."


3.5/5 ⭐

janareviews's review against another edition

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Like You Want It was my first book by Jillian Liota, and it wont be my last! I read it a few days ago, and I an still thinking about it (that’s how I know it was good!)
I loved Carly’s positive attitude and her willingness to help everybody. She made me laugh and smile the entire time I was reading the book!
Fin I loved from the beginning, but I really loved him at the end. He was able to really grow and learn about himself throughout the book. It was different than other books with similar characters and I appreciated that!
Together Carly and Fin were so good for each other. They evened each other out and were able be their best selves!
All of the characters were complex and I didn’t feel like I was missing any information about them. I would love to see a story with Susie, oh and one with Dina!

mochalattie's review against another edition

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I almost put this book down...Carly was just so HAPPY! But since CORONA LASHAE VIRUS is here to stay I powered on. And I’m so freaking glad I did. Oh my heart I just want more of this book . Finnegan finnegard my love! Oh the hurt and the love and the just everything