
Livewire by Vita Ayala

ebbie_casuallereading's review

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First off, I want to say I went in completely blind, only read a small synopsis. The convenience of all the comics being in one book is always something I like from the get go. The 30+ pages of art at the end are definitely a good bonus, even more so if you're a fan of the series.

What I most enjoyed about the story is the hint and paralles you can do between psiots, how they are and were treated, how they are perceived, etc. and other real life marginalized groups. I would say the whole politic arc of it in the last few volumes is the stronger part of the story too. I felt like it took some time for me to get into it, and at some point wasn't sure I would enjoy myself much, but mostly because I might not be the typical superheroes comics reader. I also wondered if knowing a bit more about the whole universe and lore would have made the first few volumes more enjoyable for me.

The style of the drawing is the most interesting in the battle scenes. You can see the illustrator is really into how the human body works in regards to muscles and movements. Livewire is, after all, fit and muscular. Some drawings of her and others more muscular character when there are not fighting are a bit over the top in that regards however. But the art at the end of the book is really really nice and I also enjoyed how they put some sketches and the process behind constructing a whole page.

In the end, even if I kinda liked the way Livewire gets to go through some process of grief towards her own action (the main action who jumpstart the whole story), I felt like I wanted more out of her "acceptance". Maybe 12 volumes were not enough space to explore that and go a little deeper however. I also feel like I don't know her much, even though we have access to part of her backstory. I still think she's cool, but I don't quite undestand her and I feel like part if not a lot of her motivation is very "basic" (I cannot find the right word, but basically this 1 thing, or 1 thing and a half, and it's there, she refers to it a lot and repeats it to whoever will hear it, but it sometimes feels like a broken record, maybe because her connection to it isn't shown all that much thoughout the series, she mostly tells us about it). I also think some part of the story are left unresolve: some characters who seem to be important for Livewire or to the story are not explored much or their arc are cut short and it's unclear what happens to them (I had trouble understanding the whole school/orphanage arc and how it added to the overall story).

So to sum up, if you're a fan, this deluxe edition is very nice. For a newbie like me, it's nice to be able to go through the whole thing in one book. However, be aware that the story has some issues and that you might not understand some stuff if you're not already familiar with the universe.

marreadsbooks22's review

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3 stars

I should have known I had to read something else before diving into this because I was lost in the beginning and had to go back and asked around friends about what was going on before continuing this book.
I have to say, the art style was interesting and beautiful but the plot... was a but messy and sometimes hard to follow.
I did like the character's arc though even if the story didn't fully convinced me.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this in exchange for an honest review

anilliterategay's review

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Livewire is a very fun and quick read, and I mean quick. I read it in about 1 hour and 30 minutes and really enjoyed it. I will definitely be rereading this graphic novel to dive deeper into the political themes and aspects. I would highly recommend this if you are looking to get out of a reading slump or want a fun and quick read.

Because of this… “I give this book 4 ⭐️”

capellan's review

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Unfortunately, I did not care much for this. Firstly because the "Psiots are persecuted" concept is clearly just Marvel's "Anti-Mutant Bigotry" in very slightly different clothes. Secondly, because I didn't like the majority of the art, particularly that in (most of) the last act. Third, because I don't read a superhero comic to read a story about someone whose every effort achieves nothing, who is frequently punked by those she faces, and whose whole quest is ultimately achieved not by her own actions but by the machinations of the unpowered Machiavellian politician who suddenly pops up two-thirds of the way through.

itskitasai's review

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Thankyou to the publisher for sending me a copy of this as an E-book ARC in exchange for an honest review

I loved the way this started out and slowly unfolded - I am a sucker for superhero-ish stories and this was right up my alley. I thought the story was told very nicely and I got a good feel for all the characters that were important and how they interacted with one another. I also really liked how the MC got their redemption they needed while still staying true to themselves.

The art style was nice, although nothing special, but it helped keep the story feeling consistent and fun to read.

Overall really great story, something I probably wouldn't read again but I would recommend - I think especially for fans of Renegades, it shares some similar themes to that.
