
Dark Games by Anna Carey

erinarkin20's review against another edition

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3.5 for this one.

Blackbird by Anna Carey was an interesting and quick read. It grabbed my attention almost immediately and while initially the story being told in second person threw me off, I found that after a bit I didn’t even notice it. I do think that this is the piece that will make some readers dislike it which would be unfortunate as there is an interesting story here.

The main character is a girl who just happens to wake up lying on some train tracks unable to move. She doesn’t know anything about herself and the only thing that is obvious is that she is in danger and she can’t really trust anyone. As she tries to piece things together based on the little pieces of herself she is carrying around in a backpack, she finds she is being followed by people she doesn’t know and some that even want to kill her.

As I mentioned, the story is told in second person and I expect this was done to help the reader experience things right along with the main character. At first I was a bit distracted by it but as I mentioned, it eventually faded into the background as more and more was being revealed. I loved that because of her amnesia, we were experiencing everything right alongside her.

I do have to say that I felt like nothing was resolved by the end of the book and while I get as a series something needs to be left to tell in the next book, there were so many loose ends when this one wrapped up. Yes we find out a bit more about what has been happening and why (please forgive my vagueness) but we don’t get anything about who the main character really is and that is what I really wanted.

If you like a good mystery and enjoy a thriller, definitely check this one out. It is a fast paced story that drags you along the pages right alongside the main character. I will definitely be checking out the next book in this series and I can’t wait to find out what happens next.

Thank you to Edelweiss and HarperTeen for the review copy.

katherinebel's review against another edition

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Estoy indecisa entre 2.5 y 3 estrellas. La forma en la que está escrito este libro no me gustó demasiado. No se me hizo dificil leerlo, pero definitivamente estuvo medio raro. La protagonista no me desagradó, pero tampoco me hizo sentir algo. El chico por otro lado me agradó un poco más, pero creo que sigo sin conocerlo.

En cuanto a la trama... siento que está muuuy extraña, al principio me aburrió y quise dejar de leer porque sentía que no llegaba a ningun lado, que la protagonista lo único que hacía era huir y sin saber de qué, y llegó un momento en el que pense que nunca me lo dirían. Aun así me dejó muy metida, con muchas cosas inconclusas, así que quiero leer la siguiente parte, pero no creo que lo haga muy pronto. Está muy abajo en mi lista de prioridad de mi TBR.

stacylmoll's review against another edition

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A very interesting book, love the storyline. I can't wait to read the next one.

burstnwithbooks's review against another edition

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2.5 stars
Not impressed! I wasn’t a fan of the writing, and the second person POV really didn’t help. The premise was interesting, but it just didn’t play out well. The audiobook was really short, which was nice, as I don’t think I would have gotten through the physical book at all.

thesarahstory's review against another edition

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Du wachst auf dem Bahnhof in Los Angeles auf, mitten auf den Gleisen und du kannst dich nicht bewegen, du weißt nicht, wer du bist und schon gar nicht, wie du hierher kommst... Finde es heraus, falls du solange überlebst.

