
Caught in Cross Seas by Sharleen Scott

arthistorygirl's review

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Caught in the Cross Seas by Sharleen Scott is the first book in the Caught series. From the beginning, I was drawn into the characters of Harlie Cates and Clay Masterson. Harlie is hard working and trying to escape her past. Clay is looking for his long lost dad. The story shows that we might put our past behind us but it tends to sneak up on us. I enjoyed the characters and that the story incorporated romance, intrigue, and suspense well. I was rooting for the characters and wanted to see everything work out for the best. This was a good read and I look forward to continuing the series.

carabellacullen's review

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Caught in Cross Seas by Sharleen Scott

4 Stars!!!!

I just love finding new authors! This is the first book by this author I have read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The author has a refreshing writing style that brings the reader into the world she has created. I found myself glued to the pages not wanting to put the book down.

The chemistry between Harlie and Clay is just so unique. I found myself going through the emotions along with Harlie as she battles with her past and the uncertain future at first. I really like how the author was able to entwine both Clay's and Harlie's pasts and build the drama around them. I really found that it kept me wanting to see what happened next. I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be reading more from this author in the future.

katie_83's review

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Caught in Cross Seas (The Caught Series book 1)
By Sharleen Scott
5 stars

Caught in Cross Seas was a great read! I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first started reading and as this was also the first book that I have read by this author I was really looking forward to starting it and once I did I was hooked straight away. I LOVED Clay and Harlie, their story was really great to read about. The author took me on one huge emotional roller-coaster with this couple – I felt like I lived all of their ups and downs with them, I could feel every emotion they did – and there were definitely a few tears shed along the way. The author wrote about them both in such a way that they really did feel real.
The story flowed so well, there were twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat, there was no part where the story dragged or where I lost interest. It was really was a fantastic read and I am really looking forward to reading the next book in the series!!!

lisa01's review

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Caught in the Cross Seas (The Caught Series Book 1)
By Sharleen Scott
Rated 5 stars

I really enjoyed this much more than I anticipated. The story was good. The characters were enchanting. The writing was smooth and easy to follow. I laughed and teared up a couple times. The characters were deep enough that I learned to like and care about them.
I really enjoyed Harlie (Loved her name) she is fun and her look on life is nice. Her shoes, her word and heart are all what make her interesting. I love her thoughts on arguing!

“Arguing has its virtues. It clears the air and gives people great opportunities for making up.”

Clay is a country singer who is missing something in his life. He has life struggles. I think he was shocked when Harlie call him a “Goober”. That made me laugh though. I was glad for the portrayal of his singing life (fans etc.) and a normal person life. Clay brings some great characters into the story with him. Tom and Harv were fun to read. They definitely have Clays back and they watch out for Harlie.

The ending.....I am not a super fan. Granted she did things to make him mad. Just as he upset her. But the time frame, distance and the reason...irritated me. That made the ending uncomfortable and too rushed for me. Anyway I see the next book is about TOM!! So excited to see where his story goes.

fish3718's review

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Caught in Cross Seas by Sharleen Scott is my first book by this author. She has an amazing story telling ability which drew me into the story even more. I can really relate to Harlie as I grew up in the City of Chicago on the Northwest side. You think everything can be started fresh or can it? This story is a suspense story with a love story in it as well. Clay is a big city boy looking for his dad. He meets Harlie and that is when the story took off. Will Harlie and Clay find what they are looking for or will trouble come looking for them? This is one suspense, romance, and comedy you will want to read.

bwagner's review

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Romance, mystery and sitting on the edge of your seat action all in one book. I was pulled in right from the start with this these characters. Harlie and Clay are both running from and to their pasts. There is a shadow lurking that knows all and has plans to clean up. I loved both of these two, they are not looking for each other but that is what they find. That is where the twists and turns start and the suspense of survival. I highly recommend this book, find out what happens with them.

angelahayes's review

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4 ½ Stars

Caught in Cross Seas is the first book in The Caught Series by Sharleen Scott. I came into this series a little backward, as I started in on book #3 first. As I was reading it my curiosity was piqued about the characters and past events, so I snatched up the first two books to find out all about the other characters in the series.
I have really enjoyed this series, as not only are they really well written, but the characters are all so wonderfully developed individuals with their own personalities, quirks and flaws- as well as being a completely engaging and engrossing story. The book has so much happening between the covers, with mystery, suspense, some action, drama, and so much more. The storyline is very intriguing, and I found myself drawn further and further into the pages, to see how Ms. Scott brings everything together in the end.
After meeting Harlie and Clay in book #3, I have now really enjoyed finding out how they (and the series) began. They really are great characters, and it was so easy to get invested in them and the outcome of their story. The whole plot was very interesting, with wonderful details that brought the whole thing to life.
Well worth the read!

Thank you, Ms. Scott!

kazbo5771's review

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Caught In Cross Seas is the first book in the Caught series by Sharleen Scott. Each book can be read as a stand-alone however characters do appear again and there can be spoilers if you don’t read the books in order. This is the first time I’ve read any of this author’s work and I’m so glad I took a chance on it. I really loved this book and now have books 2 & 3 waiting on my kindle for me to enjoy.
Clay Masterson is huge country music star who is looking for his father who is presumed dead 18 years ago. His search takes him to Angel Beach, Oregon where he comes into contact with the very feisty Harlie Cates. Harlie has had a very difficult life so far and does not trust easily.
I loved the characters of Harlie and Clay. They are both obviously deeply attracted to each other but with their very different lifestyles and difficult pasts, having a relationship with each other is not going to be easy.
As well as the romantic aspect of this book, it is also a great suspenseful thriller that kept me gripped the whole way through.
I’m really looking forward to reading the rest of this series. If book 1 is anything to go by then this series is going to be one of my favourites.

jennadb's review

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Caught in Cross Seas (the Caught Series book 1) by Sharleen Scott​ is well written, and wonderfully developed characters that you become fully invested in. There is a lot happening in this book, and the multi faceted plots are carefully woven to bring this story together and to make it engrossing and intriguing and one that draws you in. The mystery and drama, subtle clues and manipulation, suspense and action doesn’t leave us wanting. The easy flow of the story keeps you hooked. The emotions the story evoke run rampant as you try to piece it all together.

Harlie is the sweetest woman in town. Everybody loves her and she would give you anything just to make sure you are ok.

Clay has followed the clues and finds himself in yet another town looking for a ghost. What he finds is more than he can cope with. What he finds is lies and deceit. What he finds is more than he thought he needed. But what he needs is something he left behind. I really enjoyed this story and can not wait to read book 2.

hncald78's review

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This book - wow. I was immediately drawn in and became completely obsessed with the characters. Twists, turns, highs, lows - this roller coaster had me hanging on by my finger tips in anticipation. A wonderful read. I cannot wait to keep reading this series!