
Cutaway by Liz Borino

kbranfield's review

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Cutaway is a wonderful addition to the Ben’s Life series. Steve and Zack are well-developed, three dimensional characters and their relationship is not only strong enough to overcome the obstacles in their path, but it becomes stronger because of them. To read my review in its entirety, please click HERE.

avid_reader_53's review

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Loved this second book with Steve and Zack, it takes us deeper in to BDSM scene something that Steve isn’t completely comfortable with at the beginning.

Steve and Zack came out at the end of the first book so they go out with friends now. Carlos and his wife, Angie, are out with them one night and Carlos mentions going to a new D&D club with a great new Dungeon Master that he found on line. Then says Steve’s ex’s name, and Steve and Zack know it is not a D&D board club, quick talking by Zack about Peter being Steven’s ex and them got getting along get them out of going to the club. It started Zack thinking, not always a good thing – for him.

Zack pesters Steve about going into a club to play, Steve is not sure if Zack would be comfortable with the level of play at a club so he contacts Peter to come over to talk to them about the happenings at the club and what goes on there. When Peter shows and goes through the week’s themes Steve gets upset when Peter mentions alcohol and newbie’s themed night. People are lifestyle curious and want to ‘play’ but have had no training and then they are served alcohol on top of it. He and Peter go out for coffee to discuss other ways to make money for the club. Zack gets a call from Carlos less than an hour later, there has been an accident and Steve is in the hospital.

Several things happen at this point that put Zack off center, while a strong man that makes his own decisions and is in charge of his life, having Steve in the emergency room, being denied access to him, having everyone question him as to whether he is capable of taking care of Steve when he gets him home, and then Steve’s mom insisting that Steve was out with Peter for sex because people in the lifestyle don’t/can’t stay faithful to one person it is not in their makeup – well, it was enough to send any sane person off center. Finally Zack gets Steve home and creates a safe place for him to heal and let down his guard enough to ask for help if needed.

During this, Peter’s new slave – Josh - and he are becoming friends and he is trying to show him that there is a way of life that doesn’t include being in a total 24/7 submissive relationship. There is love and respect and genuine caring available even in a DDSM relationship. Josh gets a taste of this when he hides after a session at the club and watch Steve care for Zack after an intense session and not walk away and leave him to recover by himself.

A very intense book with emotions running very high in certain areas and slowly rolling over you with tenderness in others, I rate this book a 4 star because of a couple unsigned documents that seemed so important one moment and then forgotten the next. I am not sure if they will be further addressed in the next book or if we are done with them and the ramifications that could have been caused by them. So I am eagerly awaiting the next book in this series. Hint, Hint, Ms. Borino. Thank you again for sharing your magic with us.