
TimeStorm by Steve Harrison

thinkspink's review

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The Marlin is bound for South Australia in 1795 with a hold full of disgraced convicts, but then it gets caught in a TIMESTORM!! Arriving instead in Sydney Harbour in 2017, the convicts and seaman do not cope well. Leading to pitched battles and shootouts through the city.

I liked the fast pace, but it is written in a simple boys own style which doesn't really suit the extreme violence. Worth a look though if you read a load of classic sea faring tales as a kid, and want an adult version.

kiriamarin's review

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2.5 Um bom conceito e sinopse que me atraiu a ler porém talvez tenha ficado além da capacidade do autor de escrever uma estória com vários pontos de vistas e personagens. Ao final nenhum funcionou, uma estória em retalhos que ao todo decepcionou...

janerel's review

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This was a book I received as a Goodreads giveaway and am so glad I did as I may not have otherwise come across it. It is a great tale mixing the convict era with modern day Sydney in a most unique way. The story develops along various lines with each chapter being written from the perspective of a different character. A thoroughly enjoyable read with the potential for a sequel.

kathryn08's review

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Having recently finished [b:Behind the Sun|16211529|Behind the Sun (Convict Girls #1)|Deborah Challinor||22179796] by [a:Deborah Challinor|108907|Deborah Challinor|] - a novel about a cargo of convict women being transported to Australia, it was difficult not to make comparisons with this one. However, the comparison between the two books finished at around 20% through when the convict ship, the Marlin, entered 21st century Sydney.

It’s a clever idea and it was interesting to see modern-day Sydney (although most of the book is set about 8 months in the future of when I read it) through the eyes of the men from the 18th century. After all, who hasn’t ever thought “I wonder what my grandparents (or great-grandparents) would think if they could see me doing/wearing _____ now”?

This was an engrossing read, with plenty of action and an interesting twist at the end which ties in the first part of the book (which I had forgotten about until the end), although I do think the reader was left a little in the dark at the end - I had some glaring questions that the ending threw up and which I felt could have been better explained and I took off half a star for that! I don’t normally read reviews before writing my own, but I’ve read some where people wondered whether a sequel was in the works - and perhaps that may help to answer my questions!