sarajane11's review

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I would give this book 2.5 out of 5. Three of the stories were enjoyable, which isn't bad for an anthology. The rating would have been higher but I felt that the marketing of the collection as romance was misleading. These books are definitely science fiction with relationships, not relationships with space.
Pandera -
This book had a very slow start. It was a little disorienting when the story did pick up because I felt like I had missed something. The characters, for the most part, were interesting but they lacked some backstory development. I liked the relationship between Riff and Zed and their crew. It held the story together. I gave this story a 2.
Boarded -
I genuinely enjoyed this story. Sadie and Nual were well developed and worked well as a couple. The choice of alien races were intriguing and well thought out. The action was not too drawn out and worked well to move the story along. I would be very interested to read more in this world, particularly about Sadie and Nual. I gave this story a 4.
Forsaken Planet -
This was probably my favorite of the anthology. Luci and Sakir were well developed and very extremely likable. Even though they are not entirely human, they are still relatable. There was a great mixture of science fiction, action and romance. I would love to read more about this couple. I gave this story a 4.
Dark Immortality -
This was my least favorite story. I didn't entirely understand the vampires. They had the potential to be an interesting new twist on vampires, but they just didn't get there for me. I wanted more backstory on the world and the different races. Madelen and Andros had potential but they fell short for me. I gave this story a 1.
Freeker -
I was glad to see this was part of a series. I enjoyed Chara and Warrant. I want to know more about them, their world and Warrant's brothers. It was a very quick and easy read that was well thought out and detailed. I gave this story a 3. Overall I really enjoyed this compilation, especially once I realized these stories were more science fiction and not romance.

simply_sam's review

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Guess who just got her very first Netgalley approval?

That's right! THIS GIRL!!

Bring on the BRs MacHalos :)