
Pirate Bound by Carysa Locke

lolasreviews's review

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Wow am I glad I picked up this book, this prequel was so good! I am already looking forward to read the first book! This book was one of my rare impulse buys. I saw the cover in a newsletter from another author and that red hair and her sidewards facing position somehow sold me on the book before I even read the blurb. Then I read the blurb and I gladly paid some of my won gift card money to get my hands on this book.

Pirate Bound is a science fiction romance book centered around telepathic space pirates and that combination is as much fun to read about as it sounds. I've been wanting to read more sci-fi romances and this book perfectly hit the mark for that. Compelling story, interesting characters and well thought out world building were all present. Then there was a great romance that nicely fit into the story without taking over the plot. I enjoyed both the sci-fi and the romance aspect and enjoyed every second of this fun book.

The story is told from Sanah and Dem their point of view. Sanah is on the run with her sister after finding out her brother has plans to use her sister her powers for his own gain and using her powers to hurt people instead of heal. Starving, tired and desperate they are on the run in a spaceship when they encounter a group of pirates. They are hesitant at first, but the pirates seem honest and they eventually take refuge on their ship. Dem is a pirate and one of the high ranking people on the pirate ship they encounter. He has some rare telepathic talents and doesn't feel emotions, until he meets Sanah.

The set-up was interesting and I liked the way it got all worked out. the story flowed nicely and I felt the progression of elements felt very natural and realistic. Even while the story is shorter it in no way feels rushed and I was kinda glad a certain plot line didn't got dragged out like might have happened with a longer book. Although at the same time I also would like to see more of Sanah and Dem.

The characters were are all interesting, we get a feel for the main characters and quite some of the side characters. Enough to form a picture for the characters and I appreciated how in a few short encounters the authors could still paint a vivid picture of them and their personality. Sanah was protective of her little sister and I admired what she did for her and liked seeing them interact with each other. And while she is protective she also gives her sister space. She is a scientist and likes getting answers and the scientist part gave an fun twist to her personality. She has the gift of empathy and I liked how well we got a feel for her gift and how naturally it was woven into the story.

Then there is Dem, the security chief on board this space ship. He doesn't feel many emotions and when he meets Sanah and he feel an instant connection he isn't quite sure what to do with it. I thought his behavior and actions made sense and he was an interesting character with his strong commitment to the ship and how focused he is to protect the two sisters.

The side characters are also fun to read about. From Phantom, who we see only shortly, to the Doc who plays a nice side role. Then there are Cannon, the pirate king, Treon, Dem's brother and Sanah her sister who all play bigger roles into the story. And I wish we would get all of their stories as well, as they were interesting and I wanted to know more about them. They nicely fill up the story and I liked seeing them interact with Sanah and Dem and the other crew members.

I liked how the romance played out, no unnecessary drama and the conflict and obstacles that were in their path felt realistic and even got solved pretty quickly. I liked these two together and how they figured out how to handle these feelings growing between them. Yes the romance moves kinda quickly as this is a novella length book, but it didn't feel rushed. And I did got a feel for them as a characters and how they got to know each other and I felt their connection.

The world building was one of my favorite elements. I have to admit I haven't read a lot of books with telepathic abilities, so I wasn't quite sure how the authors would work with that. I was really impressed with how they handled the telepathic part. It was intermingled in the plot and the world building, we saw how these telepathic gift got used for things like communication, but also for so many other things like healing, fighting and more. It was everywhere and I liked how much we got to see of the telepathic gifts. Not everyone has telepathic gifts, but most of the main characters do so we get a good feel for their gifts. The only thing I would've liked was to learn more about the world and galaxy as a whole. We get a bit of a feel for the struggle between the Commonwealth and the pirates, but the pirates didn't really feel like pirates. They don't do a lot of bad stuff or pirate stuff in this book, although there are some hints about it and they could be ruthless in some instances, but not without reason. Also this story mostly takes place on one ship, so while I got a good feel for the ship and some of it's crew, the rest of the world and space stays a bit more vague. I hope we see more of that in the first book.

To summarize: I really enjoyed this book about telepathic space pirates. The story was compelling and developed naturally and kept my interest. The characters are interesting too and I liked getting to know them and hope we see more of them in later books. Sanah is a scientist and she cares a lot about her sister. She also has the gift of empathy which was interesting to read about. Then there is Dem who has some unique gifts and might seem emotionless, but Sanah breaks through his shields. There is also a great cast of side characters with their own personalities and I would love to know more about them. The romance developed quickly, but it didn't feel rushed. I liked these two together and felt their connection. Then there is the world building, which was well done. I especially liked how the telepathic aspect was handled and how we learn a lot about the different gifts and how they are used. There isn't a lot of pirate stuff though and the focus is mostly on this ship so we learn less about the rest of the world. All in all this was a great prequel and I can't wait to read the first book!

mdlaclair's review

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More of a Sci-fi romance. I really like the set up of this book. so many cool characters and the story line follows two sisters running from an evil brother in the government. Then happening to come across some handsome pirates..... Over all I like the book a lot. The romance did fell a little rushed to me however that happens sometimes with novellas. I was hoping the first full book would be about some characters we have meet in this book. However from what I have found on the writer's blog that is not the case. overall I was very impressed.

nerdywerewolf's review

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So, this was really cool. Reads like urban fantasy...takes place on a spaceship. Great characters for the small amount of time we had them and exciting buildup to what is bound to be a powerful story.

