
The Black Yonnix, Volume 1: A Bitter End by Scott Colby

taracloudclark's review

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Full disclosure: I worked for this publisher, am friends with the author, and have met the narrator. The interview should be on the publishers YouTube.I also edited the anthology that is set in this world, but I directly benefit nothing from writing this review. And I also seldom do bad reviews.

The a black Yonnix: A Bitter End is a fun adventure with colorful characters and packed with action and intrigue. The pace is steady, and I’m ready to read more about the adventures of the Black Yonnix. The #Pileaus world is incredibly detailed, and seeing the various iterations of the world through @outlandentertainment’s publications has been a delight. I’m looking forward to reading more from Outland and the moderator for the world, Scott Colby. The world is very vibrant and fun while still containing serious social issues and fantastical intricacies.

The voice actor, Caleb Summers, is absolutely perfect for this book. His various characters are distinguishable and add to their characterization. The main character is narrating his tale to another character, and the transition and tone is very well done. Seems well considered. I also love how Summers’ voice adds to the inexperience of the main character, but also depicts the characters’ underlying knowledge and courage. I know this sounds a bit gushy, but I’m truly impressed with the performance.

Definitely recommend. I’ll be revisiting the accompanying anthology of short stories, Pileaus: Symphony No. 1 and hope to hear more from Scott and Caleb.

manglitter's review

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange of my honest review.

3/5 stars

This book starts with our main character Kensey Vardallian being the narrator of his misadventures to his captor The Black Empress of Pileaus. His story starts with the murder of his grandfather in front of him and an important journal of a Vardallian ancestor being stolen from him by the same villain who killed his grandfather. Kensey decides to get his vengeance when he met some odd characters who ended up being pirates from the famous ship The Black Yonnix who where also looking for the journal. From there the story and the adventures of Kensey begin.

For me, the book started really slow and it got intersting just after chapter 10. I was looking for a book with more adventures on the ocean and the developement of our main character's personality but at the end, we met for a short time with the impressive captain of The Black Yonnix, then, the story Kensey tells is just about how he gets back his journal with the help of two pirates; one being Blue a Manii which is a fox with magical powers who talks and plays some magical music that could be helpful in many dangerous situations , the second being Ulysses the first mate of the Black Yonnix who tells stories like no one, these two characters made the story so much entertaining in addition to other interesting characters that appeared shortly. We don't know what happened to kensey after or about all his adventures with the pirates and how he ended up being captured by The Empress. The ending was lacking and, I didn't like Kensey at the end or while he was telling his story.

I loved the world created by the author and his writing was pretty interesting. I don't know if he is going to finish telling us all the story of Kensey, his tatoo and The Black Yonnix in his own future books or if we will find out about it in The Unmade Man by D.T. Gooden which we have the first two chapters at the end of this book.

I'm interested in the stories and the adventures of The Black Yonnix's crew and Nyomi and her husband and so on. I hope that the author will be thinking about a sequel.