Dieses Buch wird hoch angepriesen, als atemberaubend spannend und nervenaufreibend bezeichnet und rein von der Story aus betrachtet und der Idee dahinter, mag das vielleicht sogar zutreffen. Allerdings ist der Schreibstil nicht für jeden ein Reiz. Es wird in der noch ziemlich unbekannten Du-Fassung verfasst, welches den Leser insofern direkt anspricht, dass er sich selbst als die Hauptperson ansehen sollte. Leider konnte dieses Feeling so gar nicht auf mich übergreifen und am Ende unterschied sich weder der Stil, noch der allgemeine Text, wirklich von anderen Büchern aus dem Genre. Das Ganze ließ mich unberührt und ich fieberte bis auf die letzten 50 Seiten eigentlich kaum mit. Es gab zwar immer diesen kleinen Funken Interesse daran, wie die Geschichte weitergeht und endet und was es mit dem Ganzen auf sich hat, aber letztendlich hielt das die Langeweile nicht in Schach. Sie strömte weiterhin auf mich ein und das Buch konnte mich somit leider nicht begeistern.
Einige Details der Geschichte waren auch wirklich nichts Neues. Bei der Auflösung einer gewissen Sache denkt man sich im ersten Moment vielleicht noch 'Oh, Scheiße!', aber schon beim nächsten Atemzug fällt einem auf, dass es irgendwie klar war, dass es so enden wird, weil es einfach so gut wie immer so ist. Ausgelutscht, Hauptsache auf Dramatik gebaut, nur leider... hat es nichts gebracht.
Ich hatte weder einen wirklichen Bezug zu den Figuren gehabt, noch hat mich das Leben von ihnen sonderlich interessiert. Es gab hin und wieder Charakterzüge, die wirklich toll waren, aber leider blieben die Hauptfiguren daneben ziemlich blass, worauf doch eigentlich der Fokus liegen sollte.
Die Hauptperson in diesem Buch weiß nichts über sich und vielleicht sollte man das in irgendeiner Form berücksichtigen, aber gerade dann, wenn die Person selbst nichts über sich sagen kann, weil ihr Gedächtnis verschwunden ist, kann man doch zumindest innerhalb der Geschichte immer mal wieder Besonderheiten einfließen lassen, die diese Person, die wir hier begleiten, authentisch werden lassen, die ihr irgendwie Leben einhauchen. Für mich war gerade die Hauptprotagonistin austauschbar und das ist eigentlich immer ein fettes Minus, wenn es um Romane aller Art geht. Das Mitgefühl bleibt aus, es könnte jeder sein und jeden kennen wir eben nicht. Und zu Leuten, die wir nicht kennen, haben wir keinen emotionalen Bezug. Schade, aber dieser Thriller konnte meinen Puls leider nicht zum höher schlagen anregen, bis auf ein zwei kleine Aktionen innerhalb der Geschichte, bei denen ich mir wirklich dachte: Na, das ist doch mal was! Leider reichen zwei Seiten von über 300 da aber nicht aus, um ein Buch als gut zu deklarieren.

novelheartbeat's review against another edition

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When I first heard about this book, I thought it sounded awesome. When it went up on Edelweiss, I downloaded it immediately. It was only after that I realized it was written in second person. My reaction: Uhh, second person, seriously? I don't even think I want to read it anymore... I was also afraid to read this book due to bad reviews it has (3.57 avg...ouch!), but I ended up being pleasantly surprised. For once I was the black sheep in a good way!

Despite being apprehensive of the second person, I thought it was pulled off fabulously! It really helped put YOU in the story, and it was very interesting because i've never seen a book written like that before.

The suspense ROCKED! You have absolutely no idea what's going on because the main character (or, "you") doesn't know. "You" also don't even know what your name is! The air of mystery had me completely hooked from page 1. Who is this girl? Where the heck did she come from and why can't she remember anything? What is this mysterious island that keeps popping up?!

This book is very short, which made for fast pacing. It grabbed on and didn't let go! I was intrigued about the story and eager to find out the truth.

I really liked the main character - she reminded me of me! But, I have to say that my favorite character was Izzy. She was awesome! I could totally see her and I being friends in real life. I liked Ben, too, but there was nothing that really stood out about him, and I just didn't feel the romance like I wanted to.

So, why only 3.5 heartbeats, Jessi?! Well, I don't feel as if the story itself really stood out. It doesn't separate itself from all the other stories like it in YA, despite being in 2nd person. I really enjoyed it while I was reading it, but as soon as I put it down it already started to fade away. I also didn't get much of any feeling out of any of it, sadly, other than anticipation.

Favorite quote

"You talk about it like it's a choice," you say. "Like you either deal with it or you don't."
"Isn't everything a choice?"
[...] Not everything is a choice. Some things choose you.

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.

minium785's review against another edition

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worst ending ever! Don't get sucked in.

cupcakegirly's review against another edition

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Review to come as part of the tour.

sarahpetherr's review against another edition

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Meh. 2nd person, I'm not sure I can deal with all the "yous."

that1creativelady's review against another edition

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Listening to this book on audio I got used to the 2nd person POV pretty quickly. What I didn't get used to was the annoying inflections at the end of each sentence. The sentences were very short and choppy, so I don't know if the narrator fell victim to this or if it was just how the narrator spoke. Either way it was annoying as hell. Book was okay though. JUST okay...