leesarpel's review

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Sanah and her sister Nayla are fugitives, fleeing their brother Niall who wishes to exploit Nayla’s unique talents. As their fuel is running out, telepathic space pirates capture them. They’re of interest to said pirates because they are psychically talented women, and those are thin on the ground in psychic pirate society due to a gene plague decimating their female population. The pirates agree to provide protection for the women in exchange for…I guess the chance to find compatible mates who can help ensure the survival of the race. There’s no find-a-mate pressure surrounding the deal, and the women agree to work on the fleet to pull their weight.
Sanah carries a guilty secret, and it’s only a matter of time before she has to ‘fess up to the pirates. She’s a talented empath and scientist who is very sympathetic. Her hero, Dem, is head of security, and I guess he’s never met a female empath before because feeling things is new to him due to his inherited Hunter-Killer psychic profile, named a bit on the nose. Thankfully he also likes Sanah because she’s sweet, strong, and smart. There’s a bit of the “oh no I am dangerous to you therefore I must stay away” trope, but he does get over it.
The secondary characters round out the story well. Dem’s arrogant and stubborn brother Treon stuck in my brain, as did Nayla, the ship’s doctor Doc, and Captain Cannon. Choosing a leader with empathic abilities who understands how his people are feeling is a very nice touch. The psychic combat and talents are well-explained and I didn’t feel lost in the story.
The idea of pirates presented here is very romantic. Although they’re presented as needing resources, nobody seems too hard up for food or water to the point of doing anything worse than grand theft. After women are scarce, the story mentions some taking of women, but we don’t meet any unwilling captives. The mores presented are very much in line with Western society today.
Protecting Nayla from her brother is the central conflict in the plot, so this is not a long read. We get glimpses of pirate and Commonwealth society, but there’s some hinting at bigger structures. I love space pirates, I’m curious as to how the series will spin out, and eagerly await the first full length novel.

sandywilliams03's review

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I pre-ordered this book, mostly because way back when, I'd beta read a different book (but same world) from this author, and that book stuck with me over five or so years. I critiqued a lot of books back then, and that first book of Carysa's was my favorite of them all. But I never got to finish it! I'm not sure if she was done writing it at the time, but she is now, and I've been told it's the first full length book in this universe, which releases in another few months.

This is a novella that serves as a sort of prequel. Reading it, I remembered a lot about that first book. Namely, a few of the characters. The pirate king, Cannon (yes! There's a pirate king! And he's awesome and not cheesey!) and a few other folks. This book is about telepathic space pirates, would could come off corny as hell, but the way Carysa writes and how she developed the universe was perfect. The pirates have a believable culture and history. It kind of reminds me of all those vampire brotherhood books out there (though this has absolutely nothing to do with vampires, promise). There's this camaraderie between the pirates that is awesome. I could read about it forever.

The book is about Sanah and her younger sister, Nayla. They escape their evil brother and are taken in and protected by the pirates. This is Sanah's story. She and her sister have special abilities. Nayla is a healer and Sanah has empathy. She is immediately drawn to the pirate's security specialist, Dem, who's pretty much a bad ass. He has, um, trouble with feelings. Mainly, he's never really felt them before. It's a side effect of his special abilities. But of course Sanah wakes up those feelings in him, and he has to figure out how to deal with them without killing everybody around him.

This is a great introduction to the universe Carysa Locke has created. And I think authors must be getting better at writing novellas. I used to not like novellas because they didn't feel like they have substance, but I'm really enjoying a lot of shorter works lately, and this one was fun. It didn't feel like fluff and added to the world, and it was a complete story all by itself. If you like sci-fi romance, you'll love this. Give it a try!

vegancleopatra's review

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I thought this was an enjoyable read though it could have stood a bit more worldbuilding. I think the strongest elements of the book were the characters and the character interactions. I did enjoy the different powers of the characters, though again that could have been a stronger element of the worldbuilding. One thing I found strange was that the climatic attempt to kill Niall is so quick and poorly described. It seemed like the author purposely glossed over it despite it being so pivotal and important to multiple characters. I enjoyed that while it was a romance it was not bashing you over the head with constant innuendos or sex.

Overall enjoyable, though nothing to write home about. I will read the next in the series.

bookgyrl's review

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4,5 stars. This is a short but complete story, a prequel to a new series. Sanah and her sister are on the run from their dangerous brother when they meet the pirates that live on the fringe of their society. The pirate King and also his Security Chief, Dem, assure the sisters they will be safe.

Written very well, I enjoyed the story. There is enough world building and the Talents are explained. Dem has very unique Talents and this makes his attraction to Sanah dangerous.

I liked Sanah and Dem together. Although short as I said, it is romantic and very interesting. I pre-ordered the first book.

threadpanda's review

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This was a sweet little book to give a little more backstory to the events that kick off with Pirate Nemesis. Not quite as layered or gripping as Pirate Nemesis and Pirate Consort but still a fun read!

prationality's review

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Dem never stood a chance

While Mercy & Reaper remain my favs, I love seeing Dem basically become a mush over Sanah. To be fair while it's insta-connection just add Hunter-Killer emotional weirdness between Dem & Sanah, it's not insta-love. Or even insta-lust necessarily. Dem feels a strong emotional pull towards Sanah, who feels that same sort of urgency, but it feels more like they found the person they feel compliments them. As to the rest it was intriguing to see how Treon first acts around Nayla & Sanah. And to see Cannon trying to chide Dem into making the right decision.